This extractor is for extracting in easy method without using commandline ,It is a set of commands which is written in batch script to speed up extraction of dat and IMG* files
(*Every image files can't be extracted with this extractor ,because image binary has its limit)
Python 2.7.x version must be installed , (latest build of 2.7.x, DO NOT USE PYTHON 3.x)
Java Development kit or JAVA SDK must be installed for ZIP signing
Added brotli support.
Repack for android nougat N does not works, The repack process is complicated and cannot be automated with the script better look for guide.
Repack of CM13, CM14 works fine- CM15 YET TO BE TESTED
Image repack does not works and will be removed from next script
Check xda thread for more INFO.
- Lineage OS help:
- SCRIPT : 1.0 (initial)
-> Extractor
- SCRIPT : 2.0
-> Exrtact & Repack
- SCRIPT : 3.0
-> Extract, Repack, System Unpck.
- SCRIPT :4.0 ~ 4.x
-> Extract, Repack, System Unpack , Sign ZIP, Brotli. Aready Uploaded New Script
git clone
darxmorph (Some fixes)
matrixex (Script)
And_PDA (Imagextractor binary)
xpirit ( script):
Latest Changelog