Chinese version readme 中文版本读我文档
First, load poker.js:
<script src="poker.min.js"></script>
Then there have 3 ways to create card by your choice
//insert a <img> to the end of body
//insert a <canvas> to the end of body
//get image data and store in variable pokerHQ
var pokerHQ = Poker.getCardData(60,'hearts','q');
<canvas id="myowncanvas" width="1280" height="720"></canvas>
var canvas = document.getElementById('myowncanvas').getContext('2d');
canvas.drawPokerCard(10, 10, 120, 'hearts', '6');
Poker.getCardImage (size, suit, point)
Poker.getCardCanvas (size, suit, point)
Poker.getCardData (size, suit, point)
canvas.drawPokerCard (x, y, size, suit, point)
x, y - The x, y coordinate of top left corner of card in canvas. Default value is 0, 0.
size - Height pixel of card. The ratio of card width and height is fixed to 3:4. Default value is 200.
suit - Poker suit. Value is case insensitive and should be one of below:
['h', 'hearts', 'd', 'diamonds', 's', 'spades', 'c', 'clubs']
'h', 'd', 's', 'c' are abbreviation
For joker, 'h' & 'd' means big joker, 's' & 'c' means little joker.
Default value is 'h'.
point - Card point. Value is case insensitive and should be one of below:
['A', 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'O', 'JOKER']
'O'(letter O) is abbreviation of 'JOKER'
Default value is 'O'.
document.body.appendChild(Poker.getCardCanvas(100, 'hearts', 'Q'));
canvas.drawPokerCard (0, 400, 100, 'hearts', 'joker');
canvas.drawPokerCard (0, 400, 100, 'hearts', 'Q');
Poker.getBackImage (size[, foregroundColor, backgroundColor])
Poker.getBackCanvas (size[, foregroundColor, backgroundColor])
Poker.getBackData (size[, foregroundColor, backgroundColor])
canvas.drawPokerBack (x, y, size[, foregroundColor, backgroundColor])
x, y - The x, y coordinate of top left corner of card in canvas. Default value is 0, 0.
size - Height pixel of card. The ratio of card width and height is fixed to 3:4. Default value is 200.
foregroundColor - Foreground color. Default value is '#BB5555'.
backgroundColor - Background color. Default value is '#AA2222'.
document.body.appendChild(Poker.getBackCanvas(300, '#7A7BB8', '#2E319C'));
canvas.drawPokerBack (10, 10, 300, '#b55', '#a22')
canvas.drawPokerBack (375, 400, 100, '#7A7BB8', '#2E319C');
************************ # Chinese version readme # 中文版本读我文档 ************************
首先,加载 poker.js
<script src="poker.min.js"></script>
var pokerHQ = Poker.getCardData(60,'hearts','q');
<canvas id="myowncanvas" width="1280" height="720"></canvas>
var canvas = document.getElementById('myowncanvas').getContext('2d');
canvas.drawPokerCard(10, 10, 120, 'hearts', '6');
Poker.getCardImage (size, suit, point)
Poker.getCardCanvas (size, suit, point)
Poker.getCardData (size, suit, point)
canvas.drawPokerCard (x, y, size, suit, point)
x, y - 牌的左上角在Canvas里的坐标。缺省值为0, 0。
size - 牌的象素高度。牌的宽高比固定为3:4。缺省值为200。
suit - 牌面花色。取值大小写不敏感,必须为下列[]内的值之一:
['h', 'hearts', 'd', 'diamonds', 's', 'spades', 'c', 'clubs']
值对应红桃,方块,黑桃,梅花, 'h', 'd', 's', 'c' 是缩略写法
point - 牌面点数。取值大小写不敏感,必须为下列[]内的值之一:
['A', 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'O', 'JOKER']
document.body.appendChild(Poker.getCardCanvas(100, 'hearts', 'Q'));
canvas.drawPokerCard (0, 400, 100, 'hearts', 'joker');
canvas.drawPokerCard (0, 400, 100, 'hearts', 'Q');
Poker.getBackImage (size[, foregroundColor, backgroundColor])
Poker.getBackCanvas (size[, foregroundColor, backgroundColor])
Poker.getBackData (size[, foregroundColor, backgroundColor])
canvas.drawPokerBack (x, y, size[, foregroundColor, backgroundColor]])
x, y - 牌的左上角在Canvas里的坐标。缺省值为0, 0。
size - 牌的象素高度。牌的宽高比固定为3:4。缺省值为200。
foregroundColor - 前景色。缺省值为'#BB5555'。
backgroundColor - 背景色。缺省值为'#AA2222'。
document.body.appendChild(Poker.getBackCanvas(300, '#7A7BB8', '#2E319C'));
canvas.drawPokerBack (10, 10, 300, '#b55', '#a22')
canvas.drawPokerBack (375, 400, 100, '#7A7BB8', '#2E319C');