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File metadata and controls

67 lines (59 loc) · 2.69 KB


Setup the development environment for this bundle (Linux/Ubuntu)

  1. Clone the bundle
cd /path/to/your/projects
git clone
  1. Install vendors
cd JsFormValidatorBundle
php composer.phar install --dev
  1. Install assests
Tests/app/console assets:install Tests/app
  1. Fix permissions
sudo chmod -R 0777 Tests/app/cache Tests/app/logs Resources/public/js/fp_js_validator.js
  1. Create a new virtual host and set the Tests/app directory as a root
  2. Restart apache
sudo service apache2 restart
  1. Copy the Tests/app/Resources/local_config.php.tpl file as local_config.php
  2. Open this file and change the host name to your own
  3. Run selenium. If you do not have it yet:
curl > selenium.jar
java -jar selenium.jar
  1. Run tests


Basically the bundle covered by functional selenium tests The main test case is placed in Tests/Functional/MainFunctionalTest.php It calls pages which are defined in Tests/TestBundles/DefaultTestBundle

The main idea of most tests is:

  1. create an action mytestAction in Tests/TestBundles/DefaultTestBundle/Controller/FunctionalTestsController.php with a form that has specified list of validation rules 1.1) use a general route to call this action test/{controller}/{type}/{js} 1.2) so, in your action you can get the $type and $js parameters 1.3) type variable can be used to check if the form should be filled out with valid or invalid data (1/0) 1.4) js variable - to check if JS should be enabled or disabled (1/0)
  2. bind valid values to the form (call with type = 1)
  3. call this form with disabled JS (native Symfony validation) and get the list of errors test/mytest/1/0 (1 - form is valid, 0 - js is disabled)
  4. call the form with enabled JS (here works our bundle) and get list of errors test/mytest/1/1 (1 - form is valid, 1- js is enabled)
  5. compare errors from #3 and #4 steps - they should be equal
  6. bind invalid values to the form (call with type = 0)
  7. repeat steps #3, #4, #5 (test/mytest/0/0 and test/mytest/0/0)

How to run tests on a real project


All the javascripts placed in the Resources/pulic/js folder All of them are merged and included by assetic bundle for the dev/test environments. The /Resources/public/js/fp_js_validator.js file is a merged library that uses as main included file. Thera no reason to edit this file becauset it is updated automatically each time when you run dev/test