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DO NOT MERGE – as a service

by wip10,339 installs

Supported languages

JavaScript, Ruby, C++, Python, PHP, Java, Go, C#, TypeScript, and CSS



Allow authors of pull requests to set status to pending while still working on it.

By default, the WIP app sets a pull request status to pending if it finds one of the following terms in its title

  • wip
  • work in progress
  • 🚧

The pro plan allows for configuration of both the terms and the locations that the app is looking for the terms. All revenue is donated to Processing | p5.js – one of the most diverse and impactful Open Source community there is.


The WIP app is open source and is meant as a reference implementation to help other integrators:

🤖📯Make sure to subscribe to the app updates.

Add/remove WIP in the pull request title to update the status

Pricing and setup

Block pull requests with "WIP" in title.


Make it work with your workflow.

$1/ month

For teams of 10 and more. Fair play.

$10/ month


Make it work with your workflow.

  • Configurable terms
  • Configurable locations: title, body, labels and/or commit messages
  • Support diversity in Open Source: all revenue donated to
$1/ month

Next: Confirm your installation location and payment information

WIP is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate privacy policy and support documentation