Log Changes
(1)If you use log, you should have a changelog.md
file (if you don't, it will be generated).
All your changes should be made through pull requests. log collects the titles of the last merged pull requests and creates a changelog and a release when you push a new tag to the origin.
name: 'publish'
- 'v*'
runs-on: 'ubuntu-latest'
contents: 'write'
pull-requests: 'read'
- uses: 'actions/checkout@v3'
- name: 'Publish Release'
uses: 'azurystudio/log@v1'
Name | Description | Default |
draft |
false |
prerelease |
Create the release as a prerelease. | false |
style |
Set the style of the changelog. This is a combination of the following options separated by a comma and space, e.g. author, description : description , author |
commit_message |
Set a custom commit message. If your message contains {tag} , it'll be automatically replaced with the tag name of the release. |
package: publish {tag} |
token |
GITHUB_TOKEN (permissions contents: write and pull-requests: read ) or a repo scoped Personal Access Token (PAT). |
Name | Example |
release_id |
1 |
tag_name |
v1.0.0 |
created_at |
2023-06-10T16:29:08.625Z |
release_body |
changelog_body |
Log Changes is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.