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Bitrise Build Runner

Run Bitrise build as a step in GitHub Actions workflow
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Bitrise Build Runner for GitHub Actions

This action runs a Bitrise build as a step in a GitHub Actions workflow job.

The action starts the Bitrise workflow, optionally collects the logs and prints them as they are written. If the GitHub job is canceled, the Bitrise workflow build will also be canceled. The user experience is the same as it would be if the logic were executed in the GitHub Actions job runner.



This action offers following inputs that you can use to configure its behavior.

  1. bitrise-app-slug (required) : A unique ID of Bitrise application. To find the slug:

    • Open Bitrise CI and select your project.
    • Once on the project's page, go to your browser's address bar.
      The URL will look like this:
    • Find the hexadecimal number after the /app/ section of the URL. That is your project's slug.

    Source doc

  2. bitrise-workflow (required) : The name of Bitrise workflow you want to run.

  3. bitrise-pipeline (optional) : The name of the pipeline you want to trigger. This is mutually exclusive with bitrise-workflow - you must specify either a workflow or a pipeline, but not both.

  4. listen (optional) : Stream the logs as the build is happening on Bitrise and wait for build completion. Defaults to false, meaning that action will only trigger the build.

  5. bitrise-token (required if listen is true or bitrise-build-trigger-token is not provided) : User-generated personal access token or Workspace API token.
    Make sure token has correct permissions to run builds and view their logs.

  6. bitrise-build-trigger-token (required if bitrise-token is not provided and listen is false) : Bitrise Build trigger token. To find the token:

    • Open your app on Bitrise.
    • On the main page of the app, click on the App Settings icon
    • Select Integrations
    • On the top of the Integrations page, select the Webhooks tab
    • Token is located in the Build trigger API section.

    If both bitrise-token and bitrise-build-trigger-token are specified, bitrise-token takes priority.

  7. update-interval (optional) :
    Applicable only when listen is set to true.
    Update interval as seconds for how often the API is called to check on the status.

    A higher value mitigates the chance of hitting API rate-limiting especially when running many instances of this action in parallel, but also introduces a larger potential time overhead (ranging from 0 to update interval) for the action to fetch the build result and finish.

    Lower value limits the potential time overhead worst case but it may hit the API rate-limit more often, depending on the use-case.

    The default value is 15.

  8. env-vars-for-bitrise (optional) : A comma-separated list of the names of environment variables that the action passes from GitHub Actions to Bitrise.

    This list is often the same or a subset of the list of environment variables that you define for GitHub actions in the env property.

    Note: These additional variables will be handled with priority between Secrets and App Env Vars, which means that you can not overwrite Environment Variables defined in your build configuration (for example, App Env Vars), only Secrets.

  9. stop-on-signals (optional) : Comma-separated list of signals that will cause any started builds to be stopped. The default value is SIGINT, which is what GitHub sends processes when a workflow is cancelled. This means you can use concurrency settings or other GitHub features that cause workflow cancellations without leaving orphan builds running. Set to an empty string to disable.

  10. skip-git-status-report (optional) : If you have a webhook set up, Bitrise will send status reports to GitHub about your builds. If this field is set to true, no build status report will be sent.
    Defaults to false.

  11. repository-override (optional) :
    By default, this action retrieves branch, commit and repo information from the current github context. In some cases, it is to launch workflow for the different commit and branch.
    repository-override can be used if workflow is associated with another repository. It should match Repository URL from Bitrise App settings, and can't be used to change repository associated with workflow.

  12. branch-override (optional) : By default, this action retrieves branch, commit and repo information from the current github context. In some cases, it is needed to launch workflow for the different commit and branch, as well as workflows associated with another repository.
    branch-override overrides branch provided to Bitrise. If specified, Bitrise will use the head commit for this branch, unless commit-override is provided.

  13. commit-override (optional) : If specified, tells Bitrise to use this commit hash for the build.

By default, regardless of the project configuration in Bitrise or GitHub Actions, the following parameters and values are always passed to Bitrise in the API call.

Bitrise value GitHub value Bitrise default
commit_hash The commit that triggered the workflow Head commit of the default / specified branch
branch Current branch: context.ref or pull_request.head.ref Default branch from Bitrise App settings

Use commit-override and branch-override to override the values above.

Note that Bitrise uses Repository URL from Bitrise App settings as the current repo. To change repository used in workflow steps (and other properties), you can override Bitrise default envs (like GIT_REPOSITORY_URL) using env-vars-for-bitrise option.


  1. bitrise-build-id : The Bitrise build ID of the build that the action ran.
  2. bitrise-build-url : The Bitrise Build url for the build.


These examples show how you can define a step in a workflow job. For more information about GitHub Actions workflow syntax, see the GitHub docs.

- name: Run Bitrise build
  uses: p-mazhnik/bitrise-run-build@v1
    bitrise-app-slug: bitrise-app-id
    bitrise-token: ${{ secrets.BITRISE_TOKEN }}
    bitrise-workflow: primary
    listen: true

The following example demonstrates how to trigger Bitrise build without waiting for logs and result:

- name: Trigger Bitrise build
  uses: p-mazhnik/bitrise-run-build@v1
    bitrise-app-slug: bitrise-app-id
    bitrise-build-trigger-token: ${{ secrets.BITRISE_BUILD_TOKEN }}
    # alternatively, provide 'bitrise-token':
    # bitrise-token: ${{ secrets.BITRISE_TOKEN }}
    bitrise-workflow: primary
    listen: false

The following configuration tells action to send all the environment variables defined in the env: list to Bitrise.

- name: Run Bitrise build
  uses: p-mazhnik/bitrise-run-build@v1
    bitrise-app-slug: bitrise-app-id
    bitrise-workflow: primary
    listen: false
    bitrise-build-trigger-token: ${{ secrets.BITRISE_BUILD_TOKEN }}
    env-vars-for-bitrise: |
    CUSTOM: my environment variable
    GIT_REPOSITORY_URL: [email protected]:p-mazhnik/repo.git # tell Clone step to use different repo

To run Bitrise workflow associated with another repo:

- name: Run Bitrise workflow associated with another repo
  uses: p-mazhnik/bitrise-run-build@v1
    bitrise-app-slug: bitrise-app-id-2
    bitrise-workflow: primary
    listen: false
    bitrise-token: ${{ secrets.BITRISE_TOKEN }}
    branch-override: dev

To run Bitrise pipeline:

- name: Run Bitrise pipeline
  uses: p-mazhnik/bitrise-run-build@v1
    bitrise-app-slug: bitrise-app-id-2
    bitrise-pipeline: primary
    listen: false
    bitrise-token: ${{ secrets.BITRISE_TOKEN }}
    branch-override: dev

Implementation Notes

Bitrise API is used to trigger the workflow.

If listen is true, the action waits for the build to complete while logging everything written to the build's logs. If the status value in the Build details response is 1, the action succeeds. Otherwise, it fails.


This action was inspired by the following projects:


This software is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License. A copy of this license is included in the LICENSE file.

Bitrise Build Runner is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Run Bitrise build as a step in GitHub Actions workflow

Bitrise Build Runner is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.