Aquest repositori va ser creat amb la intenció d'ajudar als desenvolupadors a dominar els seus conceptes en JavaScript. És més aviat una guia per a futurs estudis que no pas un requisit. Està basat en un article escrit per Stephen Curtis que pots llegir aquí.
🚀 Considetat per GitHub com un dels millors projectes de codi lliure del 2018!
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Totes les traduccions per aquest repositori es llisten a continuació:
- Shqip (Albanian) — Eldrin Ereqi
- اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ(Arabic) — Amr Elsekilly
- 汉语 (Chinese) — Re Tian
- Português do Brasil (Brazilian Portuguese) — Tiago Boeing
- 한국어 (Korean) — Suin Lee
- Español (Spanish) — Adonis Mendoza
- Türkçe (Turkish) — İlker Demir
- русский язык (Russian) — Mihail Gumennii
- Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese) — Nguyễn Trần Chung
- Polski (Polish) — Dawid Lipinski
- فارسی (Persian) — Majid Alavizadeh
- Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) — Rijdzuan Sampoerna
- Français (French) — Robin Métral
- हिन्दी (Hindi) — Vikas Chauhan
- Ελληνικά (Greek) — Dimitris Zarachanis
- 日本語 (Japanese) — oimo23
- Deutsch (German) — burhannn
- украї́нська мо́ва (Ukrainian) — Andrew Savetchuk
- සිංහල (Sinhala) — Udaya Shamendra
- Italiano (Italian) — Gianluca Fiore
- Malagasy (Madagascar) — Chrys Rakotonimanana
- Català (Catalan) — Mario Estrada
- Pila d'Execució
- Tipus Primitius
- Tipus de Valors i Tipus de Referència
- Implícit, Explícit, Nominal, Estructuració i Duck Typing
- == vs === vs typeof
- Abast de Funció, Àmbit de Bloc i Abast Lèxic
- Expresió vs Sentència
- IIFE, Mòduls i Namespaces
- Cúa de Missatges i Loop d'Events
- setTimeout, setInterval i requestAnimationFrame
- Motors JavaScript
- Operadors Bitwise, Tipus i Buffers d'Array
- DOM i Disseny d'Arbre
- Factories i Classes
- this, call, apply i bind
- new, Constructor, instanceof i Instances
- Herència i Cadena de Prototipus
- Object.create i Object.assign
- map, reduce, filter
- Funcions Pures, Efectes Laterals, Mutació d'Estat i Propagació d'Events
- Closures
- Funcións d'Ordre Superior
- Recursivitat
- Col·leccions i Generadors
- Promeses
- async/await
- Estructures de dades
- Operacions Costoses i Notació Big O
- Algorismes
- Herència, Polimorfisme i Reutilització de Codi
- Patrons de disseny
- Aplicacions Parcials, Currying, Compose i Pipe
- Codi net
- 📜 Understanding Javascript Call Stack, Event Loops — Gaurav Pandvia
- 📜 Understanding the JavaScript Call Stack — Charles Freeborn
- 📜 Javascript: What Is The Execution Context? What Is The Call Stack? — Valentino Gagliardi
- 📜 What is the JS Event Loop and Call Stack? — Jess Telford
- 📜 Understanding Execution Context and Execution Stack in Javascript — Sukhjinder Arora
- 📜 How JavaScript Works: An Overview of the Engine, the Runtime, and the Call Stack — Alexander Zlatkov
- 📜 The Ultimate Guide to Execution Contexts, Hoisting, Scopes, and Closures in JavaScript — Tyler McGinnis
- 📜 How JavaScript Works Under The Hood: An Overview of JavaScript Engine, Heap and, Call Stack — Bipin Rajbhar
- 🎥 Javascript: the Call Stack explained — Coding Blocks India
- 🎥 The JS Call Stack Explained In 9 Minutes — Colt Steele
- 🎥 What is the Call Stack? — Eric Traub
- 🎥 The Call Stack — Kevin Drumm
- 🎥 Understanding JavaScript Execution — Codesmith
- 🎥 The Ultimate Guide to Execution Contexts, Hoisting, Scopes, and Closures in JavaScript — Tyler McGinnis
- 🎥 What the heck is the event loop anyway? — Philip Roberts
- 🎥 La PILA DE EJECUCIÓN (Call Stack) de JavaScript — La Cocina del Código
- 🎥 How JavaScript Code is executed? ❤️& Call Stack — Akshay Saini
- 📜 How numbers are encoded in JavaScript — Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
- 📜 What You Need to Know About JavaScript Number Type — Max Wizard K
- 📜 What Every JavaScript Developer Should Know About Floating Point Numbers — Chewxy
- 📜 The Secret Life of JavaScript Primitives — Angus Croll
- 📜 Primitive Types — Flow
- 📜 (Not) Everything in JavaScript is an Object — Daniel Li
- 📜 JavaScript data types and data structures — MDN
- 📜 Diving Deeper in JavaScripts Objects — Arfat Salman
- 📜 The differences between Object.freeze() vs Const in JavaScript — Bolaji Ayodeji
- 📜 Object to primitive conversion —
- 🎥 JavaScript Reference vs Primitive Types — Academind
- 🎥 JavaScript Primitive Types — Simon Sez IT
- 🎥 Value Types and Reference Types in JavaScript — Programming with Mosh
- 🎥 JavaScript Primitive Data Types — Avelx
- 🎥 Everything you never wanted to know about JavaScript numbers — Bartek Szopka
- 🎥 What are variables in Javascript? — JS For Everyone
- 📜 Explaining Value vs. Reference in Javascript — Arnav Aggarwal
- 📜 Primitive Types & Reference Types in JavaScript — Bran van der Meer
- 📜 Value Types, Reference Types and Scope in JavaScript — Ben Aston
- 📜 Back to roots: JavaScript Value vs Reference — Miro Koczka
- 📜 Grasp “By Value” and “By Reference” in JavaScript — Léna Faure
- 📜 JavaScript Reference and Copy Variables — Vítor Capretz
- 📜 JavaScript Primitive vs Reference Values
- 📜 JavaScript by Reference vs. by Value — nrabinowitz
- 📜 JavaScript Interview Prep: Primitive vs. Reference Types — Mike Cronin
- 🎥 Javascript Pass by Value vs Pass by Reference — techsith
- 🎥 JavaScript Value vs Reference Types — Programming with Mosh
- 🎥 VALORES vs REFERENCIAS en JAVASCRIPT - La Cocina del Código
- 📜 What you need to know about Javascript's Implicit Coercion — Promise Tochi
- 📜 JavaScript Type Coercion Explained — Alexey Samoshkin
- 📜 Javascript Coercion Explained — Ben Garrison
- 📜 What exactly is Type Coercion in Javascript? - Stack Overflow
- 🎥 == ? === ??? ...#@^% - Shirmung Bielefeld
- 🎥 Coercion in Javascript - Hitesh Choudhary
- 🎥 JavaScript Questions: What is Coercion? - Steven Hancock
- 🎥 Typing: Static vs Dynamic, Weak vs. Strong - Codexpanse
- 🎥 EL SISTEMA de TIPOS DE JAVASCRIPT - La Cocina del Código
- 📜 JavaScript Double Equals vs. Triple Equals — Brandon Morelli
- 📜 Should I use === or == equality comparison operator in JavaScript? — Panu Pitkamaki
- 📜 == vs === JavaScript: Double Equals and Coercion — AJ Meyghani
- 📜 Why Use the Triple-Equals Operator in JavaScript? — Louis Lazaris
- 📜 What is the difference between == and === in JavaScript? — Craig Buckler
- 📜 Why javascript's typeof always return "object"? — Stack Overflow
- 📜 Checking Types in Javascript — Toby Ho
- 📜 How to better check data types in JavaScript — Webbjocke
- 📜 Checking for the Absence of a Value in JavaScript — Tomer Aberbach
- 📜 JavaScript Functions — Understanding The Basics — Brandon Morelli
- 📜 The battle between Function Scope and Block Scope — Marius Herring
- 📜 Functions in JavaScript - Deepa Pandey
- 📜 Emulating Block Scope in JavaScript — Josh Clanton
- 📜 The Difference Between Function and Block Scope in JavaScript — Joseph Cardillo
- 📜 Function Scopes and Block Scopes in JavaScript — Samer Buna
- 📜 Understanding Scope and Context in JavaScript — Ryan Morr
- 📜 JavaScript Scope and Closures — Zell Liew
- 📜 Understanding Scope in JavaScript — Wissam Abirached
- 📜 Speaking JavaScript - Variables: Scopes, Environments, and Closures — Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
- 📜 Understanding Scope in JavaScript ― Hammad Ahmed
- 📜 When to use a function declaration vs. a function expression ― Amber Wilkie
- 📜 A JavaScript Fundamentals Cheat Sheet: Scope, Context, and “this” ― Alexandra Fren
- 📜 Functions / Function scope ― MDN
- 🎥 What Makes Javascript Weird ... and Awesome pt. 4 —
- 🎥 Variable Scope in JavaScript — Kirupa Chinnathambi
- 🎥 JavaScript Block Scope and Function Scope — mmtuts
- 🎥 What the Heck is Lexical Scope? — NWCalvank
- 🎥 Variable Scope — Steve Griffith
- 📜 All you need to know about Javascript's Expressions, Statements and Expression Statements — Promise Tochi
- 📜 Function Expressions vs Function Declarations — Paul Wilkins
- 📜 JavaScript Function — Declaration vs Expression — Ravi Roshan
- 📜 Function Declarations vs. Function Expressions — Mandeep Singh
- 📜 Function Declarations vs. Function Expressions — Anguls Croll
- 🎥 Expressions vs. Statements in JavaScript — Hexlet
- 🎥 JavaScript - Expression vs. Statement — WebTunings
- 📜 Mastering Immediately-Invoked Function Expressions ― Chandra Gundamaraju
- 📜 Do ES6 Modules make the case of IIFEs obsolete?
- 📜 A 10 minute primer to JavaScript modules, module formats, module loaders and module bundlers ― Jurgen Van de Moere
- 📜 Modules ― Exploring JS
- 📜 ES modules: A cartoon deep-dive — Lin Clark
- 📜 Understanding ES6 Modules — Craig Buckler
- 📜 An overview of ES6 Modules in JavaScript — Brent Graham
- 📜 ES6 Modules in Depth — Nicolás Bevacqua
- 📜 ES6 modules, Node.js and the Michael Jackson Solution — Alberto Gimeno
- 📜 JavaScript Modules: A Beginner’s Guide — Preethi Kasireddy
- 📜 Using JavaScript modules on the web — Addy Osmani & Mathias Bynens
- 📜 IIFE: Immediately Invoked Function Expressions — Parwinder
- 📜 Javascript Module Bundlers — Vanshu Hassija
- 🎥 Immediately Invoked Function Expression - Beau teaches JavaScript — freeCodeCamp
- 🎥 Understanding JavaScript IIFE — Sheo Narayan
- 🎥 JavaScript Modules: ES6 Import and Export — Kyle Robinson
- 🎥 ES6 - Modules — Ryan Christiani
- 🎥 ES6 Modules in the Real World — Sam Thorogood
- 🎥 ES6 Modules — TempleCoding
- 🎥 JavaScript IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expressions) — Steve Griffith
- 📜 JavaScript Event Loop Explained — Anoop Raveendran
- 📜 The JavaScript Event Loop: Explained — Erin Sweson-Healey
- 📜 Understanding JS: The Event Loop — Alexander Kondov
- 📜 Understanding the JavaScript Event Loop — Ashish Gupta
- 📜 The JavaScript Event Loop — Flavio Copes
- 📜 How JavaScript works: Event loop — Alexander Zlatkov
- 📜 Tasks, microtasks, queues and schedules — Jake Archibald
- 📜 Visualising the JavaScript Event Loop with a Pizza Restaurant analogy — Priyansh Jain
- 📜 JavaScript Visualized: Event Loop — Lydia Hallie
- 🎥 What the heck is the event loop anyway? | JSConf EU — Philip Roberts
- 🎥 JavaScript Event Loop — ComScience Simplified
- 🎥 I'm stuck in an Event Loop — Philip Roberts
- 🎥 In The Loop - Jake Archibald | JSConf.Asia 2018
- 🎥 Desmitificando el Event Loop (Spanish)
- 📜 setTimeout and setInterval — JavaScript.Info
- 📜 Why not to use setInterval — Akanksha Sharma
- 📜 setTimeout VS setInterval — Develoger
- 📜 Using requestAnimationFrame — Chris Coyier
- 📜 Understanding JavaScript's requestAnimationFrame() — JavaScript Kit
- 📜 Handling time intervals in JavaScript - Amit Merchant
- 🎥 Javascript: How setTimeout and setInterval works — Coding Blocks India
- 🎥 setTimeout and setInterval in JavaScript — techsith
- 🎥 JavaScript Timers — Steve Griffith
- 🎥 JavaScript setTimeOut and setInterval Explained — Theodore Anderson
- 📜 JavaScript Engines — Jen Looper
- 📜 Understanding How the Chrome V8 Engine Translates JavaScript into Machine Code — DroidHead
- 📜 Understanding V8’s Bytecode — Franziska Hinkelmann
- 📜 A Brief History of Google’s V8 Javascript Engine — Clair Smith
- 📜 JavaScript essentials: why you should know how the engine works - Rainer Hahnekamp
- 📜 JavaScript engine fundamentals: Shapes and Inline Caches
- 📜 JavaScript engine fundamentals: optimizing prototypes
- 📜 How V8 optimizes array operations
- 🎥 JavaScript Engines: The Good Parts™ — Mathias Bynens & Benedikt Meurer
- 🎥 JS Engine EXPOSED 🔥 Google's V8 Architecture 🚀 | Namaste JavaScript Ep. 16 - Akshay Saini
- 📜 Programming with JS: Bitwise Operations — Alexander Kondov
- 📜 Using JavaScript’s Bitwise Operators in Real Life — ian m
- 📜 JavaScript Bitwise Operators — w3resource
- 📜 Bitwise Operators in Javascript — Joe Cha
- 📜 A Comprehensive Primer on Binary Computation and Bitwise Operators in Javascript — Paul Brown
- 📜 How can I understand Bitwise operation in JavaScript?
- 📜 How To Understand and Modify the DOM in JavaScript — Tania Rascia
- 📜 What’s the Document Object Model, and why you should know how to use it — Leonardo Maldonado
- 📜 JavaScript DOM Tutorial with Example — Guru99
- 📜 What is the DOM? — Chris Coyier
- 📜 Traversing the DOM with JavaScript — Zell Liew
- 📜 DOM Tree
- 📜 How to traverse the DOM in Javascript — Vojislav Grujić
- 📜 Render Tree Construction — Ilya Grigorik
- 📜 What exactly is the DOM?
- 📜 How To Use Classes in JavaScript — Tania Rascia
- 📜 Javascript Classes — Under The Hood — Majid
- 📜 ES6 Classes — Nathaniel Foster
- 📜 Better JavaScript with ES6, Pt. II: A Deep Dive into Classes ― Peleke Sengstacke
- 📜 Understand the Factory Design Pattern in Plain JavaScript — Aditya Agarwal
- 📜 Factory Functions in JavaScript — Josh Miller
- 📜 The Factory Pattern in JS ES6 — SnstsDev
- 📜 Class vs Factory function: exploring the way forward — Cristi Salcescu
- 📜 How ES6 classes really work and how to build your own — Robert Grosse
- 📜 Understanding
in JavaScript - 📜 An Easy Guide To Understanding Classes In JavaScript
- 🎥 JavaScript Factory Functions — Programming with Mosh
- 🎥 Factory Functions in JavaScript — Fun Fun Function
- 🎥 Javascript Tutorial Function Factories — Crypto Chan
- 📜 Grokking call(), apply() and bind() methods in JavaScript — Aniket Kudale
- 📜 How-to: call() , apply() and bind() in JavaScript — Niladri Sekhar Dutta
- 📜 JavaScript’s Apply, Call, and Bind Methods are Essential for JavaScript Professionals — Richard Bovell
- 📜 WTF is this - Understanding the this keyword, call, apply, and bind in JavaScript — Tyler McGinnis
- 📜 Javascript: call(), apply() and bind() — Omer Goldberg
- 📜 The difference between call / apply / bind — Ivan Sifrim
- 📜 What the hack is call, apply, bind in JavaScript — Ritik
- 📜 Mastering 'this' in JavaScript: Callbacks and bind(), apply(), call() — Michelle Gienow
- 📜 JavaScript’s apply, call, and bind explained by hosting a cookout — Kevin Kononenko
- 📜 How AND When to use bind, call, and apply in Javascript — Eigen X
- 📜 Let me explain to you what is
. (Javascript) — Jason Yu - 📜 Understanding the “this” Keyword in JavaScript — Pavan
- 📜 How to understand the keyword this and context in JavaScript — Lukas Gisder-Dubé
- 📜 What the heck is this in Javascript? — Hridayesh Sharma
- 📜 This and Bind In Javascript — Brian Barbour
- 📜 3 Techniques for Maintaining Your Sanity Using "This" in JavaScript — Carl
- 📜 Mastering the JavaScript "this" Keyword — Aakash Srivastav
- 📜 This binding in JavaScript – 4. New binding — Spyros Argalias
- 📜 A quick intro to 'this' in JavaScript — Natalie Smith
- 📜 Explaining JavaScript 'this' to my cat — Andrey K
- 📜 A conversation with the 'this' keyword in Javascript — Karen Efereyan
- 📜 What are call(), apply() and bind() in JavaScript — Amitav Mishra
- 📜 Understanding 'this' binding in JavaScript — Yasemin Cidem
- 🎥 JavaScript call, apply and bind — techsith
- 🎥 JavaScript Practical Applications of Call, Apply and Bind functions— techsith
- 🎥 JavaScript (call, bind, apply) — curious aatma
- 🎥 Understanding Functions and 'this' In The World of ES2017 — Bryan Hughes
- 🎥 bind and this - Object Creation in JavaScript - FunFunFunction
- 🎥 JS Function Methods call(), apply(), and bind() — Steve Griffith
- 📜 JavaScript For Beginners: the ‘new’ operator — Brandon Morelli
- 📜 Let’s demystify JavaScript’s ‘new’ keyword — Cynthia Lee
- 📜 Constructor, operator "new" — JavaScript.Info
- 📜 Understanding JavaScript Constructors — Faraz Kelhini
- 📜 Use Constructor Functions — Openclassrooms
- 📜 Beyond
: simplifying dynamic type checks — Dr. Axel Rauschmayer - 📜 What Is the Instanceof Operator in JavaScript — appendTo
- 📜 Function and Object, instances of each other — Kiro Risk
- 📜 Javascript : Prototype vs Class — Valentin PARSY
- 📜 JavaScript engine fundamentals: optimizing prototypes — Mathias Bynens
- 📜 JavaScript Prototype — NC Patro
- 📜 Prototype in Javascript — Sandeep Ranjan
- 📜 Prototypes in JavaScript — Rupesh Mishra
- 📜 Prototype in JavaScript: it’s quirky, but here’s how it works — Pranav Jindal
- 📜 Understanding JavaScript: Prototype and Inheritance — Alexander Kondov
- 📜 Understanding Classes (ES5) and Prototypal Inheritance in JavaScript — Hridayesh Sharma
- 📜 prototype, proto and Prototypal inheritance in JavaScript — Varun Dey
- 📜 Prototypal Inheritance — JavaScript.Info
- 📜 How To Work with Prototypes and Inheritance in JavaScript — Tania Rascia
- 📜 Master JavaScript Prototypes & Inheritance — Arnav Aggarwal
- 📜 JavaScript’s Prototypal Inheritance Explained Using CSS — Nash Vail
- 📜 Prototypal Inheritance in JavaScript — Jannis Redmann
- 📜 Demystifying ES6 Classes And Prototypal Inheritance ― Neo Ighodaro
- 📜 Intro To Prototypal Inheritance — Dharani Jayakanthan
- 📜 Let’s Build Prototypal Inheritance in JS — var-che
- 📜 Objects, Prototypes and Classes in JavaScript — Atta
- 📜 The magical world of JavaScript prototypes — Belén
- 📜 Understanding Prototypal Inheritance In JavaScript — Lawrence Eagles
- 📜 Objects and Prototypes in JavaScript — Irena Popova
- 🎥 Javascript Prototype Inheritance — Avelx
- 🎥 JavaScript Prototype Inheritance Explained pt. I — techsith
- 🎥 JavaScript Prototype Inheritance Explained pt. II — techsith
- 🎥 JavaScript Prototype Inheritance Explained — Kyle Robinson
- 🎥 Advanced Javascript - Prototypal Inheritance In 1 Minute
- 🎥 An Overview Of Classical Javascript Classes and Prototypal Inheritance — Pentacode
- 🎥 Object Oriented JavaScript - Prototype — The Net Ninja
- 🎥 Prototype in JavaScript — kudvenkat
- 🎥 JavaScript Using Prototypes — O'Reilly
- 🎥 A Beginner's Guide to Javascript's Prototype — Tyler Mcginnis
- 🎥 Prototypes in Javascript - p5.js Tutorial — The Coding Train
- 📜 Object.create in JavaScript — Rupesh Mishra
- 📜 Object.create(): the New Way to Create Objects in JavaScript — Rob Gravelle
- 📜 Basic Inheritance with Object.create — Joshua Clanton
- 📜 Object.create() In JavaScript — GeeksforGeeks
- 📜 Understanding the difference between Object.create() and the new operator — Jonathan Voxland
- 📜 JavaScript Object Creation: Patterns and Best Practices — Jeff Mott
- 📜 Dealing With Objects in JavaScript With Object.assign, Object.keys and hasOwnProperty
- 📜 Copying Objects in JavaScript ― Orinami Olatunji
- 📜 JavaScript: Object.assign() — Thiago S. Adriano
- 📜 How to deep clone a JavaScript Object — Flavio Copes
- 📜 Object.create(): When and Why to Use — VZing
- 📜 JavaScript Functional Programming — map, filter and reduce — Bojan Gvozderac
- 📜 Learn map, filter and reduce in Javascript — João Miguel Cunha
- 📜 JavaScript’s Map, Reduce, and Filter — Dan Martensen
- 📜 How to Use Map, Filter, & Reduce in JavaScript — Peleke Sengstacke
- 📜 JavaScript — Learn to Chain Map, Filter, and Reduce — Brandon Morelli
- 📜 Javascript data structure with map, reduce, filter and ES6 — Deepak Gupta
- 📜 Understanding map, filter and reduce in Javascript — Luuk Gruijs
- 📜 Functional Programming in JS: map, filter, reduce (Pt. 5) — Omer Goldberg
- 📜 JavaScript: Map, Filter, Reduce — William S. Vincent
- 📜 Arrow Functions: Fat and Concise Syntax in JavaScript — Kyle Pennell
- 📜 JavaScript: Arrow Functions for Beginners — Brandon Morelli
- 📜 When (and why) you should use ES6 arrow functions — and when you shouldn’t — Cynthia Lee
- 📜 JavaScript — Learn & Understand Arrow Functions — Brandon Morelli
- 📜 (JavaScript )=> Arrow functions — sigu
- 📜 Javascript.reduce() — Paul Anderson
- 📜 Why you should replace forEach with map and filter in JavaScript — Roope Hakulinen
- 📜 Simplify your JavaScript – Use .map(), .reduce(), and .filter() — Etienne Talbot
- 📜 JavaScript’s Reduce Method Explained By Going On a Diet — Kevin Kononenko
- 📜 Difference between map, filter and reduce in JavaScript — Amirata Khodaparast
- 📜 Map⇄Filter⇄Reduce↻ — ashay mandwarya
- 📜 Finding Your Way With .map() — Brandon Wozniewicz
- 📜 How to write your own map, filter and reduce functions in JavaScript — Hemand Nair
- 📜 How to Manipulate Arrays in JavaScript — Bolaji Ayodeji
- 📜 How to simplify your codebase with map(), reduce(), and filter() in JavaScript — Alex Permyakov
- 📜 .map(), .filter(), and .reduce() — Andy Pickle
- 📜 Map/Filter/Reduce Crash Course — Chris Achard
- 📜 Map, Filter and Reduce – Animated — JavaScript Teacher
- 📜 Map, Filter, Reduce and others Arrays Iterators You Must Know to Become an Algorithms Wizard — Mauro Bono
- 📜 How to Use JavaScript’s .map, .filter, and .reduce — Avery Duffin
- 📜 Javascript performance test - for vs for each vs (map, reduce, filter, find) — Deepak Gupta
- 📜 Using .map(), .filter() and .reduce() properly — Sasanka Kudagoda
- 📜 Mastering the JavaScript Reduce method ✂️ — sanderdebr
- 📜 JavaScript Map – How to Use the JS .map() Function (Array Method) — FreeCodeCamp
- 🎥 Map, Filter and Reduce — Lydia Hallie
- 🎥 Functional JavaScript: Map, forEach, Reduce, Filter — Theodore Anderson
- 🎥 JavaScript Array superpowers: Map, Filter, Reduce (part I) — Michael Rosata
- 🎥 JavaScript Array superpowers: Map, Filter, Reduce (part 2) — Michael Rosata
- 🎥 JavaScript Higher Order Functions - Filter, Map, Sort & Reduce — Epicop
- 🎥 [Array Methods 2/3] .filter + .map + .reduce — CodeWithNick
- 🎥 Arrow functions in JavaScript - What, Why and How — Fun Fun Function
- 🎥 Learning Functional Programming with JavaScript — Anjana Vakil - JSUnconf
- 🎥 Map - Parte 2 JavaScript - Fun Fun Function
- 🎥 Reduce basics - Part 3 of FP in JavaScript - Fun Fun Function
- 🎥 Reduce Advanced - Part 4 of FP in JavaScript - Fun Fun Function
- 🎥 reduce Array Method | JavaScript Tutorial - Florin Pop
- 🎥 map Array Method | JavaScript Tutorial - Florin Pop
- 🎥 Different array methods in 1 minute | Midudev (Spanish)
- 📜 Javascript and Functional Programming — Pure Functions — Omer Goldberg
- 📜 Master the JavaScript Interview: What is a Pure Function? — Eric Elliott
- 📜 JavaScript: What Are Pure Functions And Why Use Them? — James Jeffery
- 📜 Pure functions in JavaScript — @nicoespeon
- 📜 Functional Programming: Pure Functions — Arne Brasseur
- 📜 Pure Functions In Javascript — Krunal
- 📜 Making your JavaScript Pure — Jack Franklin
- 📜 Arrays, Objects and Mutations — Federico Knüssel
- 📜 The State of Immutability — Maciej Sikora
- 📜 Hablemos de Inmutabilidad — Kike Sanchez
- 📜 How to deal with dirty side effects in your pure functional JavaScript — James Sinclair
- 📜 Preventing Side Effects in JavaScript — David Walsh
- 📜 Wielding Pure Functions in JavaScript and Function Composition — Peleke Sengstacke
- 📜 JavaScript: Pure Functions — William S. Vincent
- 📜 Functional programming paradigms in modern JavaScript: Pure functions — Alexander Kondov
- 📜 Understanding Javascript Mutation and Pure Functions — Chidume Nnamdi
- 📜 Functional-ish JavaScript — Daniel Brain
- 📜 Event Propagation — MDN
- 📜 Event Propagation — Bubbling and capturing
- 🎥 Pure Functions — Hexlet
- 🎥 Pure Functions - Functional Programming in JavaScript — Paul McBride
- 🎥 JavaScript Pure Functions — Seth Alexander
- 🎥 JavaScript Pure vs Impure Functions Explained — Theodore Anderson
- 🎥 Pure Functions - Programação Funcional: Parte 1 - Fun Fun Function
- 🎥 Event Propagation - JavaScript Event Bubbling and Propagation - Steve Griffith
- 📜 I never understood JavaScript closures — Olivier De Meulder
- 📜 Understand JavaScript Closures With Ease — Richard Bovell
- 📜 Understanding JavaScript Closures — Codesmith
- 📜 Understand Closures in JavaScript — Brandon Morelli
- 📜 A simple guide to help you understand closures in JavaScript — Prashant Ram
- 📜 Understanding JavaScript Closures: A Practical Approach — Paul Upendo
- 📜 Understanding JavaScript: Closures — Alexander Kondov
- 📜 How to use JavaScript closures with confidence — Léna Faure
- 📜 JavaScript closures by example — tyler
- 📜 JavaScript — Closures and Scope — Alex Aitken
- 📜 Discover the power of closures in JavaScript — Cristi Salcescu
- 📜 The Ultimate Guide to Hoisting, Scopes, and Closures in JavaScript — Tyler McGinnis
- 📜 Getting Closure — RealLifeJS
- 📜 Closure, Currying and IIFE in JavaScript — Ritik
- 📜 Understanding Closures in JavaScript — Sukhjinder Arora
- 📜 A basic guide to Closures in JavaScript — Parathan Thiyagalingam
- 📜 Closures: Using Memoization — Brian Barbour
- 📜 A Brief Introduction to Closures and Lexical Scoping in JavaScript — Ashutosh K Singh
- 📜 Demystify Closures — stereobooster
- 📜 Scopes and Closures - JavaScript Concepts — Agney Menon
- 📜 Understanding Closures in JavaScript — Matt Popovich
- 📜 · A Closure - Dan Abramov
- 📜 Closures in JavaScript can... - Brandon LeBoeuf
- 🎥 JavaScript The Hard Parts: Closure, Scope & Execution Context - Codesmith
- 🎥 Javascript Closure — techsith
- 🎥 Closures — Fun Fun Function
- 🎥 Closures in JavaScript — techsith
- 🎥 JavaScript Closures 101: What is a closure? — JavaScript Tutorials
- 🎥 Closures — freeCodeCamp
- 🎥 JavaScript Closures — CodeWorkr
- 🎥 Closures in JS - Akshay Saini
- 🎥 CLOSURES en JavaScript: Qué son y cómo funcionan - Carlos Azaustre
- 📜 Higher-Order Functions in JavaScript — M. David Green
- 📜 Higher Order Functions: Using Filter, Map and Reduce for More Maintainable Code — Guido Schmitz
- 📜 First-class and Higher Order Functions: Effective Functional JavaScript — Hugo Di Francesco
- 📜 Higher Order Functions in JavaScript — John Hannah
- 📜 Fun With Higher Order Functions In JavaScript — Derick
- 📜 Just a reminder on how to use high order functions — Pedro Filho
- 📜 Understanding Higher-Order Functions in JavaScript — Sukhjinder Arora
- 📜 Higher Order Functions - A pragmatic approach — emmanuel ikwuoma
- 🎥 JavaScript Higher Order Functions & Arrays — Traversy Media
- 🎥 Higher Order Functions — Fun Fun Function
- 🎥 Higher Order Functions in Javascript — Raja Yogan
- 🎥 Higher Order Iterators in JavaScript — Fun Fun Function
- 🎥 Higher Order Functions in JavaScript — The Coding Train
- 🎥 Part 1: An Introduction to Callbacks and Higher Order Functions - Codesmith
- 🎥 Part 2: Understanding Why We Need Higher Order Functions - Codesmith
- 🎥 Higher-Order Functions ft. Functional Programming - Akshay Saini
- 📜 Recursion in JavaScript — Kevin Ennis
- 📜 Understanding Recursion in JavaScript — Zak Frisch
- 📜 Learn and Understand Recursion in JavaScript — Brandon Morelli
- 📜 Recursion in Functional JavaScript — M. David Green
- 📜 Programming with JS: Recursion — Alexander Kondov
- 📜 Anonymous Recursion in JavaScript — simo
- 📜 Recursion, iteration and tail calls in JS — loverajoel
- 📜 Understanding Recursion in JavaScript with Confidence — Jay
- 📜 Intro to Recursion — Brad Newman
- 📜 Accio Recursion!: Your New Favorite JavaScript Spell — Leanne Cabey
- 📜 Recursion Explained (with Examples) — Christina
- 🎥 Recursion In JavaScript — techsith
- 🎥 Recursion — Fun Fun Function
- 🎥 Recursion and Recursive Functions — Hexlet
- 🎥 Recursion: Recursion() — JS Monthly — Lucas da Costa
- 🎥 Recursive Function in JavaScript — kudvenkat
- 🎥 What on Earth is Recursion? — Computerphile
- 🎥 Javascript Tutorial 34: Introduction To Recursion — codedamn
- 🎥 Recursion, Iteration, and JavaScript: A Love Story | JSHeroes 2018 — Anjana Vakil
- 🎥 Recursion crash course - Colt Steele
- 📜 ES6 In Depth: Collections — Jason Orendorff
- 📜 ES6 Collections: Using Map, Set, WeakMap, WeakSet — Kyle Pennell
- 📜 ES6 WeakMaps, Sets, and WeakSets in Depth — Nicolás Bevacqua
- 📜 Introduction to Sets in JavaScript —
- 📜 Introduction to Maps in JavaScript —
- 📜 Map, Set, WeakMap and WeakSet — JavaScript.Info
- 📜 Maps in ES6 - A Quick Guide — Ben Mildren
- 📜 ES6 — Set vs Array — What and when? — Maya Shavin
- 📜 ES6 — Map vs Object — What and when? — Maya Shavin
- 📜 ES6: Working with Sets in JavaScript — Dead Code Rising
- 📜 Array vs Set vs Map vs Object — Real-time use cases in Javascript (ES6/ES7) — Rajesh Babu
- 📜 How to create an array of unique values in JavaScript using Sets — Claire Parker-Jones
- 📜 What You Should Know About ES6 Maps — Just Chris
- 📜 ES6 Maps in Depth — Nicolás Bevacqua
- 📜 What are JavaScript Generators and how to use them — Vladislav Stepanov
- 📜 Understanding JavaScript Generators With Examples — Arfat Salman
- 📜 The Basics of ES6 Generators — Kyle Simpson
- 📜 An Introduction to JavaScript Generators — Alice Kallaugher
- 🎥 JavaScript ES6 / ES2015 Set, Map, WeakSet and WeakMap — Traversy Media
- 🎥 The Differences between ES6 Maps and Sets — Steve Griffith
- 🎥 Javascript Generators - THEY CHANGE EVERYTHING - ES6 Generators Harmony Generators —
- 📜 JavaScript Promises for Dummies ― Jecelyn Yeen
- 📜 Understanding promises in JavaScript — Gokul N K
- 📜 Master the JavaScript Interview: What is a Promise? — Eric Elliott
- 📜 An Overview of JavaScript Promises — Sandeep Panda
- 📜 How to use Promises in JavaScript — Prashant Ram
- 📜 Implementing Promises In JavaScript — Maciej Cieslar
- 📜 JavaScript: Promises explained with simple real life analogies — Shruti Kapoor
- 📜 Promises for Asynchronous Programming — Exploring JS
- 📜 JavaScript Promises Explained By Gambling At A Casino — Kevin Kononenko
- 📜 ES6 Promises: Patterns and Anti-Patterns — Bobby Brennan
- 📜 A Simple Guide to ES6 Promises — Brandon Morelli
- 📜 The ES6 Promises — Manoj Singh Negi
- 📜 ES6 Promises in Depth — Nicolás Bevacqua
- 📜 Playing with Javascript Promises: A Comprehensive Approach — Rajesh Babu
- 📜 How to Write a JavaScript Promise — Brandon Wozniewicz
- 📜 A Coding Writer’s Guide: An Introduction To ES6 Promises — Andrew Ly
- 📜 Understanding Promises in JavaScript — Chris Noring
- 📜 Converting callbacks to promises — Zell Liew
- 📜 JavaScript Promises: Zero To Hero Plus Cheat Sheet — Joshua Saunders
- 📜 Promises - JavaScript concepts — Agney Menon
- 📜 Javascript
101 — Igor Irianto - 📜 Simplify JavaScript Promises — Sunny Singh
- 📜 The Lowdown on Promises — Aphinya Dechalert
- 📜 JavaScript Visualized: Promises & Async/Await — Lydia Hallie
- 📜 Promises in JavaScript — Peter Klingelhofer
- 📜 Best Practices for ES6 Promises — Basti Ortiz
- 📜 Lo que debemos saber de EScript 2020 — Kike Sanchez
- 📜 Promise Basics -
- 🎥 Let's Learn ES6 - Promises — Ryan Christiani
- 🎥 JavaScript ES6 / ES2015 Promises — Traversy Media
- 🎥 Promises — Fun Fun Function
- 🎥 Error Handling Promises in JavaScript — Fun Fun Function
- 🎥 Promises Part 1 - Topics of JavaScript/ES6 — The Coding Train
- 🎥 JavaScript Promise in 100 Seconds
- 📜 Eloquent JavaScript, 3rd Edition: Ch. 11 - Asynchronous Programming
- 📜 Exploring JS: Asynchronous Programming
- 📜 Understanding async/await in Javascript — Gokul N K
- 📜 Exploring Async/Await Functions in JavaScript —
- 📜 Asynchronous Javascript using async/await — Joy Warugu
- 📜 Modern Asynchronous JavaScript with async/await — Flavio Copes
- 📜 Asynchronous JavaScript: From Callback Hell to Async and Await — Demir Selmanovic
- 📜 Javascript — ES8 Introducing async/await Functions — Ben Garrison
- 📜 How to escape async/await hell — Aditya Agarwal
- 📜 Understanding JavaScript’s async await — Nicolás Bevacqua
- 📜 JavaScript Async/Await: Serial, Parallel and Complex Flow — TechBrij
- 📜 From JavaScript Promises to Async/Await: why bother? — Chris Nwamba
- 📜 Flow Control in Modern JS: Callbacks to Promises to Async/Await — Craig Buckler
- 📜 JavaScript: Promises and Why Async/Await Wins the Battle — Nick Parsons
- 📜 How to improve your asynchronous Javascript code with async and await — Indrek Lasn
- 📜 Making Fetches Easy With Async Await — Mickey Sheridan
- 📜 7 Reasons Why JavaScript Async/Await Is Better Than Plain Promises — Mostafa Gaafar
- 📜 Asynchronous Operations in JavaScript — Jscrambler
- 📜 Async/await: A slight design flaw. — Joey
- 📜 JavaScript: Promises or async-await — Gokul N K
- 📜 Async / Await: From Zero to Hero — Zhi Yuan
- 📜 JavaScript Visualized: Promises & Async/Await — Lydia Hallie
- 📜 Making asynchronous programming easier with async and await — MDN
- 📜 JavaScript Async/Await Tutorial – Learn Callbacks, Promises, and Async/Await in JS by Making Ice Cream
- 🎥 Async + Await — Wes Bos
- 🎥 Asynchrony: Under the Hood — Shelley Vohr
- 🎥 async/await in JavaScript - What, Why and How — Fun Fun Function
- 🎥 async/await Part 1 - Topics of JavaScript/ES8 — The Coding Train
- 🎥 async/await Part 2 - Topics of JavaScript/ES8 — The Coding Train
- 🎥 Complete Guide to JS Async & Await ES2017/ES8 — Colt Steele
- 🎥 Tips for using async/await in JavaScript — James Q Quick
- 📜 Data Structures in JavaScript — Thon Ly
- 📜 Algorithms and Data Structures in JavaScript — Oleksii Trekhleb
- 📜 Data Structures: Objects and Arrays ― Chris Nwamba
- 📜 Data structures in JavaScript — Benoit Vallon
- 📜 Playing with Data Structures in Javascript — Anish K.
- 📜 The Little Guide of Queue in JavaScript — Germán Cutraro
- 📜 All algorithms writing with JavaScript in the book 'Algorithms Fourth Edition'
- 📜 Collection of classic computer science paradigms in JavaScript
- 📜 All the things you didn't know you wanted to know about data structures
- 📜 JavaScript Data Structures: 40 Part Series — miku86
- 📜 Data Structures: Understanding Graphs — Rachel Hawa
- 📜 Data Structures Two Ways: Linked List (Pt 1) — Freddie Duffield
- 📜 Data Structures Two Ways: Linked List (Pt 2) — Freddie Duffield
- 📜 Graph Data Structures Explained in JavaScript — Adrian Mejia
- 🎥 Algorithms In Javascript | Ace Your Interview — Eduonix Learning Solutions
- 🎥 Data Structures and Algorithms in JavaScript — freeCodeCamp
- 🎥 Learning JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms: Sorting — Packt Video
- 🎥 JavaScript Data Structures: Getting Started — Academind
- 📜 Big O Notation in Javascript — César Antón Dorantes
- 📜 Time Complexity/Big O Notation — Tim Roberts
- 📜 Big O in JavaScript — Gabriela Medina
- 📜 Big O Search Algorithms in JavaScript — Bradley Braithwaite
- 📜 Time Complexity Analysis in JavaScript — Jennifer Bland
- 📜 Algorithms in plain English: time complexity and Big-O Notation — Michael Olorunnisola
- 📜 An Introduction to Big O Notation — Joseph Trettevik
- 🎥 JavaScript: Intro to Big O Notation and Function Runtime — Eric Traub
- 🎥 Essential Big O for JavaScript Developers — Dave Smith
- 🎥 Big O Notation - Time Complexity Analysis — WebTunings
- 📜 Data Structures and Algorithms using ES6
- 📜 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
- 📜 JS: Interview Algorithm
- 📜 Algorithms in JavaScript — Thon Ly
- 📜 JavaScript Objects, Square Brackets and Algorithms — Dmitri Grabov
- 📜 Atwood's Law applied to CS101 - Classic algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript
- 📜 Data Structures and Algorithms library in JavaScript
- 📜 Collection of computer science algorithms and data structures written in JavaScript
- 📜 Algorithms and Data Structures in JavaScript — Oleksii Trekhleb
- 📜 Inheritance in JavaScript — Rupesh Mishra
- 📜 Simple Inheritance with JavaScript — David Catuhe
- 📜 JavaScript — Inheritance, delegation patterns and Object linking — NC Patro
- 📜 Object Oriented JavaScript: Polymorphism with examples — Knoldus Blogs
- 📜 Program Like Proteus — A beginner’s guide to polymorphism in Javascript — Sam Galson
- 📜 Object-oriented JavaScript: A Deep Dive into ES6 Classes — Jeff Mott
- 🎥 Inheritance in JavaScript — kudvenkat
- 🎥 JavaScript ES6 Classes and Inheritance — Traversy Media
- 🎥 Polymorphism in JavaScript — kudvenkat
- 📜 4 JavaScript Design Patterns You Should Know — Devan Patel
- 📜 JavaScript Design Patterns – Beginner's Guide to Mobile Web Development — Soumyajit Pathak
- 📜 JavaScript Design Patterns — Akash Pal
- 📜 Javascript Design Patterns: What They Are & How To Use Them — Patrick Simpson
- 📜 JavaScript Design Patterns: Understanding Design Patterns in JavaScript - Sukhjinder Arora
- 📜 All the 23 (GoF) design patterns implemented in Javascript — Felipe Beline
- 📜 The Power of the Module Pattern in JavaScript — jsmanifest
- 📜 Design Patterns for Developers using JavaScript pt. I — Oliver Mensah
- 📜 Design Patterns for Developers using JavaScript pt. II — Oliver Mensah
- 📜 Design patterns in modern JavaScript development
- 📜 Understanding Design Patterns: Iterator using and Medium social networks! — Carlos Caballero
- 📜 JavaScript Design Patterns - Factory Pattern — KristijanFištrek
- 📜 JavaScript Design Pattern — Module Pattern - Factory Pattern — Moon
- 📜 Design Patterns: Null Object - Carlos Caballero
- 📜 Strategy Pattern - Francesco Ciulla
- 📜 Adapter Pattern - Francesco Ciulla
- 📜 The Power of Composite Pattern in JavaScript - jsmanifest
- 📜 In Defense of Defensive Programming - Adam Nathaniel Davis
- 📜 Use function composition in JavaScript — Rémi
- 📜 Currying in JavaScript ES6 — Adam Bene
- 📜 Composition and Currying Elegance in JavaScript — Pragyan Das
- 📜 Functional JavaScript: Function Composition For Every Day Use — Joel Thoms
- 📜 Functional Composition: compose() and pipe() — Anton Paras
- 📜 Why The Hipsters Compose Everything: Functional Composing In JavaScript — A. Sharif
- 📜 A Gentle Introduction to Functional JavaScript pt III: Functions for making functions — James Sinclair
- 📜 Curry And Compose (why you should be using something like ramda in your code) — jsanchesleao
- 📜 Function Composition in JavaScript with Pipe — Andy Van Slaars
- 📜 Practical Functional JavaScript with Ramda — Andrew D'Amelio, Yuri Takhteyev
- 📜 The beauty in Partial Application, Currying, and Function Composition — Joel Thoms
- 📜 Curry or Partial Application? — Eric Elliott
- 📜 Partial Application in JavaScript — Ben Alman
- 📜 Partial Application of Functions — Functional Reactive Ninja
- 📜 Currying vs Partial Application — Deepak Gupta
- 📜 Partial Application in ECMAScript 2015 — Ragan Wald
- 📜 Functional Composition in Javascript — Joe Cortopassi
- 📜 So You Want to be a Functional Programmer pt. I — Charles Scalfani
- 📜 So You Want to be a Functional Programmer pt. II — Charles Scalfani
- 📜 So You Want to be a Functional Programmer pt. III — Charles Scalfani
- 📜 So You Want to be a Functional Programmer pt. IV — Charles Scalfani
- 📜 So You Want to be a Functional Programmer pt. V — Charles Scalfani
- 📜 An introduction to the basic principles of Functional Programming — TK
- 📜 Concepts of Functional Programming in Javascript — TK
- 📜 An Introduction to Functional Programming Style in JavaScript — JavaScript Teacher
- 📜 A practical guide to writing more functional JavaScript — Nadeesha Cabral
- 📜 A simple explanation of functional pipe in JavaScript — Ben Lesh
- 🎥 Compose vs Pipe: Functional Programming in JavaScript — Chyld Studios
- 🎥 JavaScript Functional Programing: Compose — Theodore Anderson
- 🎥 Function Composition - Functional JavaScript — NWCalvank
- 🎥 JavaScript Function Composition Explained — Theodore Anderson
- 🎥 Let's code with function composition — Fun Fun Function
- 🎥 Partial Application vs. Currying — NWCalvank
- 🎥 JavaScript Partial Application — Theodore Anderson
- 🎥 call, apply and bind method in JavaScript
- 📜 Clean Code Explained – A Practical Introduction to Clean Coding for Beginners — freeCodeCamp
- 📜 Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript — Ryan McDermott
- 📜 Clean Code Practice: How to write clean code — Tirth Bodawala
- 📜 JavaScript Clean Coding Best Practices — András Tóth
- 📜 Function parameters in JavaScript Clean Code — Kevin Peters
- 📜 Keeping your code clean — Samuel James
- 📜 Best Practices for Using Modern JavaScript Syntax — M. David Green
- 📜 best practices for cross node/web development - Jimmy Wärting
- 📜 Writing Clean Code - Dylan Paulus
- 📜 Writing Clean Code and The Practice of Programming - Nityesh Agarwal
- 📜 Clean code, dirty code, human code - Daniel Irvine
- 📜 Practical Ways to Write Better JavaScript - Ryland G
- 📜 The Must-Know Clean Code Principles - Kesk on Medium
- 📜 The Clean Code Book - Robert C Martin