The OneupFlysystemBundle was developed and tested for Symfony2 version 2.2+.
Perform the following steps to install and use the basic functionality of the OneupFlysystemBundle:
- Download OneupFlysystemBundle using Composer
- Enable the bundle
- Configure your filesystems
Download the bundle via composer:
$> php composer.phar require oneup/flysystem-bundle
Composer will now fetch and install this bundle in the vendor directory vendor/oneup
Note: There are some additional dependencies you will need to install for some of the features:
- The AwsS3v3 adapter requires
- The AwsS3v2 adapter requires
- The Azure adapter requires
- The Copy adapter requires
- The Dropbox adapter requires
- The Fallback adapter requires
- The Google Cloud Storage adapter requires
- The GridFS adapter requires
- The Memory adapter requires
- The Rackspace adapter requires
- The Sftp adapter requires
- The WebDav adapter requires
- The ZipAdapter adapter requires
- The adapter caching support requires
- The eventable filesystem support requires
- The Replica adapter requires
- The StreamWrapper support requires
- The Gaufrette adapter requires
Enable the bundle in the kernel:
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Oneup\FlysystemBundle\OneupFlysystemBundle(),
In order to create a filesystem, you first need to create an adapter. An easy example is to define a local adapter and afterwards create a filesystem based on it.
# app/config/config.yml
directory: %kernel.root_dir%/cache
adapter: my_adapter
# optional - defines the default visibility of the filesystem: `public` or `private`(default)
visibility: private
There are a bunch of adapters for you to use:
- AwsS3
- Dropbox
- Ftp
- Google Cloud Storage
- GridFS
- Local filesystem
- MemoryAdapter
- NullAdapter
- Rackspace
- Sftp
- WebDav
- ZipArchive
- Gaufrette
- Fallback
- Replicate
- Custom
After installing and setting up the basic functionality of this bundle you can move on and integrate some more advanced features.