The Change Data Capture (CDC) allows you to capture changes made to data records in MapR-DB tables (JSON or binary). These data changes are the result of inserts, updates, and deletions and are called change data records. Once the change data records are propagated to a topic, a MapR-ES/Kafka consumer application is used to read and process them.
You can find more information about CDC in the documentation: Change Data Capture
MapR Music application use CDC in various places:
- Delete albums and ratings when an Artists is deleted
- Calculate table statistics
- Index some fields in Elasticsearch)
MapR Music REST Service has ArtistsChangelogListenerService class, which listens Artist's changelog and deletes Artist and it's ratings, albums.
This Service is executed in a separate thread using ManagedThreadFactory
, which must be configured in Wildfly (we have done that in a previous step). Below you can find code snippet, which implements
actual Artist deletion logic:
threadFactory.newThread(() -> {
while (true) {
ConsumerRecords<byte[], ChangeDataRecord> changeRecords = consumer.poll(KAFKA_CONSUMER_POLL_TIMEOUT);
for (ConsumerRecord<byte[], ChangeDataRecord> consumerRecord : changeRecords) {
// The ChangeDataRecord contains all the changes made to a document
ChangeDataRecord changeDataRecord = consumerRecord.value();
// Ignore all the records that is not 'RECORD_UPDATE'
if (changeDataRecord.getType() != ChangeDataRecordType.RECORD_UPDATE) {
String artistId = changeDataRecord.getId().getString();
// Use the ChangeNode to capture all the individual changes
for (Map.Entry<FieldPath, ChangeNode> changeNodeEntry : changeDataRecord) {
String fieldPathAsString = changeNodeEntry.getKey().asPathString();
ChangeNode changeNode = changeNodeEntry.getValue();
// When "INSERTING" a document the field path is empty (new document)
// and all the changes are made in a single object represented as a Map
if (fieldPathAsString == null || fieldPathAsString.isEmpty()) {
// Ignore artist inserting
// Ignore all the fields except of artist's 'deleted' flag
if (!"deleted".equalsIgnoreCase(fieldPathAsString)) {
// Ignore change record for this Artist if 'deleted' flag changed to 'false'
if (!changeNode.getBoolean()) {
Artist artistToDelete = artistDao.getById(artistId);
// Artist does not exist
if (artistToDelete == null) {
if (artistToDelete.getAlbums() != null) {
.filter(album -> album.getArtists() != null)
.peek(album -> { // Remove artist from album's list of artists
List<Artist.ShortInfo> toRemove = album.getArtists().stream()
.filter(artist -> artistId.equals(artist.getId()))
.forEach(album -> {
if (album.getArtists().isEmpty()) { // Remove albums that had only one artist
// Remove Album's rates
.forEach(rate -> albumRateDao.deleteById(rate.getId()));
} else {
albumDao.update(album.getId(), album);
// Remove Artist's rates
artistRateDao.getByArtistId(artistId).forEach(rate -> artistRateDao.deleteById(rate.getId()));
artistDao.deleteById(artistId);"Artist with id = '{}' is deleted", artistId);
MapR Music App uses CDC in order to maintain /apps/statistics
table, which contains statistics information about
Albums/Artists tables.
REST Service has
class, which listens Artist's and Album's changelog and updates /apps/statistics
This service ervice is executed in a separate thread using ManagedThreadFactory
, which must be configured in Wildfly (we have done that in a previous step). Below you can see code snippet which is responsible of updating /apps/statistics
public class CdcStatisticService implements StatisticService {
@Resource(lookup = THREAD_FACTORY)
private ManagedThreadFactory threadFactory;
static class ChangeDataRecordHandler implements Runnable {
private static long KAFKA_CONSUMER_POLL_TIMEOUT = 500L;
interface Action {
void handle(String documentId);
KafkaConsumer<byte[], ChangeDataRecord> consumer;
Action onInsert;
Action onDelete;
ChangeDataRecordHandler(KafkaConsumer<byte[], ChangeDataRecord> consumer) {
this.consumer = consumer;
public void run() {
while (true) {
ConsumerRecords<byte[], ChangeDataRecord> changeRecords = consumer.poll(KAFKA_CONSUMER_POLL_TIMEOUT);
for (ConsumerRecord<byte[], ChangeDataRecord> consumerRecord : changeRecords) {
// The ChangeDataRecord contains all the changes made to a document
ChangeDataRecord changeDataRecord = consumerRecord.value();
String documentId = changeDataRecord.getId().getString();
if (changeDataRecord.getType() == ChangeDataRecordType.RECORD_INSERT && this.onInsert != null) {
if (changeDataRecord.getType() == ChangeDataRecordType.RECORD_DELETE && this.onDelete != null) {
public void setOnInsert(Action onInsert) {
this.onInsert = onInsert;
public void setOnDelete(Action onDelete) {
this.onDelete = onDelete;
public void init() {
// Create and adjust consumer which is used to consume MapR-DB CDC events for Albums table.
KafkaConsumer<byte[], ChangeDataRecord> albumsChangelogConsumer = new KafkaConsumer<>(consumerProperties);
ChangeDataRecordHandler albumsHandler = new ChangeDataRecordHandler(albumsChangelogConsumer);
albumsHandler.setOnDelete((id) -> decrementAlbums());
albumsHandler.setOnInsert((id) -> incrementAlbums());
// Create and adjust consumer which is used to consume MapR-DB CDC events for Artists table.
KafkaConsumer<byte[], ChangeDataRecord> artistsChangelogConsumer = new KafkaConsumer<>(consumerProperties);
ChangeDataRecordHandler artistsHandler = new ChangeDataRecordHandler(artistsChangelogConsumer);
artistsHandler.setOnDelete((id) -> decrementArtists());
artistsHandler.setOnInsert((id) -> incrementArtists());
In the next step you will learn how to use CDC to index documents values from MapR-DB JSON into Elasticseach to provide a Full Text Search feature.