npm install mappls-geofence-widget-react-native
- Install peerDependencies
npm i mappls-map-react-native
- If using React-native<0.60
react-native link mappls-geofence-widget-react-native
- Add followling line in
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
// All of React Native (JS, Obj-C sources, Android binaries) is installed from npm
maven {
// Android JSC is installed from npm
+ maven { url ''}
maven { url '' }
- Add followling line in
defaultConfig {
applicationId "com.example"
minSdkVersion rootProject.ext.minSdkVersion
targetSdkVersion rootProject.ext.targetSdkVersion
versionCode 1
versionName "1.0"
+ multiDexEnabled true
- run pod install from ios folder
import MapplsGeoFence from 'mappls-geofence-widget-react-native';
import MapplsGL from 'mappls-map-react-native';
Initialize the SDK with your keys.
// for map sdk
MapplsGL.setMapSDKKey(mapSDKKey);//place your mapsdkKey
MapplsGL.setRestAPIKey(restAPIKey);//your restApiKey
MapplsGL.setAtlasClientId(atlasClientId);//your atlasClientId key
MapplsGL.setAtlasClientSecret(atlasClientSecret); //your atlasClientSecret key
MapplsGeoFence.openGeoFenceWidget({minRadius: 2000, maxRadius: 10000})
.then(e => {console.log(e)})
.catch(err => console.log("error catch search:", err.message))
- circleFillColor(string): To change Circle Fill colors
- circleFillOutlineColor(string): To change circle Outline color
- circleOutlineWidth(number): To change the circle outline width
- draggingLineColor(string): To change the dragging line of Polygon edges and circle radius changing line.
- maxRadius(number): To set maximum radius of circle
- minRadius(number): To set minimum radius of circle.
- polygonDrawingBackgroundColor(string): To change the color of Polygon drawing board color.
- polygonDrawingLineColor(string): To set the polygon sketch drawing line.
- polygonFillColor(String): To change fill color of polygon
- polygonFillOutlineColor(string): To change outline color of polygon
- polygonOutlineWidth(number): To set the polygon outline width
- radiusInterval(number): To set the step size of radius changing
- seekbarCornerRadius(number): To change seekbar corner radius
- polygonCreationMode(number): To change the creation mode of polygon. Below mentioned are the values:
- MapplsGeoFence.POLYGON_CREATION_MODE_DRAW:User can draw on screen to create polygon
- MapplsGeoFence.POLYGON_CREATION_MODE_TAP : User can tap on the screen to create polygon
- toolbarTitle(string): To change the title of toolbar .
- toolbarColor(string): To change the color of toolbar
- **toolbarTintColor(string): ** To change done button tint color.
- initialiseGeoFence(GeoFence): Set initial properties for Geofence. Takes GeoFence Object as parameter.
- simplifyOnIntersection(boolean): To auto correct self intersecting polygon
- maxEdgesInPolygon(number): To restrict number of points in a polygon
- convertPointsToClockWise(string): To get Polygon points in clockwise/anti-clockwise directions. Below mentioned are the values:
- doneButtonColor(string): To change done button color.
- doneButtonTintColor(string): To change done button tint color.
- isPolygon (boolean): To set if polygon or circle.
- circleRadius(number): To set the radius of circle.
- circleCenter(Array): To set the center of circle.
- polygon(Array<Array<Array>>) : To set the polygon points.
- polygonType(String) : To set the type of polygon. Below mentioned are the values:
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