A template with the basics to start creating your own UWP using the MVVM pattern.
NOTE: This template doesn't teach you how to use the MVVM pattern, it is just one implementation using it, there are differents ways and every developer prefers one specific way, so you must learn about this pattern by your own and after that return here and start developing your app with a base!
- Hamburguer menu
- ViewModels
- Services
Following the new desing rules of the platform, we can find very usefull to implement a hamburguer menu to navigate between pages.
To use the Hamburguer menu you just need to point to Shell view into App.xaml.cs and add a your own MenuItem into ShellViewModel.
Here you can find the business logic of your application.
To add a new ViewModel, you need to follow the next steps:
Create a new ViewModel class into ViewModels folder, and inherit from BaseViewModel class
public class NewViewModel : ObservableObject { public NewViewModel() { } }
Register the ViewModel into ServiceLocator class
this.container.RegisterType<NewViewModel>(); public NewViewModel NewViewModel { get { return this.container.Resolve<NewViewModel>(); } }
Add mapping between View and ViewModel into NavigationServiceConfiguration { typeof(NewViewModel), typeof(NewPage) }
Add DataContext to XAML view file, into the environment declaration section DataContext="{Binding NewViewModel, Source={StaticResource Locator}}"
A Service is a class which represents an specific functionality, is useful to keep your code separated and well structured, and reuse those functionalities in different projects very easily
To add a new Service, you need to follow the next steps:
Create a new Service into Services folder
public class MyService { public MyService() { } }
Register the Service into ServiceLocator class this.container.RegisterType();