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Tanya's notes for repackaging backup
To improve mantl's deployment speed, we are going to replace some ansible role logic with packages. These packages will be defined by a hammer spec, and uploaded to bintray. Anything that is as simple as 'copy this file here' or 'run this command' can be ported to these packages. Then, the ansible roles can be updated to simple package install commands
Because we are using the hammer tool to build these, when hammer supports .deb
ubuntu/debian support will come much more easily.
Logic that relies upon Jinja2 templates could be ported to Consul templates, and those could be ported to packages.
The more ansible roles that we port to packages, the faster the build process will be. If we can remove ansible entirely, we can have mantl bootstrap from terraform, and make cluster deployment into a one-step process.
Here is the list from the terraform.sample.yml
ansible playbook. For each role that
we can port to a package, put the package name after it, and list the package description
below, or make a note. I hope that the ad-hoc formatting here makes sense.
I'm not going to include any package upgrade logic here, either for yum or pip. We will let the user decide what versions of packages they want to use
Summary of ansible roles to be converted Roles for all hosts
- common: mantl-common
- lvm: mantl-lvm
- collectd: mantl-collectd PR #36
- logrotate: I think that this one should be split up and managed by each package
- consul-template: this is in the same boat as mantl-consul
- docker: mantl-docker
- logstash: mantl-logstash
- nginx: mantl-nginx
- consul: mantl-consul
- dnsmasq: mantl-dnsmasq already merged with asteris-lc/mantl-packaging/mantl/mantl-dns /files/distributive-dnsmasq-check.json
Roles for workers
- mesos: Secrets should be managed by vault before this is a package
Roles for controls
- vault: mantl-vault
- zookeeper: mantl-zookeeper
- mesos: mantl-mesos
- marathon: mantl-marathon
- chronos: mantl-chronos
- mantlui: mantl-mantlui
Roles for edges
- traefik: mantl-traefik This role should be installed with yum in common and
cloud_init. See https://github.com/CiscoCloud/mantl/issues/933
Review of each ansible role Roles for all hosts
- common: mantl-common
- System Dependencies
- python-pip
- httpd-tools
- nc
- openssh
- policycoreutils-python
- epel-release
- unzip
- Ansible defaults: selinux with permissive policy and central configuration
- Ansible handlers: update-ca-trust -> run
cmd in package script when needed - Ansible main tasks
- set timezone to UTC ->
ln -sf /etc/localtime /usr/share/zoneinfo/Etc/UTC
- create
to hold metadata for state of cluster pre-consul boot - j2 template for
-> consul template for/etc/hosts
- disable firewalld -> here is a partial go implementation:
- set timezone to UTC ->
- System Dependencies
package main
import (
func main () {
// disable firewalld
out, err := exec.Command("systemctl disable firewalld").Output()
if err != nil{
// check state of firewalld
out, err := exec.Command("firewalld-cmd --state").Output()
if err != nil{
// if the state is NOT not running, disable has failed
if out != not running{
fmt.println ("Firewalld is not disabled.")
- install distributive from ciscocloud's bintray -> separate package??
- disable requiretty in sudoers -> sed 's/^.+requiretty$/# Defaults requiretty/' /etc/sudoers #but only last entry
- set selinux policy based on ansible defaults
Ansible users tasks
- configure members of wheel group for passwordless sudo ->
sed 's/^%wheel/%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL/' /etc/sudoers
- create enabled os users, based on
ansible var (docs) - set ssh key for
- delete disabled
- configure members of wheel group for passwordless sudo ->
Ansible ssl tasks
- copy local path ssl/cacert.pem to remote server /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/cacert.pem; chown to root
- notify handler update-ca-trust ->
lvm: mantl-lvm
This lvm role optionally creates an LVM Volume group Install required software and tools. Enable lvmetad daemon. Create volume group and add provided extra block device to it as physical volume. Register fact with name of created volume group.
create volume group, and save the in
enable lvmetad service
- mantl-common
- device-mapper-libs
- lvm2
roles/lvm/defaults/main.yml // defines variables lvm_volume_group_name and lvm_physical_device solutions: part of spec file
roles/lvm/tasks/main.yml // include volume.yml when lvm_physical_device is not null // set volume_group_name to null when lvm_physical_device is null solutions: //if lvm_physical_device != "" define variables lvm_volume_group_name and lvm_physical_device //else volume_group_name = ""
roles/lvm/tasks/volume.yml line 2 // sudo yum install latest device-mapper-libs // tags are docker,bootstrap,lvm2 solutions: // part of depends section
line 13 // update lvg ansible modules // run on local host // run one time on the one host // put ansible file (from url) in {{ playbook_dir }}/library/lvg.py // url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/02b68be09dca9760a761d4147f76cfc940c41cba/system/lvg.py // tag is docker solutions: delete, any replacement needed?
line 22 // sudo yum install latest lvm2 tools // tags are docker, bootstrap, lvm solutions: part of depends section
line 32 // sudo list volume groups with command vgscan and put output in variable volume_groups // tags are docker and lvm solutions: volume_groups=$(vgscan)
line 40 // create volume group // volume group name(from tasks/main.yml) and comma separated devices to use as physical devices // these are created when there is nothing in them line 50 // enable lvmetad service // start lvm2-lvmetad on boot // tags are docker and lvm packaging solutions: systemctl enable lvm2-lvmetad 2>/dev/null systemctl restart lvm2-lvmetad line 60 // save lvm_volume_group_name as variable called volume_group_name // tag is lvm solutions: volume_group_name=$(lvm_volume_group_name)
collectd: mantl-collectd: PR #36
collectd/files/collectd_docker_plugin.pp // 2.52 KB collectd/handlers/main.yml: restart collectd // sudo // service collectd to be restarted // tag is collects collectd/tasks/main.yml // sudo // install collectd package // Dependencies - mantl-collectd - libsemanage-python // tags are collectd and bootstrap line 14 // sudo // create plugins directory /usr/share/collectd/plugins // permissions 0755(chmod) // tag is collectd line 23 // sudo // collectd.conf.j2 is the path of the Jinja2 formatted template on the local server // render the template to /etc/collectd.conf (on remote machine) // restart collectd // tag is collectd line 34: authorizes collectd to make tcp connections // sudo // name of a SELinux boolean: collect_tcp_network_connect // boolean value set to yes // persistent: boolean setting should survive a reboot // (direct quote)when: ansible_selinux.status == "enabled" and ansible_selinux.mode == "enforcing" // tag is collectd line 41: check if collectd is authorized to connect to docker // sudo // shell: semodule -l // register: semodule_list // failed_when: no // changed_when: no // when: ansible_selinux.status == "enabled" and ansible_selinux.mode == "enforcing" // tag is collectd line 51: copy collectd selinux docker policy // sudo // copy: src=collectd_docker_plugin.pp dest=/tmp/collectd_docker_plugin.pp owner=root mode=0600 // when: "semodule_list.stdout is defined and semodule_list.stdout.find('collectd_docker_plugin') == -1" // tag is collectd line 58: authorize collectd to connect to docker // sudo shell: semodule -i /tmp/collectd_docker_plugin.pp when: "semodule_list.stdout is defined and semodule_list.stdout.find('collectd_docker_plugin') == -1" // tag is collectd line 65: enable collectd // sudo // collectd starts on boot // start collectd if not running(idempotent actions) microservices-infrastructure/roles/collectd/templates/collectd.conf.j2 //
logrotate: mantl-logrotate : This role will be broken up and placed with the separate
components. tasks/main.yml // set logrotate interval to daily // in file /etc/logrotate.conf // look for reg expression '^weekly' // replace last matching line of reg expression with "daily" packaging solutions: sed 's/(.*)^weekly/daily/' /etc/logrotate.conf.*// set logrotate retention period to 7 days // in file /etc/logrotate.conf // replace last matching line of reg expression '^rotate 4' with "rotate 7" packaging solutions: sed 's/\(.*\)^rotate 4/\rotate 7/' /etc/logrotate.conf .*// copy component logrotate configurations // when mesos=true docker=true and in zookeeper role == 'control' // copy component to logrotate configurations /etc/logrotate/component // set mode to 0644 packaging solutions: // call on script: when mesos and docker are installed on all nodes and zookeeper is on leader nodes, copy components to logrotate script: #!/bin/bash for component in "mesos" "docker" "zookeeper"; do systemctl status component if[ $? == 0 ]; then cp component /etc/logrotate/ chmod 0644 /etc/logrotate/component else echo component not active fi done // create component archives // same conditions as above // copy components to archives // /var/log/component/archive packaging solutions: // call on script: when mesos and docker are installed on all nodes and zookeeper is on leader nodes, copy components to archive script: #!/bin/bash for component in "mesos" "docker" "zookeeper"; do systemctl status component if[ $? == 0 ]; then sudo cp component /var/log/component/archive sudo chmod 0644 /var/log/component/archive else echo component not active fi done + 3 template files
docker: mantl-docker Container manager and scheduler. - Dependencies - lvm - docker - docker-selinux - collectd.yml /docker/defaults/main.yml
logstash: mantl-logstash Deploys and manages Logstash 1.5 with Docker and systemd. - Dependencies
nginx: mantl-nginx Web and proxy server. create tls directory solution: sudo mkdir -p /etc/nginx/ssl && chmod 0700
deploy tls files solution(check to see if this works): sudo cp -p ssl/certs/nginx.cert.pem /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.cert && chmod 0444 /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.cert sudo cp -p ssl/private/nginx.key.pem /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.key && chmod 0444 /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.key encrypt admin password // run shell command: htpasswd -Bnb admin {{ nginx_admin_password | quote }} | cut -f 2 -d ':' // store in variable nginx_admin_password_encrypted set admin password variable // sets nginx_admin_password_encrypted as the stdout of this variable to survive between plays of ansible run solutions: the password has to be different for every install, this step may need to be done outside the context of a package.
consul: mantl-consul This package is important during the bootstrapping process,so it's getting mentioned here
- Dependencies
- mantl-common
- Dependencies
consul-template: mantl-consul-template: may be combined with mantl-consul-template
dnsmasq: mantl-dnsmasq: already merged asteris-lc/mantl-packaging/mantl/mantl-dns
- Dependencies
- dnsmasq
- bind-utils
- NetworkManager
- distributive.yml
/files/distributive-dnsmasq-check.json /handlers/main.yml - run 2 commands on nodes - sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager - sudo systemctl restart dnsmasq packaging solutions: ansible all -i plugins/inventory/terraform.py -a "sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager" ansible all -i plugins/inventory/terraform.py -a "sudo systemctl restart dnsmasq" /tasks/distributive.yml - create directory (and subdirectories)at destination /etc/consul when consul_dc_group is defined - chmod 0700 - tags are consul, distributive, dnsmasq packaging solutions: // export consul_dc_group variable? #!/bin/bash echo ${consul_dc_group:? "consul_dc_group is not defined"} sudo mkdir /etc/consul/ sudo chmod 0700 /etc/consul line 16 - sudo - create a symlink to distributive dnsmasq checklist from /usr/share/distributive/dnsmasq.json to /etc/distributive.d/dnsmasq.json - tags are consul, distributive, dnsmasq packaging solutions: ln -s /etc/distributive.d/dnsmasq.json /usr/share/distributive/dnsmasq.json line 27 // register distributive tests with consul - sudo - copy distributive-dnsmasq-check.json to /etc/consul/ when consul_dc_group is defined - reload consul - tags are consul, distributive, dnsmasq packaging solutions: // export consul_dc_group variable? #!/bin/bash echo ${consul_dc_group:? "consul_dc_group is not defined"} cp distributive-dnsmasq-check.json /etc/consul/ (check which directory the json file is in) /tasks/main.yml - sudo yum install latest versions of packages dnsmasq, bind-utils, NetworkManager - tags are dnsmasq and bootstrap packaging solutions: sudo yum -y install dnsmasq bind-utils NetworkManager line 15 //collect nameservers - run shell command on node: "sudo cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep -i '^nameserver' | cut -d ' ' -f2" - the output of the above command should be set to variable "nameservers_output" - tag is dnsmasq packaging solutions: ansible all -i plugins/inventory/terraform.py -a "nameservers_output = $(sudo cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep -i '^nameserver' | cut -d ' ' -f2)" line 22 - run shell command on node: "cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep -i '^search' | cut -d ' ' -f2- | tr ' ' '\n'" - store output in variable "dns_search_list_output" - tag is dnsmasq packaging solutions: ansible all -i plugins/inventory/terraform.py -a "dns_search_list_output = $(sudo cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep -i '^search' | cut -d ' ' -f2- | tr ' ' '\n')" line 29 // set nameservers // establish key-value pairs - nameservers: "{{ nameservers_output.stdout_lines }}" // tag dnsmasq packaging solutions: call a python script keyvalue.py(set permissions first). Give the function argument nameservers_output (can you pass arguments to scripts?) // iterate through nameservers_output // set key-value pairs(nameservers: nameservers_output.stdout_lines) line 35 // set dns search list(key-value pair) - domain_search_list: "{{ dns_search_list_output.stdout_lines }}" // tag is dnsmasq packaging solutions: call keyvalue.py line 41 // ensure dnsmasq.d directory exists - sudo create directory and subdirectories(if they are there): /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d // tag is dnsmasq packaging solutions: sudo mkdir /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d line 49 // configure dnsmasq for consul // when consul_dc_group is defined // sudo // copy 10-consul to /etc/dnsmasq.d/10-consul // chmod 0755 // restart dnsmasq // tag is dnsmasq packaging solutions: sudo cp 10-consul /etc/dnsmasq.d sudo chmod 0755 /etc/dnsmasq.d/10-consul sudo systemctl restart dnsmasq line 61 // configure dnsmasq for Kubernetes // when cluster_name is defined // sudo // copy 20-kubernetes to /etc/dnsmasq.d/20-kubernetes // chmod 0755 // restart dnsmasq // tag is dnsmasq packaging solutions: sudo cp 20-kubernetes /etc/dnsmasq.d/20-kubernetes sudo chmod 0755 sudo systemctl restart dnsmasq line 73 // sudo // start dnsmasq on boot if necessary // dnsmasq is tag line 82 // configure networkmanager for dnsmasq // sudo // In the file: /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf // Insert "dns=none" after the reg expression: "^\\[main\\]$" // restart networkmanager // tag is dnsmasq packaging solutions: line 93 // List network-scripts which need fixup // sudo // run shell command "find /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts -name 'ifcfg-*'" .*// set the above output to variable "list_of_network_scripts" packaging solutions: // combine line 93 and 98 by doing find and executing a sed statement(Is the variable list_of_network_scripts needed anywhere else?) sudo find /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts -name 'ifcfg-*' -exec sed -i '' 's/^PEERDNS=.*/PEERDNS=no/' \{\} \; // errors sed: can't read s/^PEERDNS=.*/PEERDNS=no/: No such file or directory sed: can't read s/^PEERDNS=.*/PEERDNS=no/: No such file or directory line 98 // fixing PEERDNS in network-scripts // loop: for each in the list_of_network_scripts; do ...the following using ${x} ... ; done // sudo // modify file: "{{ item }}" // look for regular expression ^PEERDNS=.*' .*// replace regular expression with "PEERDNS=no" // restart networkmanager // tag is dnsmasq packaging solutions: //combined with line 93 line 110 // sudo // copy resolv.conf.j2 (format will have to be changed) to /etc/resolv.conf // chmod 0644 // tag is dnsmasq - meta: flush_handlers // dependency of flush_handlers contained in role file meta - run play distributive.yml(run this subset rather than all of main.yml)
10-consul 20-kubernetes 90-base resolv.conf.j2(needs new format)
- Dependencies
etcd: mantl-etcd defaults/main.yml // variables
- files/etcd-service-start.sh - files/etc-service.json - handlers/main.yml -> `sudo systemctl restart etcd` -> `sudo systmectl restart skydns` - meta/main.yml - dependent on handlers role - tasks/main.yml - sudo install version of etcd specified in variables - 10// generate systemd environment file - copy /etcd.conf.j2 /etc/etcd.conf - chmod 0644 - reload systemd - restart etcd solutions: -> `sudo cp -p templates/etcd.conf /etc/etcd.conf` -> `sudo chmod 0644 /etc/etcd.conf` -> `sudo systemctl daemon-reload` -> `sudo systemctl restart etcd` - 24// install etcd launch script - sudo - copy etcd-service-start.sh to /usr/local/bin - chmod 0755 - restart etcd solutions: -> `sudo cp etcd-service-start.sh /usr/local/bin/` -> `sudo chmod 0755 /usr/local/bin/etcd-service-start.sh` -> `sudo systemctl restart etcd` - 35// create directory /etc/systemd/system/etcd.service.d solutions: -> `sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/etcd.service.d` - 43// create local etcd service override - gives the config these contents [Service] ExecStart= ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/etcd-service-start.sh to /etc/systemd/system/etcd.service.d/local.conf - 56// install consul check script - when consul_dc_group is defined - copy consul-check-etcd-member to /usr/local/bin - chmod 0755 solutions: -> when consul_dc_group is defined -> `sudo cp consul-check-etcd-member /usr/local/bin/` -> `chmod 0755 /usr/local/bin/consul-check-etcd-member` - 66// when consul_dc_group is defined - sudo copy etcd-service.json to /etc/consul - reload consul solutions: -> when consul_dc_group is defined -> `sudo cp etcd-service.json /etc/consul/` -> `sudo systemctl reload consul` - 77// enable and start etcd service solutions: -> `sudo systemctl enable etcd 2>/dev/null` -> `sudo systemctl start etcd` - 86 // when dns_setup is defined include skydns.yml - 89 // meta: flush_handlers /tasks/skydns.yml - sudo - cp skydns.service.j2 /usr/lib/systemd/system/skydns.service - chmod 0644 - reload systemd - restart skydns solutions: -> `sudo cp skydns.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/skydns.service` -> `sudo chmod 0644 /usr/lib/systemd/system/skydns.service` -> `sudo systemctl daemon-reload` -> `sudo systemctl restart skydns` - sudo - cp skydns.env.j2 /etc/default/skydns.env - mode 0644? solutions: -> `sudo cp skydns.env /etc/default/` -> `sudo chmod 0644 /etc/default/skydns.env` //templates/consul-check-etcd-member - Consul script that does a health check on a client port //templates/etcd.conf.j2 - //templates/etcd.service.j2 - runs docker container to start etcd //templates/skydns.env.j2 - DNS/Skydns integration //templates/skydns.service.j2 - DNS/skydns integration, runs docker container to start skydns
Roles for workers
- mesos: mantl-mesos: see mesos in Roles for controls
Roles for controls
vault: mantl-vault "Secures, stores, and tightly controls access to tokens, passwords, certificates, API keys, and other secrets in modern computing."
- Dependencies
- bootstrap.yml
- distributive.yml
- Dependencies
zookeeper: mantl-zookeeper ZooKeeper is used for coordination among Mesos and Marathon nodes.
- Dependencies
- zookeeper_check.sh
- zookeeper-wait-for-listen.sh
- zookeeper_digest.sh
- zookeeper-update-mantl-0.5-0.6.sh
- collectd.yml
- distributive.yml
- Dependencies
mesos: mantl-mesos Distributed system kernel that manages resources across multiple nodes. When combined with :doc:
, you can basically think of it as a distributed init system. -
marathon: mantl-marathon
- Dependencies
key: zk value: "{{ marathon_zk_connect }}"
key: ssl_keystore_password value: "{{ marathon_keystore_password }}"
key: http_port value: 18080
key: event_subscriber value: http_callback
key: hostname value: "{{ inventory_hostname }}.node.{{ consul_dns_domain }}"
key: artifact_store value: "file:///etc/marathon/store"
- Dependencies
chronos: mantl-chronos Chronos is a distributed and fault-tolerant scheduler that runs on top of Apache Mesos that can be used for job orchestration. It supports custom Mesos executors as well as the default command executor. Thus by default, Chronos executes sh (on most systems bash) scripts.
- Dependencies
- key: zk_hosts value: "{{ chronos_zk_connect }}"
- key: master value: "{{ chronos_zk_mesos_master }}"
- key: hostname value: "{{ inventory_hostname }}.node.{{ consul_dns_domain }}"
- key: http_port value: "{{ chronos_port }}"
- key: mesos_framework_name value: "chronos"
- src: chronos-consul.cfg dest: /etc/consul-template/config.d
- Dependencies
mantllui: mantl-mantllui Mantlui consolidates the web UIs of various components in Mantl, including Mesos, Marathon, Chronos, and Consul at a single url on port 80 (http) or 443 (https).
- Dependencies
- src: mesos/controllers.js dest: /usr/share/mesos/webui/master/static/js
- src: mesos/services.js dest: /usr/share/mesos/webui/master/static/js
- src: mesos/app.js dest: /usr/share/mesos/webui/master/static/js
- src: mesos/index.html dest: /usr/share/mesos/webui/master/static
- src: mesos/pailer.html dest: /usr/share/mesos/webui/master/static
- Dependencies
Roles for edges
traefik: mantl-traefik This role should be installed with yum in common and
cloud_init. See https://github.com/CiscoCloud/mantl/issues/933 - install traefik from the internet - copy certs to/etc/traefik/certs/
- copy traefik.toml to/etc/traefik/
- copy traefik consul service to/etc/consul/
- Dependencies
- mantl-consul
traefik/defaults/main.yml // defines traefik variables
traefik/files/traefik-consul.json // json config
traefik/handlers/main.yml ->
systemctl reload consul
->systemctl restart traefik
traefik/tasks/main.yml // uses traefik variables to download traefik-consul // download traefik_download // run checksum(traefik_sha256-checksum) // install in /root/traefik_filename ->
// sudo install traefik in /root/traefik_filename // state is present // make certificate directory /etc/traefik/certs solutions: -> `mkdir /etc/traefik/certs` // copy ssl/certs/traefik-admin.cert.pem ssl/private/traefik-admin.key.pem to the certs directory solutions: -> `cp -p ssl/certs/traefik-admin.cert.pem /etc/traefik/certs/` -> `cp -p ssl/private/traefik-admin.key.pem /etc/traefik/certs/` // configure traefik // copy traefik.toml.j2 to /etc/traefik/traefik.toml // backup file // permission 0644 // restart traefik solutions: -> `-src: traefik.toml to dest: /etc/traefik/` // generate traefik consul service // sudo copy traefik-consul.json to /etc/consul/traefik.json // reload consul solutions: -> `src: traefik-consul.json dest: /etc/consul/traefik.json` -> `systemctl reload consul` roles/traefik/templates // traefik.toml.j2
- Dependencies