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Kali Virtual Machine Configuration

VMware configuration

Creating a VM

  • Download the official Kali Linux image for Apple ARM.
  • Create a new virtual machine from the ISO file.
  • Select Linux Debian 12 OS.

Configuring VMware

  • Always optimize mouse for games

Configuring the VM

  • 8GB RAM.
  • 6 CPU cores.
  • 50GB hard disk.
  • Share network.
  • Accelerated graphics off (bugs) and full retina resolution.
  • Use Mac keyboard profile as a default.
  • Disable Bluetooth devices.
  • Disable share folders.
  • Disable printers.
  • Remove cameras.
  • Synchronize time and pass the power status.

Kali configuration

Updating Kali

sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade -y
sudo apt install -y kali-linux-everything

Setting scaling

  • Set HiDPI Mode (Applications -> Kali HiDPI Mode)
  • Set Terminal Font (Hack, 14)
  • Set Burp font size 18 for both editor and interface (after installation).

Increasing display blanking timeout

  • Settings Manager -> Power Management -> Display
  • Set display blanking timeout to Never.

Configuring panel

  • Lock it at the bottom of the screen.
  • Move Show Desktop to the far right corner.
  • Remove Workspace Switcher.
  • Add Quick Use items in this order:
    • Directory Menu.
    • Firefox.
    • Burpsuite (after installation).
    • Sublime Text (after installation)
    • Terminal Emulator.

Configuring terminal

  • Behavior -> Unlimited History
  • Behavior -> Open new terminals in current working directory.

Configuring Firefox

  • Go to about:config
  • Set browser.urlbar.trimURLs to false
  • Make Firefox a default browser.
  • Change Home page to blank.
  • Delete all default bookmarks.
  • Disable saving passwords.

SSH config

  • Allow root login:
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config # Set PermitRootLogin yes
sudo service ssh restart
  • Set password for the root user:
sudo passwd root # set to 'root'
  • There's a bug with outbound ssh connections on VPN. Fix:
sudo ip li set mtu 1200 dev tun0

Installing and configuring useful tools

  • Open terminal and change to the ~/Download folder.
  • Login to Github and add an ssh key:
# Create an SSH key
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "<email>"
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
cat ~/.ssh/

# Set username/email
git config --global "<name>"
git config --global "<email>"
  • Clone pentesting-tools repo (git clone [email protected]:maksyche/pentesting-tools.git ~/pentesting-tools)
  • Prepare rockyou.txt:
sudo gzip -dk /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt.gz # Decompress
sudo sed -i '/^\s*$/d' /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt # Remove empty lines
  • Setting Samba min version:
sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf # Set min protocol = NT1
  • Setting TLS min version:
sudo sed -i -E 's/MinProtocol[=\ ]+.*/MinProtocol = TLSv1.0/g' /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf
  • Configure snmp:
sudo apt install snmp-mibs-downloader -y
sudo download-mibs
sudo nano /etc/snmp/snmp.conf # Comment "mibs:" line
	"dictionary": "Packages/Language - English/en_US.dic",
	"spell_check": true
  • LibreOffice:
sudo apt install libreoffice -y
  • Burp CA (go to, download and import it in Firefox settings.
  • FoxyProxy plugin for Firefox (add Burp proxy).
  • Wappalyzer plugin for Firefox.
  • Python3 pip (sudo apt install python3-pip -y).
  • Python2 pip:
sudo python2
  • Python devtools:
sudo apt install python2-dev -y
sudo apt install python3-dev -y
  • Python setup tools (sudo pip2 install setuptools).
  • npm (sudo apt install npm -y).
  • snap:
sudo apt install snapd 
sudo systemctl enable snapd.service
sudo systemctl enable apparmor.service # Restart required
sudo snap install core
sudo nano /etc/environment # Add /snap/bin to path
  • Postman (sudo snap install postman)
  • golang (sudo apt install golang -y).
  • feroxbuster: (sudo apt install feroxbuster -y).
  • fpm (sudo gem install --no-document fpm).
  • rlwrap (sudo apt install rlwrap -y).
  • mysql-client (sudo apt install default-mysql-client -y).
  • mysql-shell (sudo snap install mysql-shell).
  • mssql-cli (sudo python3 -m pip install mssql-cli) (doesn't work with ARM yet).
  • redis-tools (sudo apt install redis-tools -y).
  • jwt-cracker (sudo npm install --global jwt-cracker).
  • droopescan (sudo pip3 install droopescan).
  • cross-compilation tools (not really suited for ARM):
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install gcc-mingw-w64 -y
sudo apt install g++-mingw-w64 -y
sudo apt install mingw-w64 -y
sudo apt install gcc-multilib
sudo apt install g++-multilib
sudo apt install libc6-dev:i386
  • cmake (sudo apt install cmake -y).
cd wesng-master
sudo pip3 install .
  • Impacket:
tar -xzf impacket-*
cd impacket-0.11.0
sudo pip3 install .
  • evil-winrm (sudo gem install evil-winrm).
  • pyftpdlib (sudo pip3 install pyftpdlib).
  • highline (sudo gem install highline)
  • xls2csv:
sudo npm install --global xls2csv
sudo npm install --global xlsx2csv
  • doc2txt:
sudo npm install --global doc2txt
sudo npm install --global docx2txt
sudo alien -i instantclient-basic*.rpm
sudo alien -i instantclient-sqlplus*.rpm
sudo alien -i instantclient-sdk*.rpm
sudo alien -i instantclient-jdbc*.rpm
sudo alien -i instantclient-odbc*.rpm
sudo alien -i instantclient-tools*.rpm
sudo touch /etc/
sudo ldconfig
sudo dpkg -i ./mongodb*.deb
  • putty (sudo apt-get install -y putty)