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File metadata and controls

170 lines (112 loc) · 6.02 KB


Note: This is in reverse chronological order, so newer entries are added to the top.


  • With the introduction of the new SwiftParser, the existing SwiftSyntaxParser is deprecated and will be removed. The module and it's API surface still exists as a thin wrapper over SwiftParser, which no longer requires a matching toolchain or _InternalSwiftSyntaxParser shared library to work.

Swift 5.6

  • To clarify that the edits passed to IncrementalParseTransition are applied concurrently, introduce a new ConcurrentEdit type that provides the guarantee and allows translation of sequentially applied edits to the expected concurrent form.

  • The SwiftSyntaxParser type and a few related types now live in their own module (also named SwiftSyntaxParser). This allows using SwiftSyntax for code generation purposes without having a compatible _InternalSwiftSyntaxParser.dylib around.

    import SwiftSyntaxParser where necessary.

  • DiagnosticEngine has been removed. Instead, SyntaxParser takes a closure through which it emits parser diagnostics. Depending on your needs, use the closure to handle the diagnostics or write + hook up your own diagnostics engine.

Swift 5.3

  • Introduced FunctionCallExprSyntax.additionalTrailingClosures property with type MultipleTrailingClosureElementListSyntax? for supporting SE-0279 Multiple Trailing Closures.

  • Introduced syntaxNodeType property for all types conforming to SyntaxProtocol, which returns the underlying syntax node type. It is primarily intended as a debugging aid during development.

  • Provided a clearer error message for the "parser compatibility" error.

Swift 5.2

  • ReversedSyntaxChildren has been removed

    Use the reversed() property on SyntaxCollection, which now conforms to BidirectionalCollection instead.

  • SyntaxCollections now conform to BidirectionalCollection

    The previous conformance to Sequence has been upgraded to a conformance to BidirectionalCollection

  • Properties isExpr, isDecl, isStmt, isType and isPattern removed from SyntaxNode

    Use is(ExprSyntaxProtocol.self) etc. instead.

  • Property uniqueIdentifier removed from syntax nodes and SyntaxNode

    Use the newly added property id or the conformance to Identifiable instead.

  • Syntax nodes and SyntaxNode conform to Identifiable

    Identifiable conformance has been added to all syntax nodes and the SyntaxNode type using SyntaxIdentifier as the identifier.

  • The walk method on syntax nodes has been removed.

    Instead, use the walk method on the SyntaxVisitor.

    // Before 
    // Now
  • SyntaxVisitor and SyntaxAnyVisitor are a class and no longer a protocol.

    For performance reasons the SyntaxVisitor and SyntaxAnyVisitor were migrated from being a protocol to being a class.

    Any structs conforming to the above protocols need to become classes. Implementing methods need to be marked override and, if necessary, any mutating keywords need to be removed.

    // Before
    struct Visitor: SyntaxVisitor {
      mutating func visit(_ node: EnumDeclSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind {
        /* ... */
    // Now
    class Visitor: SyntaxVisitor {
      override func visit(_ node: EnumDeclSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind {
        /* ... */
  • A new type SyntaxEnum has been introduced

    The new type SyntaxEnum allow exhaustive switching over all syntax types. It can be constructed by calling asSyntaxEnum on Syntax.

    let node: Syntax
    switch {
      case .identifierExpr(let identifierExprSyntax):
      /* ... */

Modelling syntax nodes as structs

For increased performance, the modelling of the syntax node hierarchy has been switched from being protocol-based to being struct-based. This includes the following changes:

  • The protocols ExprSyntax, DeclSyntax, Syntax etc. have been removed

    For passing values of these types around, use the new type erasers ExprSyntax, DeclSyntax, Syntax etc. instead. To add computed properties or functions to all expression nodes, write an extension on ExprSyntaxProtocol. To add methods to all syntax nodes, extend SyntaxProtcol.

    Pass type eraser

    func foo(_ expr: ExprSyntax) {}

    stays the same. ExprSyntax is now a struct and not a protocol. See below on how to create an ExprSyntax.

    Extending a type

    // Before
    extension ExprSyntax {
      func evaluateAsIntegerExpr() -> Int { /* ... */ }
    // Now
    extension ExprSyntaxProtocol {
      func evaluateAsIntegerExpr() -> Int { /* ... */ }
  • Checking a node's type can no longer be performed using the is operator. Use the is(_: SyntaxProtocol) method on any type eraser instead.

    // Before 
    exprSyntax is IdentifierExprSyntax
    // Now
  • To retrieve the non-type erased version of a type, use the as(_: SyntaxProtocol.self) method

    let identifierExprSyntax: IdentifierExprSyntax = /* ... */
    let node = Syntax(identifierExprSyntax)
    node.asProtocol(SyntaxProtocol.self) // returns a IdentifierExprSyntax with static type SyntaxProtocol
    node.asProtocol(ExprSyntaxProtocol.self) // returns a IdentifierExprSyntax with static type ExprSyntaxProtocol?
  • Downcasting can no longer be performed using the as operator. For downcasting use the as(_: SyntaxProtocol) method on any type eraser.

    // Before
    exprSyntax as? IdentifierExprSyntax
    // Now
  • Upcasting needs to be performed explicitly. Use the designated initializers for this.

    // Before
    func foo() -> ExprSyntax {
      /* ... */
      return identiferExprSyntax
    // Now
    func foo() -> ExprSyntax {
      /* ... */
      return ExprSyntax(identiferExprSyntax)