Releases: mailchimp/mc-magento2
Releases · mailchimp/mc-magento2
Version 1.0.19
Fixes from phpcs and phpcbf
Version 1.0.18
Fix an issue introduced in 1.0.17 that not sync all the variants for a given product
Add a control to avoid problems when a list linked to a mailchimp store is deleted
Release 1.0.17
Bug Fixes
- Prevent sending customers to other store views even when they belong to the same website
- Error in mc.js when change the mailchimp store
Release 1.0.16
Bug Fixes
- Fix simple product url
- Limit the process of the webhooks
Release 1.0.15
Bug Fixes
- Enable not saving on a MailChimp store level
- Sorting MailChimp Stores grid by email more than once causes display issues
- Avoid error when for some reason the process cancel
- Add ACL permissions
- Review the Customer process
- Problem when receive the response of batc
- Change the order # when sync
- Not mark the already synced element like errors
- Purchases made via campaign not attributed to the campaign
- Store information not passing to MailChimp
- Newly added products not synced
- Pass platform as "magento2"
- Update order status when paid, shipped, refunded, cancelled.
- Invalid product image url when the product not have any image
- Autoselect store when only one exists
- Show the list in the configuration page
- Change the configuration to use jquery and ajax
- Installation of MC.js pixel
- Add webhooks
- Add actions to webhooks
- Process the webhooks in a separate cron process
- Move MailChimp Store above Account Details on the Configuration page
Release 1.0.14
Release 1.0.9
Add catcher block
Release 1.0.8
Release 1.0.7
Remove some logs
Release 1.0.6
add control to know if you enter an apikey first