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grunt-amdcheck Known Vulnerabilities

Uses AST to find and remove unused dependencies in AMD modules.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.0

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-amdcheck --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "amdcheck" task


When an AMD-based project grows, so does the number of its JS files. Some dependencies of previously used modules may no longer be necessary. The AMD module loader (e.g. requirejs) loads those useless dependencies from the network, which can increase initial page load time. This grunt plugin can detect and remove those useless dependencies without modifying source files.



define('module1', ['p1', 'p2'], function (a, b) {
  return a;

define('module2', ['p1', 'p2', 'p3'], function (a, b, c) {
  return b;


define('module1', ['p1'], function (a) {
  return a;

define('module2', ['p2'], function (b) {
  return b;



Type: Array
Default value: []

An array of strings or RegExps that represent dependency names that should not be taken into account.


Type: Array
Default value: []

An array of strings or RegExps that represent dependency paths that should not be taken into account.

NOTE: exceptsPaths, followed by a comma-separated list of module paths can be declared before each module definition. This exception is only applied to the underlying module definition.


/* exceptsPaths: p3 */
define(['p1', 'p2', 'p3'], function (a, b, c) {
  return b;


/* exceptsPaths: p3 */
define(['p2', 'p3'], function (b, c) {
  return b;


Type: boolean
Default value: false

When strict is true, throws an error if at least one unused dependency path or dependency name was found.


Type: boolean
Default value: false

Logs the id of the module if the module id is specified.


Type: boolean
Default value: false

Logs the list of dependency paths of the module.


Type: boolean
Default value: false

Logs the list of dependency names of the module.


Type: boolean
Default value: true

Logs the list of unused dependency paths of the module.


Type: boolean
Default value: false

Logs the list of unused dependency names of the module.


Type: boolean
Default value: true

Removes detected unused dependencies and saves the new files.


Type: boolean
Default value: false

When removing unused dependencies (i.e. removeUnusedDependencies: true), only write out files that have unused dependencies.

Usage Examples

  amdcheck: {
    dev: {
      options: {
        excepts: ['module'],
        exceptsPaths: ['require', /^jquery\./]
      files: [
          expand: true,
          cwd: 'js/',
          src: ['**/*.js'],
          dest: 'build/'

Release History

  • 2016-04-13   v1.3.2   Update grunt peerDep.
  • 2015-05-13   v1.3.1   Option 'strict' added.
  • 2015-05-12   v1.3.0   Option 'logFilePath' removed (only filepaths with unused deps will be logged).
  • 2014-08-22   v1.2.5   Fix a bug when there are comments between paths and dependencies.
  • 2014-08-16   v1.2.0   Entirely uses AST.
  • 2014-07-20   v1.0.0   Uses AST to find out unused dependencies.
  • 2014-04-21   v0.3.0   Added option to only write out files that have unused dependencies.
  • 2014-03-19   v0.2.2   Update the dependency version.
  • 2014-01-22   v0.2.1   exceptsPaths can also be defined before each module definition.
  • 2014-01-13   v0.2.0   Extracted the core as a separate package (amdextract).
  • 2014-01-12   v0.1.7   Bug fix on commented dependencies. Add the new exceptsPaths option. Options excepts and exceptsPaths can take RegExps.
  • 2014-01-11   v0.1.6   Bug fix on commented dependencies.
  • 2014-01-05   v0.1.5   Can remove unused dependencies. Add some logging options.
  • 2014-01-02   v0.1.1   Works on files with multiple modules. Can detect module id if provided.
  • 2014-01-01   v0.1.0   Works on files with a single module.


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