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Releases: magma1447/greasemonkey-geocaching-projectgc

PGC user menu fixes

13 Sep 23:51
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With the help from sdahlbac we have now fixed the CSS for the PGC user menu. It broke when Geocaching HQ changed their HTML.

Will attend per country

15 May 13:05
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For events there is now also a number of will attend per country available. Just as "found" per country.
Server side API has been changed and breaks "found per country" for versions before v1.8.3 (this one).

Removed fieldnotes fix

20 Apr 08:04
Choose a tag to compare has now changed their fieldnote links to proper hrefs again. Removed our workaround.

Minor fix

07 Apr 12:43
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Don't add comments to Drafts page when there are zero drafts.

Tabbed drafts/field notes

07 Apr 12:26
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With recent changes at it wasn't possible to use tabbed browsing when logging your drafts/field notes. With this release, we are changing the links to standard href again.

Minor fix

28 Feb 13:31
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Fixes the location of xxx unique countries for logs per country.

Hotfix Chrome

27 Feb 23:50
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Force SSL usage for PGC-traffic.

Minor fixes

27 Feb 23:44
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Minor fixes and tweaks, primarily regarding logs per country.

Version fix for 1.7

27 Feb 23:12
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Update greasemonkey-geocaching-projectgc.user.js

Lost my version bump, fixing.

Found logs per country

27 Feb 23:10
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Added a table of flags showing which countries has logged a geocache.