In order to comply with European Cookie Law we have to enable Magento Cookie Restriction Mode.
By enabling Cookie Restriction Mode Magento 2.1.x does not show Google Analytics Tracking code even if user allow cookies.
This is due to bug #5596 (magento/magento2#5596) affecting magento 2.1.x versions.
This module fixes the issue and enable Google Analytics if user gives consent.
Not only Magento Google Analytics module benefits from this fix, but also every module using the standard Magento module Cookie.
Install module:
composer config repositories.magento2-cookie-restriction-fix git
composer require magma/magento2-cookie-restriction-fix
Enable module:
./bin/magento setup:upgrade
In order to comply with Cookie Law every third-party module should block tracking cookies unless the user accepts to save them.
Standard Magento Module Cookie Restriction Mode is meant to do so.
Third party developers can use this mechanism by checking the condition isUserNotAllowSaveCookie
provided by the module Magento_Cookie.
Tested on Magento 2.1.8. It should work on older Magento 2.1.x versions.