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Peter Goodhall edited this page May 17, 2020 · 12 revisions

The Radio Interface area of Cloudlog allows you to control radios which are available within the Radio dropdown, at any time you can delete a radio if you no longer require it.

It's possible to interface Cloudlog to amateur radio equipment via external APIs at the moment this is possible using the following tools.

These third-party tools require API keys which can be generated from Admin -> API

CAT Control

Cloudlog supports pushing radio information just like you would with a desktop operating system this is via a desktop app called CloudlogCAT This application uses Omni-Rig thus supports most of the radios on the market.

If you use Linux, Mac or just hate Omni-Rig then Tobias (DL4TMA) has made a script called cloudlog-rigctl-interface this interfaces rigctl to Cloudlogs CAT API. This script requires PHP-CLI to be installed. If you would like a pure Bash version, Tony (G0WFV) has you covered with CloudlogBashCat which also synchronises Cloudlog with rigctld.

SatPC32 Interface

For AMSAT operators who use SatPC32 we have made it straight forward to present the application to Cloudlog which allows an automatic population of satellite fields, Cloudlog just sees this as another radio interface.

SatPC32 Connection App

Setup is straightforward just download the application from the link above and run the setup file, once this is done you will be presented with the empty fields.

Fill in the URL to the root folder of your Cloudlog installation and get an API key from the API section (Remember it needs read/write privileges) copy that into the correct box then press the connect button if all goes well you will see data from SatPC32 below the connection button.

SatPC32 Connected

You can now in the QSO panel select the SatPC32 radio.

Select the Radio in the QSO Panel

Radio Dropdown

After configuring the Radio, you need to select what you'd like to use for QSOs, to do this go to the QSO area, then the Station tab, then find Radio this is a drop-down select menu, select the correct radio then Log a QSO, this option will be set as a cookie and will be remembered in till you unselect it or the cookie expires.

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