Progressbar and pagexounter for impress.js presentations Requires the steps to be submitted on impress:init event, see impress/impress.js#235 and impress/impress.js#232 for details.
Add a div for progressbar and/or progress as you can see it here:
<div class="progressbar"><div></div></div>
<div class="progress"></div>
include the CSS in the header
<link href="css/impress-progress.css" rel="stylesheet" />
and include the script
<script src="js/impress-progress.js"></script>
just before including impress.js.
That's it.
Feel free to change the style of your progressbar as you like by editing the CSS file.
Until m42e/impress.js@f367c84 isn't accepted there's the need to patch js/impress.js to add the steps data to init().
Changing line 402 like this:
triggerEvent(root, "impress:init", { api: roots[ "impress-root-" + rootId ] });
triggerEvent(root, "impress:init", { api: roots[ "impress-root-" + rootId ], steps: steps });