Anyone can contribute to the Liberty Maven Plug-in project and we welcome your contributions!
There are multiple ways to contribute: report bugs, fix bugs, contribute code, improve upon documentation, etc. You must follow these guidelines:
Please raise any bug reports on the Liberty Maven Plug-in project repository's GitHub issue tracker. Be sure to search the list to see if your issue has already been raised.
A good bug report is one that makes it easy for everyone to understand what you were trying to do and what went wrong. Provide as much context as possible so we can try to recreate the issue.
Please make sure to test the build using maven-wrapper, too. This way we can exclude local maven versions from being the origin of your issue.
If you are contributing code changes via a pull request for anything except trivial changes, you must signoff on the Individual Contributor License Agreement If you are doing this as part of your job you may also wish to get your employer to sign a CCLA Corporate Contributor License Agreement. Instructions how to sign and submit these agreements are located at the top of each document. Trivial changes such as Typos, redundant spaces, minor formatting and spelling errors will be labeled as "CLA trivial", and don't require a signed CLA for consideration.
After we obtain the signed CLA, you are welcome to open a pull request, and the team will be notified for review. We ask you follow these steps through the submission process.
- Ensure you run a passing local maven build explained in the README before opening a PR.
- Open PR's against the "main" branch.
- A label will be added "CLA signed" or "CLA trivial" depending on the nature of the change.
- A team of "reviewers" will be notified, will perform a review, and if approved will merge the PR.
- If a reviewer has comments, questions or suggestions, those must be addressed before the PR is approved.
Please ensure you follow the coding standards used throughout the existing code base. Some basic rules include:
- All files must have a Copyright including the Apache license in the header.
- Indent with 4 spaces, no tabs.
- Opening brace on same line as
/ etc. statements. Closing brace on its own line. - All PRs must have a passing build.