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Contributing to

This document outlines setup, standards, and practices for contributing to the M-Lab website. Content is written in markdown, and Jekyll applies templates and formatting when generating the final static site. We use Travis-ci to test site builds and deployments, previewing branches matching the pattern sandbox-*

Install required tools on your system

To edit this website you need:

  • git, Github account
  • whatever you want to edit files with (eg. Sublime, VSCode, etc.)
  • Docker

The Dockerfile is used to manage everything needed to build the site with Jekyll and preview it locally. If you have installed any of the site build dependencies on your system, you may experience conflicts when running the Docker builds. Remove locally installed dependencies if this happens to you.

Get the site with Git

  • Clone this repository: git clone [email protected]:m-lab/website.git

  • Setup the pre-commit hook:

    rm -rf .git/hooks/
    cd .git/
    ln -s -f ../_hooks hooks
  • Build local-website Docker development image

    docker build -t local-website .

Publication Process

The website publication process uses a combination of continuous integration using Travis CI, pull requests, code review and release tagging.

The file .travis.tml is configured to do the following actions:

  • When a branch matching the pattern sandbox-* is pushed:

  • When a pull request is approved and merged into the main branch:

  • When a repository owner tags a release in Github:

    • Travis CI builds the site and publishes it to a Google Firebase project
    • The production website is then updated with the content from this release

Contribution Process

Internal team members typically edit content for new posts or pages in a Google Doc, where the content is reviewed and commented on by others. Once ready, the Doc is converted to Markdown and added to a git branch for final review here.

Team members should always make changes to the site using a git branch (not main). Community contributors should fork this repository, and preview/test changes locally using provided the Docker container.

When ready, team members may push their branch to preview (if using the sandbox-* branch name pattern) and submit a Pull Request to the main branch for code review. Community contributors should preview their changes locally, and issue a Pull Request from their fork to our main branch.

Once review is completed, a repository owner will tag a release to publish.

Previewing Site Locally and Offline

The local-website Docker image can be run on your machine to preview changes locally before pushing to Github and submitting pull requests.

Run the jekyll server using the local-website docker image using the command below.

docker run --rm \
    --publish 4000:4000 \
    --volume $PWD:/home/website \
    --interactive --tty local-website \
      bundle exec jekyll serve --host --baseurl ""

NOTE: the --host flag is needed within the docker environment. An empty --baseurl is needed to test locally.

View the generated site by visiting: http://localhost:4000/

Notes on Site Structure and Specific Types of Content

Site Structure

Directory Description
_data Directory contains yml files that contain content that is not within individual pages or posts. Currently used on the home page.
_hooks Includes a pre-commit hook that runs tests from _tests/travis-checks on each commit.
_includes Contains html, markdown, and JavaScript files that can be included on various pages.
_layouts Contains the templates that are used to generate pages with different layouts. Templates may include one another, and all pages use the default.html template. For example, see page.html.
_linter Contains a Ruby file defining rules that the markdown linter should use.
_pages Contains all non-blog post pages. Pages that have a number prepended to the filename signifies that they are used to dynamically generate the main navigational header. They will display in the header in the order of the prepended numbers. These pages also must contain the menu-item: true frontmatter in the pages.
_pages/301 301 redirects used when content is moved from one URL to a new one.
_pages/categories Contains category pages for each named tag used on blog posts. A category page must be added when new tags are added to the site.
_pages/dates Contains a "month index" page for each month in which blog posts are published. A new month index page must be added whenever a new post in a new month is published.
_posts Contains all of the individual blog entries.
_sass Contains the CSS for bootstrap and overrides.
_tests Contains travis checks run by the pre-commit hook.
assets Bootstrap fonts and JavaScripts
blog Contains the blog index page.
css Contains additional css to be included in the site.
fonts Contains the customized font libraries for the site.
images Contains all images used in the site.
js Contains JavaScript libraries included in the site.
notebooks Contains Jupyter notebooks to be included on pages or posts.
publications Contains all the pdfs and docs that are included or linked in the site.
static Contains additional static content.
travis Submodule for m-lab/travis to support deployment automation in Travis CI.
.firebaserc Defines the Firebase project and hosting. Used by Travis CI to automate publishing of tagged releases.
.gitignore Defines which files and file patterns should be excluded from Git commits.
.gitmodules Defines the Git submodules used in this repo.
.travis.yml Travis CI build and deployment configurations. Provides onboarding details for new contributors.
Dockerfile Defines the Docker container for building and previewing the site locally.
LICENSE Software license for the code in this repository. Read me.
_config.yml Defines the site settings Jekyll uses when building the site.
favicon.ico Favicon used for the site.
firebase.json Additional config file for Firebase to exclude some files from the published site.

Updating Include Files for BigQuery Table/View Schemas

Schema descriptions for M-Lab tables and views are located in the m-lab/etl repository. They are updated for this site using a Dockerhub image created by continuous integration on the m-lab/etl-schema repository.

docker run -v $PWD:/_includes -it measurementlab/generate-schema-docs:latest -doc.output /_includes

Including Jupyter Notebooks in Pages or Posts

  • Notebooks are included using the jekyll-jupyter-notebook gem

  • Save .ipynb notebook files in /notebook

  • And include them in website pages using this syntax:

    {% jupyter_notebook "/notebooks/discard-analysis-2018.ipynb" %}
  • When the site is generated, notebooks in /notebooks are converted to .html, which are added as iframe content by the jupyter_notebook include command above.