Here is a screenshot of Isabelle in emacs:
Here is a screenshot of Isabelle in spacemacs:
(with the sledgehammer interface).
- Description
- Preparation
- Install (as a non-developer)
- Install (as a developer)
- Post-Installation
- Key bindings
- Using Isabelle on a remote machine with Tramp
This layer allows for editing isabelle theory files. It includes:
- syntax highlighting via isar-mode
- pretty symbols rewriting
- processing via lsp-isar
- sledgehammer interface
- some keybindings
Remark that only isar-mode and lsp-isar have been developed for this project. The rest (and in particular the LSP integration) was developed by other people!
- The version of Isabelle2023 to download is available at in the Isabelle2023-vsce branch
git clone
cd isabelle-emacs
git checkout Isabelle2023-vsce
- Initialize Isabelle (note that the second and third commands can take a while and require an internet connection)
./bin/isabelle components -I
./bin/isabelle components -a
./bin/isabelle build -b HOL
There is no difference between the standard Isabelle and this Isabelle version, except for some extensions in the LSP server that does not impact Isabelle. A small list of extensions:
- support for progress (corresponding to the theory panel in Isabelle/jEdit)
- support for outline (corresponding to the sidekick in Isabelle/jEdit)
While none of them is per-se necessary, as a user, you really want to have the first one.
Add the following to your .emacs
(refer to the file configuration_ex/mini_init.el
;; initialisation of package (if needed)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("org" . "") t)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t)
(unless (package-installed-p 'use-package)
(message "installing package use-package")
(package-install 'use-package)
(unless (package-installed-p 'use-package)
(error "failed to install use-package"))
;; install quelpa
(use-package quelpa
:ensure t)
(require 'quelpa)
:fetcher git
:url ""))
(require 'quelpa-use-package)
;; install dependencies
(use-package lsp-mode
:ensure t)
(use-package session-async
:ensure t)
;; the various required packages
(use-package isar-mode
:ensure t
:mode "\\.thy\\'"
:quelpa (isar-mode :fetcher github
:repo "m-fleury/isar-mode"
:files ("*.el")
:upgrade t)
(use-package isar-goal-mode
:ensure t
:quelpa (isar-goal-mode :fetcher github
:repo "m-fleury/isar-mode"
:files ("*.el")
:upgrade t))
(use-package lsp-isar
:ensure t
:quelpa ((lsp-isar :fetcher github
:repo "m-fleury/isabelle-emacs"
:branch "Isabelle2023-vsce"
:files ("src/Tools/emacs-lsp/lsp-isar/*.el"))
:upgrade t)
:after lsp-mode
:commands lsp-isar-define-client-and-start
:defer t
(add-hook 'isar-mode-hook #'lsp-isar-define-client-and-start)
(add-hook 'lsp-isar-init-hook 'lsp-isar-open-output-and-progress-right-spacemacs)
;; CHANGE HERE: path to isabelle-emacs repo
(setq lsp-isar-path-to-isabelle "~/Documents/isabelle/isabelle-emacs")
Change the CHANGE HERE
part with the correct path to the isabelle-emacs
- Go to the private directory in your .emacs.d
cd ~/.emacs.d/private
- Create an Isabelle directory inside `local` and go to it
mkdir -p local
cd local
mkdir isabelle
- Create symbolic links to the layer files
ln -s ~/isabelle-emacs/src/Tools/emacs-lsp/spacemacs_layers/isabelle/layers.el layers.el
ln -s ~/isabelle-emacs/src/Tools/emacs-lsp/spacemacs_layers/isabelle/packages.el packages.el
ln -s ~/isabelle-emacs/src/Tools/emacs-lsp/spacemacs_layers/isabelle/funcs.el funcs.el
- In `defconst isabelle-packages` at the top of the file, remove the imports of `isar-mode`, `lsp-isar`, and `isar-goal-mode` and replace them by:
(isar-mode :location (recipe
:fetcher github
:repo "m-fleury/isar-mode"))
(isar-goal-mode :location (recipe
:fetcher github
:repo "m-fleury/isar-mode"))
(lsp-isar :location (recipe
:fetcher github
:repo "m-fleury/isabelle-emacs"
:files ("src/Tools/emacs-lsp/lsp-isar/*.el")))
To use this configuration layer, add it to your ~/.spacemacs
. You will need to
add isabelle
and git
(we use transient
that powers magit) to the existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
list in this
Then you need to add the following lines in the dotspacemacs/user-init
function of your ~/.spacemacs
(setq lsp-isar-path-to-isabelle "~/isabelle-emacs")
(setq lsp-isabelle-options (list "-d" "~/Example_Dir/Example_Session_Dir" "-S" "Example_Session"))
Note that the second line contains the command options to start isabelle from the command line and must be adapted to each use (see the Isabelle manual for the list of options).
Using the option “-S” (especially if you are importing the AFP in your theories), will speed up the start-up time. Note that this option can only be used if a ROOT file is declared for the corresponding session (see the isabelle documentation).
(setq isar-mode-path (concat repos-directory "isar-mode"))
(use-package isar-mode
:load-path isar-mode-path
:mode "\\.thy\\'"
(use-package isar-goal-mode
:defer t
:load-path isar-mode-path)
(use-package lsp-isar
:load-path lsp-isar-path-stable
:commands lsp-isar-open-output-and-progress-right-spacemacs lsp-isar-define-client-and-start
:defer t
where isar-mode-path
and lsp-isar-path-stable
are the corresponding paths.
git clone
In the remainder of these instructions, I assume you have cloned these repos directly in your home directory. The following commands must be adapted with the correct paths otherwise.
- Go to the private directory in your .emacs.d
cd ~/.emacs.d/private
- Create an Isabelle directory and go to it
mkdir isabelle
cd isabelle
- Create symbolic links to the layer files
ln -s ~/isabelle-emacs/src/Tools/emacs-lsp/spacemacs_layers/isabelle/layers.el layers.el
ln -s ~/isabelle-emacs/src/Tools/emacs-lsp/spacemacs_layers/isabelle/packages.el packages.el
ln -s ~/isabelle-emacs/src/Tools/emacs-lsp/spacemacs_layers/isabelle/funcs.el funcs.el
- Create a `local` folder and go to it
mkdir -p local
cd local
mkdir isabelle
- Create symbolic links to local packages
ln -s ~/isabelle-emacs/src/Tools/emacs-lsp/lsp-isar/ lsp-isar
ln -s ~/isar-mode/ isar-mode
The LSP layer must be added to your ~/.spacemacs
configuration file. If it is
not recursively called by another layer you will need to add lsp
to the
existing dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
list in this file.
Same as non-developer version
Add the following to your packages.el
(replacing the paths with the correct ones):
(package! isar-mode
:recipe (:local-repo ".../path/to/isar-mode"))
(package! isar-goal-mode
:recipe (:local-repo ".../path/to/isar-mode"))
(package! lsp-isar
:recipe (:local-repo ".../isabelle-emacs/src/Tools/emacs-lsp/lsp-isar/"))
(package! lsp-isar-parse-args
:recipe (:local-repo ".../isabelle-emacs/src/Tools/emacs-lsp/lsp-isar/"))
(package! session-async)
Now run doom sync
to install the packages.
An example configuration, appended to your config.el
, might look like this:
;; Isabelle setup
(use-package! isar-mode
:mode "\\.thy\\'"
;; (add-hook 'isar-mode-hook 'turn-on-highlight-indentation-mode)
;; (add-hook 'isar-mode-hook 'flycheck-mode)
(add-hook 'isar-mode-hook 'company-mode)
(add-hook 'isar-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(set (make-local-variable 'company-backends)
'((company-dabbrev-code company-yasnippet)))))
(add-hook 'isar-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(set (make-local-variable 'indent-tabs-mode) nil)))
(add-hook 'isar-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(use-package! lsp-isar-parse-args
(lsp-isar-parse-args-nollvm nil))
(use-package! lsp-isar
:commands lsp-isar-define-client-and-start
(lsp-isar-output-use-async t)
(lsp-isar-output-time-before-printing-goal nil)
(lsp-isar-experimental t)
(lsp-isar-split-pattern 'lsp-isar-split-pattern-three-columns)
(lsp-isar-decorations-delayed-printing t)
(add-hook 'lsp-isar-init-hook 'lsp-isar-open-output-and-progress-right-spacemacs)
(add-hook 'isar-mode-hook #'lsp-isar-define-client-and-start)
(push (concat ".../isabelle-emacs/src/Tools/emacs-lsp/yasnippet")
(setq lsp-isar-path-to-isabelle ".../isabelle-emacs")
If you use evil key bindings in doom, you will also hit issue described at #21. Here is the work-around:
(defun ~/evil-motion-range--wrapper (fn &rest args)
"Like `evil-motion-range', but override field-beginning for performance.
See URL `'."
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'field-beginning)
(lambda (&rest args) 1)))
(apply fn args)))
(advice-add #'evil-motion-range :around #'~/evil-motion-range--wrapper)
Append to the file ~/.isabelle/Isabelle2023-vsce/etc/settings
Then change in the emacs/spacemacs configuration
(setq lsp-isabelle-options (list "-d" "\$AFP"))
This is also the place to include further paths. Remember, however, that including more paths makes Isabelle slower to start.
Splitting is possible in two or three columns (see the screenshot on top). This can be controlled by
(setq lsp-isar-split-pattern 'lsp-isar-split-pattern-three-columns)
(setq lsp-isar-split-pattern 'lsp-isar-split-pattern-two-columns)
If you want to split the screen differently, you just remove the hook from isar-mode-hooks
(the line looks like):
(add-hook 'isar-mode-hook #'lsp-isar-define-client-and-start)
and add your own function to the hook instead!
Isabelle is very confused by soft links. The issues you will see are:
- no update of decorations when moving the cursor;
- the number of goals is twice the real number of goals.
To solve this issue, you need to set the variables `lsp-isar-file-name-unfollow-links` and `lsp-isar-file-name-follow-links`. Setting both currently not described, because we do not really understand what is happenning behind the scenes. Please open an issue if you have that problem.
Binding | Effect |
C-c C-s | insert sledgehammer command and open the transient interface |
(If you know magit, you will know how to use the interface)
Binding | Effect |
,ii | insert sledgehammer command and open the transient interface |
,is | open the transient interface |
(If you know magit, you will know how to use the interface)
The option “-S” was replaced by “-R” (or more precisely, the benefits from “-S” do not exist anymore and, therefore, the option “-S” was discontinued in Isabelle).
We can only recommand to use the values recommended by the LSP project
(setq gc-cons-threshold 100000000)
(setq read-process-output-max (* 1024 1024)) ;; 1mb
You can also set the following variable:
(setq lsp-use-plists t)
This requires recompiling the LSP projects (delete in your
, all directories starting with lsp
and restart
The upcoming Emacs-29 should have the “noverlay” branch significantly improving the performance of overlays (aka all the syntax highlighting in our case). The performance is already mostly okay, so this is not critical anymore (I spent enough time optimizing it), but it can still be useful.
Remark that you can also use the so-called `gccemacs’ version of Emacs (now merged under the name native). It should improve the performance, but we never run benchmarks to confirm that.
JSON parsing is significantly faster
Emacs provides a mode called Tramp to open buffers on remote machines. This is useful in the Isabelle context when you are running on a low-powered laptop and instead want to use the faster (usually office) computer/server. In my experience, this is faster than ssh-ing into the machine and running Emacs there.
I have attempted to run it many times. Sometimes it works for some time, and then it stops working again and I don’t understand why.
- a fast connection is useful. SSH forwarding works most of the time. Make sure to start Emacs from a terminal with ssh-agent running (or any variant) such that ssh-ing in the machine does not ask you for a password.
- isabelle must be in the path. There is no other way.
- set the variable to t:
(setq lsp-isar-parse-args-tramp t)
I have an “emacs” option (`–isabelle-tramp`) to decide between locally and remotely.
- Taken from here:
(defun my-vc-off-if-remote ()
(if (file-remote-p (buffer-file-name))
(setq-local vc-handled-backends nil)))
(add-hook 'find-file-hook 'my-vc-off-if-remote)