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Bellman Ford

  • Computes shortest paths from a single source vertex to all of the other vertices in a weighted directed graph.
  • Slower than Dijkstra's algorithm. Its time complexity is O(VE).
  • Can handle graph with negative weight edges.
  • Works better (than Dijkstra's) for distributed system. Unlike Dijkstra's where we need to find minimum value of all vertices, Bellman-Force considers edges one by one.


Let dist[u] be the length of the shortest path from src to u.

Initially dist[src] = 0 and dist[u] = INF for all other vertices.

Repeat V - 1 times (since the path in the graph is at most of length V - 1):

  • For each edge E = (u, v, weight), try to use E to update the dist[v]: If dist[u] + weight < dist[v], then dist[v] = dist[u] + weight.
// Time: O(VE)
// Space: O(V)
vector<int> bellmanFord(vector<vector<int>>& edges, int V, int src) {
    vector<int> dist(N, INT_MAX);
    dist[src] = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < V; ++i) { // try to use all the edges to relax V-1 times.
        for (auto &e : edges) {
            int u = e[0], v = e[1], w = e[2];
            if (dist[u] == INT_MAX) continue;
            dist[v] = min(dist[v], dist[u] + w); // Try to use this edge to relax the cost of `v`.
    return dist;

