Solve heat equation by finite difference method ======================================================================== This is a project for solving 2D transient heat equation by finite difference method. Please read Demo.cpp for the whole procedure.
RectangleRegion defines a rectangle region. you can use it to represent a rectangle region. e.g. if you want define rectangle with width=0.2 and height=0.2 at the point(0.1,0.2), then, you can use the code like this: CFD::RectangleRegion ariRegion(0.1,0.1,0.2,0.2,20.0,1.9e-5). Note that, number 20.0 represents the temperature of air,and number 1.9e-5 means alpha value for air which is a const value, for more information about it, please refer to
Mesher can generate rectangle grid for finite differenct method. Taking a chip in the air for example, in order to solve the heat equation for this model quickly, you should make denser grid at the chip region, and thinner at the air region. then you can using mesher.SetPartRegionMeshSize and mesher.SetProblemRegionMeshSize to define different mesh size.
it's the configuration of solver, you can define suitable time step size for iteration and the total time .
After you have defined the regions and generated the mesh grid, you can use the solver to calculate for result. Note that you should set boundary condition for the whole problem region by using solver.SetMaterialAlphaValue and solver.SetTemperature
this is a matlab script file. you can display the grid and result. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////