Updated: 2023-Dec-14.
Confirm this date matches OpenAIs's most recent Terms of Service, located at this link. These documents were prepared by laypersons and not lawyers. We are not your representatives.
To opt out of OpenAI's arbitration clause and OpenAI's training using your personal data, you need to use a Google Form provided by OpenAI. (No email, no letter.)
- OpenAI Arbitration Clause Opt Out Google Form, per the link in the OpenAI Terms of Service. This asks for the following information:
- First and Last name
- Account email
- Organization ID (found under Acount Org settings)
- Organization name, if applicable
- OpenAI's Privacy page has a "Make a Privacy Request" button. This will allow you to request OpenAI not to train on your content, or to delete your content.
OpenAI's Terms of Service include a "Dispute Resolution" section, which includes a mandatory arbitration provision (which you can opt out of using the link above) and a mandatory informal dispute resolution process. The Terms of Service also include a class-action waiver and a jury-trial waiver, which cannot be opted out of.