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Lloyd Brookes edited this page Jun 9, 2019 · 100 revisions

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Local-web-server is a distribution of lws bundled with a "starter pack" of useful middleware.

The Basics

Default stack tutorials

Name Description
Basic Auth How to password-protect a server using Basic Authentication.
Body Parser How to access the body of an incoming request
Request Monitor Feeds traffic information to the --verbose output.
Log How to output an access log
How to visualise access logs with third-party tools
Cors How to configure Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
Json Pretty-prints JSON responses.
Rewrite How to rewrite URLs to local or remote destinations
Blacklist How to blacklist certain routes
Conditional Get How to use HTTP Conditional Requests
Mime How to customise mime types
Compress Compress responses using gzip.
SPA How to serve a Single Page Application (SPA)
Static Serves static files.
Index Serves directory listings.



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