Re-uno is a project using Rescript to recreate the UNO card game.
# Cloning project
git clone
# Installing dependencies
# Starting rescript in watch mode
yarn run re:watch
# Starting app
yarn start
Re-uno is in early development and documentation is also being developed, stay tuned by starring the repo.
Coming soon
The main purpose of this repository is to develop knowledge and grow a project between friends/co-workers, making a game so everyone can have fun. Development of Re-uno happens in the open on GitHub, and we are grateful to the community for contributing bugfixes and improvements. Read below to learn how you can take part in improving Re-uno.
We've adopted a Code of Conduct that we expect project participants to adhere to. It basically consists of being polite, and resolving issues without causing trouble with code/contributors.
Simply clone the project, create an issue for what you plan on doing and submit a Pull Request :)
If you wish to contribute and help grow Re-uno, we have a list of good first issues that contain bugs which have a relatively limited scope. This is a great place to get started.
Re-uno is MIT licensed.
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Antoniel Magalhães 🐛 💻 |
Guilherme dos Reis Meira 📖 💻 |
Daniel Cunha 📖 💻 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!