All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Updated for 1.21.21
- No longer requires experimental features.
- Now uses custom block and item components.
- Updated for 1.19.80
- All magnets can now teleport Xp Orbs
- min Minecraft version ( 1.19.20 )
- The magnet blocks now have a new bottom texture to see if the magnet is powered or not.
- Blocks will now show up in the creative inventory.
- When you place the magnet down it will be off.
- on/off message should now only show to the player toggling the magnet.
- it will now play the beacon activate and deactivate sound when it is turned on/off.
- Items will no longer "hop" every time the magnet is triggered.
- Cooldown will only work for that tier of the magnet, and no longer affects ender pearl cooldown.
- The magnet items now have durability (The same amount as their Minecraft tool counterpart with copper having 185 durability/uses)
- Using the magnet will decrease the durability by 1
- You can use the Minecraft ingot or another magnet to repair the magnet.