The following curriculum map is a day-by-day listing of the AP Computer Science course in chronological order. Each row represents one day of class, based on a medium-paced class. Readings from the textbook and homework assignments are included on the day when they should be assigned. Refer to the Introduction document for information about how to adjust this pacing for your specific classroom.
- Unit 1: Programming & Java (2 weeks)
- Unit 2: Working with Data & Basic Control Flow (3 weeks)
- Unit 3: Advanced Data & Control Flow (4 weeks)
- Unit 4: Arrays, Lists, & Files (4 weeks)
- Unit 5: Object-Oriented Programming (4 weeks)
- Unit 6: Inheritance & Polymorphism (4 weeks)
- Unit 7: Searching & Sorting (3 weeks)
- Unit 8: Recursion (2 weeks)
- Unit 9: AP Test Review (3 weeks)
- Unit 10: Post-AP Exam Projects (4–5 weeks)
- WS — Worksheet
- SC — Self-Check problem (in the textbook)
- EX — Exercise (in the textbook)
- PP — Programming Project (in the textbook)
Lesson 1.01 | Using Eclipse & Practice-It |
Objectives | Students will be able to open Eclipse, create and save a file in Eclipse, and use Practice-It. |
Assessments | Students will demonstrate Plug-In and Un-Plug procedures for the teacher. Students will log in and submit a sample problem in Practice-It. |
In Class | WS 1.1.1 WS 1.1.2 |
Reading | |
Homework | Explore Pokémon (, console, web site) |
Lesson 1.02 | Algorithms & Computational Thinking |
Objectives | Students will be able to define algorithms, programs, hardware, software, and operating systems. Students will be able to describe the relationships between these concepts and components. |
Assessments | Students will write sample algorithms, assemble and debug a program that directs the instructor to make a peanut butter & jelly sandwich. |
In Class | PB&J |
Reading | 1.2 |
Homework | Reflect on PB&J assignment Continue exploring Pokémon |
Lesson 1.03 | String & Console Output |
Objectives | Students will correctly assemble a complete program that uses a class header, body, and main method. Students will correctly use print, println, and escape sequences. |
Assessments | Students will create a starter Pokémon program Students will complete several Practice-It questions. |
In Class | Practice-It SC 1.6–9, 1.11–14 LP Welcome |
Reading | 1.3 |
Homework | EX 1.1–5 |
Lesson 1.04 | Common Errors & Comments |
Objectives | Students will create simple programs with comments Students will be able to list and apply the steps necessary for avoiding syntax errors. |
Assessments | Students will complete a worksheet (WS 1.4). Students will develop a personal check-list for spotting syntax errors. |
In Class | WS 1.4 |
Reading | 1.4 |
Homework | EX 1.6–9 |
Lesson 1.05 | Static Methods & Method Calls |
Objectives | Students will use procedural decomposition to plan complex programs using structure diagrams. Students will manage complexity by using method calls. |
Assessments | Students will complete Practice-It problems. |
In Class | Practice-It SC 1.22, 1.23, 1.26, 1.29 |
Reading | 1.5 |
Homework | EX 1.11, 1.12, 1.14, 1.16 |
Lesson 1.06 | Static Methods & Method Calls |
Objectives | Students will use structure diagrams to plan complex programs. Students will manage complexity by using method calls. |
Assessments | Students will complete Practice-It problems, students will write a structured Pikachu program. |
In Class | LP StarFigures LP PikachuChatter |
Reading | |
Homework | Outline ch 1 PP 1.1, 1.3 |
Lesson 1.07 | Programming Project |
Objectives | Students will construct a program containing method calls and static methods. |
Assessments | Students will submit a complete, functional program by the end of class. |
In Class | PP 1.2, 1.5 |
Reading | |
Homework | Note check (add summaries if needed) |
Lesson 1.08 | Finding & Fixing Errors |
Objectives | Students will find errors in their returned homework assignments, and correct their code. |
Assessments | Students will re-submit all homework assignments with corrected answers. |
In Class | Fix homework |
Reading | Review ch 1 |
Homework | Submit questions for review |
Lesson 1.09 | Review |
Objectives | Students will identify weaknesses in their Unit 1 knowledge. |
Assessments | Students will create a personalized list of review topics to guide tonight’s study session. |
In Class | Review questions WS 1.9 Practice test |
Reading | |
Homework | Study |
Unit 1 Test | Programming & Java |
In Class | Test 0 Section I Test 0 Section II |
Lesson 2.00 | Test Review & Reteach |
Objectives | Students will re-learn or strengthen content knowledge and skills from Unit 1. |
Assessments | Students will re-submit test answers with updated corrections for partial or full credit, depending on instructor preference. |
In Class | Review test |
Reading | 2.1 except for “Mixing Types and Casting” |
Homework | Test corrections |
Lesson 2.01 | Basic Data Concepts |
Objectives | Students will be able to identify and categorize data types. Students will identify operators and operands, and will correctly apply rules or precedence. |
Assessments | Using operator/operand expression sets, students will use rules of precedence to correctly write code that yields a given answer. Using operator/operand expression sets, students will create their own expressions and predict the output. |
In Class | WS 2.1 |
Reading | 2.2 up to “String Concatenation” |
Homework | SC 2.1–3 (4th: 2.1, 2.3, 2.4) |
Lesson 2.02 | Declaring & Assigning Variables |
Objectives | Students will be able to identify, declare, and assign variables. |
Assessments | Students will write a program that converts temperature from Farenheit to Celsius. |
In Class | WS 2.2 Practice-It SC 2.7, 2.11 (4th: 2.8, 2.13) E 2.1 |
Reading | Rest of 2.2 |
Homework | SC 2.5, 2.6, 2.9, 2.12–15 (4th: 2.6, 2.7, 2.10, 2.14–17) |
Lesson 2.03 | String Concatenation & Increment Decrement Operators |
Objectives | Students will apply the rules of string concatenation, students will correctly interpret incrementing and decrementing statements. |
Assessments | Students will evaluate statements and predict output during a game of grudgeball. |
In Class | Grudgeball |
Reading | Rest of 2.2 |
Homework | SC 2.4 (4th: 2.5) |
Lesson 2.04 | Mixing Types & Casting |
Objectives | Students will be able to describe which types automatically convert into others when appearing together in expressions, and predict how an expression with mixed types will evaluate. Students will be able to convert types by casting. |
Assessments | Students will use “Zombie Rules” of precedence to correctly write code that yields a given answer Sudents will create their own expressions & predict output by completing and trading worksheets. |
In Class | WS 2.4 Poster 2.4 |
Reading | 2.3 up to “Nested for Loops” |
Homework | Finish WS 2.4 |
Lesson 2.05 | for Loops |
Objectives | Students will trace loops to predict program behavior Students will construct loops to execute simple tasks. |
Assessments | Students will trace and construct loops in Practice-It problems. |
In Class | WS 2.5 Practice-It SC 2.18, 2.23, 2.24 (4th: 2.21, 2.26, 2.27) |
Reading | 2.3 “Nested for Loops” |
Homework | SC 2.19–21 (4th: 2.22–24) |
Lesson 2.06 | Nested for Loops |
Objectives | Students will trace nested loops to predict program behavior Students will construct loops to execute simple tasks. |
Assessments | Students will trace and construct nested loops in Practice-It problems. |
In Class | Practice-It SC 2.28–30 (4th: 2.31–33) E 2.5 |
Reading | 2.4 “Scope” and “Pseudocode” |
Homework | SC 2.26, 2.27 (4th: 2.29, 2.30) E 2.4 |
Lesson 2.07 | Scope & Pseudocode |
Objectives | Students will be able to identify the scope of a variable and identify common scope errors. |
Assessments | Students will complete a worksheet. |
In Class | WS 2.7 Discuss PP 2.1 |
Reading | Read 2.4 “Class Constants” |
Homework | SC 2.31–33 (4th 2.34–36) |
Lesson 2.08 | Programming Project |
Objectives | Students will plan and construct a structured program containing nested loops. |
Assessments | Students will submit a complete, functional program by the end of next class. |
In Class | Start PP 2.4 |
Reading | |
Homework | Outline ch 2 (omit 2.5) |
Lesson 2.09 | Programming Project |
Objectives | Students will plan and construct a structured program containing nested loops. |
Assessments | Students will submit a complete, functional program by the end of next class. |
In Class | Complete PP 2.4 |
Reading | |
Homework | [TBD practice question] |
Lesson 2.10 | Finding & Fixing Errors |
Objectives | Students will find errors in their returned homework assignments, and correct their code. |
Assessments | Students will re-submit all homework assignments with corrected answers. |
In Class | Fix homework |
Reading | Review ch 2 (omit 2.5) |
Homework | Submit questions for review |
Lesson 2.11 | Review |
Objectives | Students will identify weaknesses in their Unit 1 knowledge. |
Assessments | Students will create a personalized list of review topics to guide tonight’s study session. |
In Class | Review questions WS 2.11 Practice test |
Reading | |
Homework | Study |
Unit 2 Test | Working with Data & Basic Control Flow |
In Class | Test 1 Section I Test 1 Section II |
Lesson 3.00 | Test Review & Reteach |
Objectives | Students will re-learn or strengthen content knowledge and skills from Unit 2. |
Assessments | Students will re-submit test answers with updated corrections for partial or full credit, depending on instructor preference. |
In Class | Unit 3 Test Review |
Reading | 3.1 up to “Limitations of Parameters” |
Homework | Test corrections |
Lesson 3.01 | Parameters |
Objectives | Students will correctly construct formal and actual parameters (arguments). Students will predict the output of programs that use parameters. |
Assessments | Students will teach a mini-lesson explaining the relationship between parameters and values stored in memory. Students will submit Practice-It questions. |
In Class | Practice-It SC 3.1–3 |
Reading | 3.1 “Limitations of Parameters”, “Multiple Parameters”, “Parameters versus Constants” |
Homework | SC 3.4–7 |
Lesson 3.02 | Limitations of Parameters & Multiple Parameters |
Objectives | Students will modify programs using parameters and class constants to create original artworks. |
Assessments | Students will complete an art project and “artist statement” justifying their programming choices. |
In Class | Art project |
Reading | 3.1 “Overloading Methods” 3.2 “Methods That Return Values” |
Homework | Jazz up art project and program |
Lesson 3.03 | Return Values |
Objectives | Students will write a program that returns values. |
Assessments | Students will complete Practice-It questions and write a program to meet a Pokémon Challenge. |
In Class | Practice-It SC 3.14–16 |
Reading | |
Homework | SC 3.17 E 3.1 |
Lesson 3.04 | Programming Project |
Objectives | Students will write a program that uses parameters, the math class, and returns values. |
Assessments | Students will submit an Equestria program by the end of class. |
In Class | WS 3.4 Equestria |
Reading | 3.3 up to “Interactive Programs and Scanner Objects” |
Homework | SC 3.18–19 |
Lesson 3.05 | Using Objects & String Processing |
Objectives | Students will be able to differentiate between primitive and object types. Students will apply 0-indexing and string processing techniques to predict the output of a program. |
Assessments | Students will complete WS 3.5 |
In Class | WS 3.5 |
Reading | 3.3 “Interactive Programming” and “Sample Interactive Program” |
Homework | SC 3.19–21 |
Lesson 3.06 | Interactive Programs & Scanner Objects |
Objectives | Students will write programs that accept user input using a scanner object. |
Assessments | Students will complete Practice-It problems. |
In Class | Practice-It SC 3.24–26 E 3.12,14,15 |
Reading | |
Homework | Outline ch 3 (omit 3.4) |
Lesson 3.07 | Pokémon Battle Programming Project |
Objectives | Students will write a program that requests user input and returns data. |
Assessments | Students will write a program that calculates damage done to Pokémon in a battle. |
In Class | WS 3.7 LP Battle |
Reading | |
Homework | Summarize notes since last exam |
Lesson 3.08 | Finding & Fixing Errors |
Objectives | Students will find errors and correct their previously submitted homework and classwork assignment. |
Assessments | Students will re-submit all homework assignments with corrected answers. |
In Class | Fix homework |
Reading | 4.1 up to “Nested If/Else Statements” |
Homework | SC 4.1–4 |
Lesson 3.09 | Relational Operators & if/else |
Objectives | Students will be able to evaluate relational expressions, predict and trace the flow of an if statement. |
Assessments | Students will evaluate relational expressions and practice correct if statement syntax during a game of grudgeball. |
In Class | Operator Precedence Grudgeball |
Reading | 4.1 “Nested If/Else” and “Flow of Control” |
Homework | SC 4.7–9 E 4.1–2 |
Lesson 3.10 | Nested if/else Statements |
Objectives | Students will will be able to choose which if statements ot use for different problems Students will use correct syntax for the different if statements. |
Assessments | Students will teach a mini-lesson on sequential or nested if statements. Students will submit several Practice-It questions. |
In Class | Teach mini-lessons Practice-It SC 4.5–6 E 4.3 |
Reading | 4.1, “Factoring If/Else Statements” and “Testing Multiple Conditions” |
Homework | EX 4.4–5 |
Lesson 3.11 | Reducing Redundancy |
Objectives | Students will simplify code and reduce redundancy by factoring if/else statements and testing multiple conditions simultaneously. |
Assessments | Students will complete a class competition. |
In Class | Refactoring competition |
Reading | 4.2 |
Homework | Outline ch 4 (omit 4.4, 4.5) |
Lesson 3.12 | Cumulative Algorithms |
Objectives | Students will find and correct syntax errors in conditional cumulative algorithms. |
Assessments | Students will write, modify, and correct programs written by others. |
In Class | Tally code on board Collaborative Programming Exercise |
Reading | 5.1 (skip “Do/While Loops”) |
Homework | PP 4.2 |
Lesson 3.13 | while Loops |
Objectives | Students will trace while loops to predict (1) the number of times the body executes and (2) the output of the code. Students will be able to differentiate between while loops, if statements, and for loops. |
Assessments | Students will complete Practice-It questions. |
In Class | Practice-It SC 5.1–4 E 5.2 WS 3.13 |
Reading | 5.1 “Random Numbers” |
Homework | EX 5.2 |
Lesson 3.14 | Random Numbers |
Objectives | Students will be able to write expressions that generate a random integer between any two values. |
Assessments | Students will complete Practice-It questions. |
In Class | Practice-It SC 5.5–7 E 5.4–5 |
Reading | 5.2 |
Homework | PP 5.1 |
Lesson 3.15 | Fencepost & Sentinel Loops |
Objectives | Students will be able to describe when to use fencepost and sentinel loops. Students will use proper syntax to construct these control structures. |
Assessments | Students will teach a mini-lesson explaining the relationship between parameters and values stored in memory. |
In Class | Teach mini-lessons |
Reading | 5.3 |
Homework | EX 5.6,8 |
Lesson 3.16 | Boolean Logic (Day 1) |
Objectives | Students will work in pairs to write a game that plays Rock Paper Scissors. |
Assessments | Students will submit a program at the end of 2 or 3 class periods. |
In Class | Practice-It SC 5.27, 5.29 WS 3.16 (RPS, Pig) DeMorgan’s Law Poster 3.16.1 Poster 3.16.2 |
Reading | |
Homework | Outline ch 5 (through 5.3) |
Lesson 3.16 | Boolean Logic (Day 2) |
Lesson 3.17 | Finding & Fixing Errors |
Objectives | Students will find errors in their returned homework assignments, and correct their code. |
Assessments | Students will re-submit all homework assignments with corrected answers. |
In Class | Fix homework |
Reading | Review ch 3–5 |
Homework | Submit questions for review |
Lesson 3.18 | Review |
Objectives | Students will identify weaknesses in their Unit 3 knowledge. |
Assessments | Students will create a personalized list of review topics to guide tonight’s study session. |
In Class | Review questions WS 3.18 Practice Test |
Reading | |
Homework | Study |
Unit 3 Test | Advanced Data & Control Flow |
Guide | Test 2 Guide |
In Class | Test 2 Section I Test 2 Section II |
Unit 3 Project | Frac Calc |
In Class | Frac Calc Student Guide Frac Calc Teacher Guide |
Lesson 4.00 | Test Review & Reteach |
Objectives | Students will re-learn or strengthen content knowledge and skills from Unit 3. |
Assessments | Students will re-submit test answers with updated corrections for partial or full credit, depending on instructor preference. |
In Class | Review test |
Reading | 7.1 up to “Arrays and Methods” |
Homework | Test corrections |
Lesson 4.01 | Array Basics |
Objectives | Students will define, populate, and access arrays. |
Assessments | Students will complete manipulatives exercises on WS 4.1.1 |
In Class | WS 4.1 Poster 4.2 |
Reading | 7.1 “For-Each Loop” and “The Arrays Class” |
Homework | SC 7.1,7,9 |
Lesson 4.02 | For-Each Loop & Arrays Class |
Objectives | Students will define, populate, and access arrays. |
Assessments | Students will complete manipulatives exercises on WS 4.2 |
In Class | WS 4.2 |
Reading | 7.2 up to “Reversing an Array” |
Homework | SC 7.12–14 |
Lesson 4.03 | Printing, Searching, & Testing for Equality (Day 1) |
Objectives | Students will be able to manipulate single-dimension arrays using a variety of array transversal algorithms. |
Assessments | Students will teach a mini-lesson on printing, searching/replacing, testing for equality, reversing an array, or string traversal. Students will complete a quiz at the end of Day 2. |
In Class | WS 4.3 Teach mini-lessons |
Reading | |
Homework | SC 7.14–17 E 7.3 |
Lesson 4.03 | Printing, Searching, & Testing for Equality (Day 2) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | |
Reading | 7.3 |
Homework | SC 7.19–21 |
Lesson 4.04 | Reference Semantics |
Objectives | Students will be able to compare and contrast how primitives and arrays are treated when passed as parameters. |
Assessments | Students will complete graphic organizers and a worksheet. Some students will complete a Pokémon Challenge for extra credit. |
In Class | WS 4.4 WS 4.4 Answers |
Reading | 7.4 up to “Command-Line Arguments” |
Homework | EX 7.9–10 |
Lesson 4.05 | Shifting Values & Arrays of Objects |
Objectives | Students will be able to shift elements within an array and construct arrays of objects. |
Assessments | Students will complete Practice-It questions and model memory manipulation using array whiteboards. |
In Class | SC 7.22,23,25,26,30 E 7.16 |
Reading | 7.4 “Nested Arrays” 7.5 “Rectangular Two Dimensional Arrays” |
Homework | SC 7.27–29 E 7.14 |
Lesson 4.06 | Nested Loop Algorithms & Rectangular Arrays |
Objectives | Students will correctly adjust nested loop headers for use with arrays Students will correctly construct two-dimensional arrays |
Assessments | Students will complete WS 4.6 |
In Class | WS 4.6 |
Reading | 10.1 up to “Adding to and Removing from an ArrayList” |
Homework | SC [TBD] |
Lesson 4.07 | ArrayList |
Objectives | Students will construct code using ArrayList Students will predict the output of methods that take arrays as parameters and/or return arrays. |
Assessments | Students will evaluate statements and predict output during a game of Grudgeball. |
In Class | Grudgeball Poster 4.7 |
Reading | |
Homework | Outline ch 7 and 10.1 |
Lesson 4.08 | Finding & Fixing Errors |
Objectives | Students will find errors in their returned homework assignments, and correct their code. |
Assessments | Students will re-submit all homework assignments with corrected answers. |
In Class | Fix homework |
Reading | Review ch 7, 10.1 for Magpie lab |
Homework | Submit questions for review |
Lesson 4.09 | Magpie Lab (Day 1) |
Objectives | Students will complete a long-form lab, using if statements, algorithms, the Sting class, arrays, and ArrayLists. |
Assessments | Students will complete the College Board’s AP CS A Magpie Chatbot Lab. Students will answer assessment questions on the fourth class exam. |
In Class | Magpie Chatbot Lab Activity 1 & 2 Eclipse Magpie Archive |
Reading | Barrons ch 6 |
Homework |
Lesson 4.09 | Magpie Lab (Day 2) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | Magpie Chatbot Lab Activity 2 |
Reading | Barrons ch 6 |
Homework |
Lesson 4.09 | Magpie Lab (Day 3) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | Magpie Chatbot Lab Activity 3 |
Reading | |
Homework | Barrons ch 6 practice questions |
Lesson 4.09 | Magpie Lab (Day 4) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | Magpie Chatbot Lab Activity 4 |
Reading | |
Homework | Check and correct Barrons ch.6 questions |
Lesson 4.09 | Magpie Lab (Day 5) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | Magpie Chatbot Lab Activity 5 |
Reading | |
Homework | Check and correct Barrons ch.6 questions |
Lesson 4.10 | Review |
Objectives | Students will identify weaknesses in their Unit 4 knowledge. |
Assessments | Students will create a personalized list of review topics to guide tonight’s study session. |
In Class | Review questions WS 4.10 Practice test |
Reading | |
Homework | Study |
Unit 4 Test | Arrays, Lists & Files |
In Class | Test 3 Section I Test 3 Section II |
Lesson 5.00 | Test Review & Reteach |
Objectives | Students will re-learn or strengthen content knowledge and skills from Unit 4. |
Assessments | Students will re-submit test answers with updated corrections for partial or full credit, depending on instructor preference. |
In Class | Review test |
Reading | 8.1 |
Homework | Test corrections |
Lesson 5.01 | Object Oriented Programming |
Objectives | Students will be able to describe the relationship between classes, objects, and client code. Students will be able to predict the output of the code that uses objects. |
Assessments | Students will complete Practice-It questions. |
In Class | Practice-It SC 8.1–5 WS 5.1.1 |
Reading | 8.2 up to “Mutators and Accessors” |
Homework |
Lesson 5.02 | Object State & Behavior |
Objectives | Students will be able to describe classes, objects, and client code. Students will be able to predict the output of the code that uses objects. |
Assessments | Students will complete WS 5.2 individually or in pairs. |
In Class | WS 5.2 |
Reading | 8.3 up to “The Keyword this” |
Homework | SC 8.9–11,13–16 |
Lesson 5.03 | Object Initialization: Constructors |
Objectives | Students will be able to describe and create classes, objects, and client code. Students will be able to predict the output of the code that uses objects. |
Assessments | Students will complete Practice-It questions. |
In Class | WS 5.3.1 WS 5.3.2 |
Reading | 8.4 |
Homework |
Lesson 5.04 | Encapsulation |
Objectives | Students will be able to manipulate single-dimension arrays using a variety of array transversal algorithms. |
Assessments | Students will teach a mini-lesson on printing, searching/replacing, testing for equality, reversing an array, or string traversal. Students will complete a quiz at the end of Day 2. |
In Class | WS 5.4 Teach mini-lessons |
Reading | |
Homework | SC 8.22–28 |
Lesson 5.05 | Finding & Fixing Errors |
Objectives | Students will find errors in their returned homework assignments, and correct their code. |
Assessments | Students will re-submit all homework assignments with corrected answers. |
In Class | Fix homework |
Reading | Review ch 8 for Picture Lab |
Homework | Submit questions for review |
Lesson 5.06 | Picture Lab (Day 1) |
Objectives | Students will complete a long-form lab, using two dimensional arrays of objects, array traversing algorithms, program analysis, binary numbers, inheritance, and interfaces. |
Assessments | Picture Lab |
In Class | Picture Lab Activity 1 & 2 Eclipse Picture Lab Archive |
Reading | |
Homework | Summarize notes since last exam |
Lesson 5.06 | Picture Lab (Day 2) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | Picture Lab Activity 3 & 4 Notebook checks |
Reading | |
Homework | Outline ch 8 |
Lesson 5.06 | Picture Lab (Day 3) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | Picture Lab Activity 5 Notebook checks |
Reading | Read and highlight Barrons ch 2, skip this keyword |
Homework |
Lesson 5.06 | Picture Lab (Day 4) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | Picture Lab Activity 5 & 6 Notebook checks |
Reading | |
Homework | Barrons ch 2 exam (skip #20) |
Lesson 5.06 | Picture Lab (Day 5) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | Picture Lab Activity 6 Barron's checks |
Reading | Read and highlight Barrons ch 5 |
Homework |
Lesson 5.06 | Picture Lab (Day 6) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | Picture Lab Activity 7 |
Reading | |
Homework | SC 8.28,30 |
Lesson 5.06 | Picture Lab (Day 7) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | Picture Lab Activity 8 |
Reading | 8.5 |
Homework | Finish Picture Lab Activity 8 |
Lesson 5.06 | Picture Lab (Day 8) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | Picture Lab Activity 9 |
Reading | |
Homework | Cont. Picture Lab Activity 9 |
Lesson 5.06 | Picture Lab (Day 9) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | Picture Lab Activity 9, cont. |
Reading | |
Homework | Submit questions for review |
Lesson 5.07 | Review |
Objectives | Students will identify weaknesses in their Unit 5 knowledge. |
Assessments | Students will create a personalized list of review topics to guide tonight’s study session. |
In Class | Review questions WS 5.7 Test practice |
Reading | |
Homework | Study |
Unit 5 Test | Object Oriented Programming |
In Class | Test 4 Section I Test 4 Section II |
Lesson 6.00 | Test Review & Reteach |
Objectives | Students will re-learn or strengthen content knowledge and skills from Unit 5. |
Assessments | Students will re-submit test answers with updated corrections for partial or full credit, depending on instructor preference. |
In Class | Review test |
Reading | 9.1 |
Homework | Test corrections |
Lesson 6.01 | Inheritance Basics (Day 1) |
Objectives | Students will correctly define inheritance Students will use proper syntax to extend a class. Students will illustrate is-a relationships. Students will properly implement constructors of derived classes using super. |
Assessments | Students will complete a Class Heirarchy Poster as indicated in WS 6.1. |
In Class | WS 6.1 Start class poster Example 6.1 |
Reading | 9.2 up to “Dividend Stock Behavior” |
Homework | Collect images |
Lesson 6.01 | Inheritance Basics (Day 2) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | Finish class poster Discussion |
Reading | |
Homework |
Lesson 6.02 | Overriding Methods & Accessing Inherited Code |
Objectives | Students will replace superclass behavior by writing overriding methods in the subclass. Students will write subclass methods that access superclass methods. |
Assessments | Students will add code to their Class Posters from the previous lesson. |
In Class | WS 6.2 |
Reading | Rest of 9.2 starting from “The Object Class” |
Homework |
Lesson 6.03 | Interacting with the Object Superclass |
Objectives | Students will replace superclass behavior by writing overriding methods in the subclass. Students will write subclass methods that access superclass methods. |
Assessments | Students will complete Practice-It questions Students will complete a worksheet. |
In Class | Practice-It SC 9.3–4,9–10 E 9.4 WS 6.3 Poster 6.3 |
Reading | 9.3 up to “Interpreting Inheritance Code” |
Homework |
Lesson 6.04 | Polymorphism |
Objectives | Students will define polymorphism. Students will trace the execution of methods through a class hierarchy and predict output. |
Assessments | Students will complete a Tracing Inheritance guide and complete worksheet 6.4. |
In Class | WS 6.4.1 WS 6.4.2 SC 9.11–17 |
Reading | Rest of 9.4 “Is-a Versus Has-a Relationships” |
Homework | SC 9.18,20 |
Lesson 6.05 | Has-a Relationships |
Objectives | Students will be able to identify and explain why two classes have an is-a or a has-a relationship. Students will be able to create a has-a relationship between two classes. |
Assessments | Students will complete an AP Section II question “Trio” |
In Class | WS 6.5 ValueMeal exercise |
Reading | 9.5 |
Homework |
Lesson 6.06 | Interfaces |
Objectives | Students will implement and use interfaces. |
Assessments | Students will complete an in-class competition. |
In Class | Interface examples Poster 6.6 |
Reading | 9.6 |
Homework | Generate own class hierarchy like Financial hierarchy in book |
Lesson 6.07 | Programming project (Day 1) |
Objectives | Students will write complex code that uses polymorphism, inheritance, and interfaces. |
Assessments | Students will submit a program electronically. |
In Class | PP 9.1 Notebook checks |
Reading | |
Homework | Outline ch 9 |
Lesson 6.07 | Programming project (Day 2) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | PP 9.1 Outline checks |
Reading | Read and outline Barrons ch 4 |
Homework |
Lesson 6.07 | Programming project (Day 3) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | PP 9.3 |
Reading | |
Homework | Barrons ch 4 exam, self-grade |
Lesson 6.07 | Programming project (Day 4) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | EX 9.8 |
Reading | Read and outline Barrons ch 3 |
Homework |
Lesson 6.07 | Programming project (Day 5) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | Barrons ch 3 exam Outline checks |
Reading | Review ch 9 |
Homework | Submit questions for review |
Lesson 6.08 | Finding & Fixing Errors |
Objectives | Students will find errors in their returned homework assignments, and correct their code. |
Assessments | Students will re-submit all homework assignments with corrected answers. |
In Class | Fix homework |
Reading | Review ch 9 |
Homework | Submit questions for review |
Lesson 6.09 | Review |
Objectives | Students will identify weaknesses in their Unit 6 knowledge. |
Assessments | Students will create a personalized list of review topics to guide tonight’s study session. |
In Class | Review questions WS 6.5 Test practice |
Reading | |
Homework | Study |
Unit 6 Test | Inheritance and Polymorphism |
Guide | Test 5 Guide |
In Class | Test 5 Section I Test 5 Section II |
Unit 6 Project | Text Excel |
In Class | Text Excel Student Guide A Text Excel Student Guide B Text Excel Student Guide C Text Excel Teacher Guide |
Lesson 7.00 | Test Review & Reteach |
Objectives | Students will re-learn or strengthen content knowledge and skills from Unit 6. |
Assessments | Students will re-submit test answers with updated corrections for partial or full credit, depending on instructor preference. |
In Class | Review test |
Reading | 13.1 up to “Sorting” |
Homework | Test corrections |
Lesson 7.01 | Searching Algorithms |
Objectives | Students will compare and contrast the different search algorithms. |
Assessments | Students will complete some short answer questions. |
In Class | CS Unplugged Battleship WS 7.1 |
Reading | 13.1 “Sorting” |
Homework | SC 13.4–6 E 13.1–3 |
Lesson 7.02 | Sorting Algorithms |
Objectives | Students will compare and contrast different sorting methods and evaluate their relative speed and efficiency. |
Assessments | Students will complete some short answer questions on worksheets. |
In Class | |
Reading | 13.1 “Shuffling” |
Homework |
Lesson 7.03 | Elevens lab (Day 1) |
Objectives | Students will complete a long-form lab, demonstrating effective use of object oriented program design, program implementation and analysis, and standard data structures and algorithms. |
Assessments | Elevens Lab |
In Class | Elevens Lab Activity 1 |
Reading | 13.3 (skip “Recursive Binary Search”) |
Homework | SC 13.16–21,23–24 |
Lesson 7.03 | Elevens lab (Day 2) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | Elevens Lab Activity 2 (begin) |
Reading | |
Homework |
Lesson 7.03 | Elevens lab (Day 3) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | Elevens Lab Activity 2 (end) |
Reading | |
Homework | Summarize notes since last exam |
Lesson 7.03 | Elevens lab (Day 4) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | Elevens Lab Activity 3 (begin) Notebook checks |
Reading | |
Homework | Outline ch 13 |
Lesson 7.03 | Elevens lab (Day 5) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | Elevens Lab Activity 3 (end) Notebook checks |
Reading | Read and outline Barrons ch 8 |
Homework |
Lesson 7.03 | Elevens lab (Day 6) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | Elevens Lab Activity 4 |
Reading | |
Homework | Barrons ch 8 exam, self-grade |
Lesson 7.03 | Elevens lab (Day 7) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | Elevens Lab Activity 5 (begin) Barron's checks |
Reading | |
Homework |
Lesson 7.03 | Elevens lab (Day 8) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | Elevens Lab Activity 5 (end) |
Reading | |
Homework |
Lesson 7.03 | Elevens lab (Day 9) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | Elevens Lab Activity 6 |
Reading | |
Homework | Fix homework |
Lesson 7.03 | Elevens lab (Day 10) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | Elevens Lab Activity 7 |
Reading | |
Homework | Fix homework |
Lesson 7.03 | Elevens lab (Day 11) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | Elevens Lab Activity 8 Re-grade fixed homework |
Reading | |
Homework |
Lesson 7.03 | Elevens lab (Day 12) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | Elevens Lab Activity 9 (begin) Re-grade fixed homework |
Reading | |
Homework |
Lesson 7.03 | Elevens lab (Day 13) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | Elevens Lab Activity 9 (end) Re-grade fixed homework |
Reading | |
Homework | Submit questions for review |
Lesson 7.03 | Elevens lab (Day 14) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | Elevens Lab Activity 10 Re-grade fixed homework |
Reading | |
Homework |
Lesson 7.03 | Elevens lab (Day 15) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | Elevens Lab Activity 11 (begin) |
Reading | |
Homework |
Lesson 7.03 | Elevens lab (Day 16) |
Objectives | |
Assessments | |
In Class | Elevens Lab Activity 11 (end) |
Reading | |
Homework |
Lesson 7.04 | Review |
Objectives | Students will identify weaknesses in their Unit 7 knowledge. |
Assessments | Students will create a personalized list of review topics to guide tonight’s study session. |
In Class | Review questions |
Reading | |
Homework | Study |
Unit 7 Test | Searching & Sorting |
Guide | Test 6 Guide |
In Class | Test 6 Section I Test 6 Section II |
Lesson 8.00 | Test Review & Reteach |
Objectives | Students will re-learn or strengthen content knowledge and skills from Unit 7. |
Assessments | Students will re-submit test answers with updated corrections for partial or full credit, depending on instructor preference. |
In Class | Review test |
Reading | 12.1 up to “Structure of Recursive Solutions” |
Homework | Test corrections |
Lesson 8.01 | Thinking Recursively |
Objectives | Students will be able to define recursion. |
Assessments | Students will describe recursive methods and compare iterative and recursive methods during a class discussion. |
In Class | Tower of Hanoi game |
Reading | Rest of 12.1 |
Homework |
Lesson 8.02 | Writing Recursive Solutions |
Objectives | Students will be able to identify recursive methods and predict the output (or return value) of recursive methods. |
Assessments | Students will evaluate statements and predict output during a game of Grudgeball. |
In Class | Grudgeball SC 12.1–4 |
Reading | 12.2 |
Homework | SC 12.5,7–9 E 12.1 |
Lesson 8.03 | Mechanics of Recursion |
Objectives | Students will be able to model how recursive methods execute. |
Assessments | Students will write a recursive method, then model the execution of that method for the instructor. Students will also model a method written by their peers. |
In Class | WS 8.3 Teacher Demo 8.3 |
Reading | 13.4 |
Homework | SC 12.6,10 E 12.3 |
Lesson 8.04 | MergeSort |
Objectives | Students will use mergeSort to sort an ArrayList. |
Assessments | Students will be able to use recursion to sort a list. |
In Class | Implement mergeSort |
Reading | |
Homework | SC 13.27–30 Notebook Check |
Lesson 8.05 | Finding & Fixing Errors |
Objectives | Students will find errors in their returned homework and classwork. |
Assessments | Students will re-submit all homework and classwork assignments with corrected answers. |
In Class | Fix homework |
Reading | Review ch 12.1–2 |
Homework | Submit questions for review |
Lesson 8.06 | Review & Quiz |
Objectives | Students will identify weaknesses in their Unit 8 knowledge. |
Assessments | Students will create a personalized list of review topics to guide tonight's study session. |
In Class | Quiz 8.5 |
Reading | Barrons ch 7 |
Homework |
Lesson 8.07 | Quiz Review & Reteach |
Objectives | Students will re-learn or strengthen content knowledge and skills from Unit 8. |
Assessments | Re-submit quiz answers with updated corrections for partial or full credit. |
In Class | Review quiz |
Reading | Barrons ch 7 |
Homework |
Lesson 9.00 | Reviewing for the AP Exam |
Objectives | Students will review and prepare for the AP Computer Science A exam. |
Assessments | Bellevue Mastery Tests AP CS 2012 Section II |
In Class | |
Reading | |
Homework |
We currently have two different curriculum options for after the AP exam, each of which is a self-contained website with lessons, labs and other supporting resources: