Conversion from Word documents to Markdown/GitBook.
Not all Units updated as of 2017-02-21.
- Changed 'code' related fonts to Courier New to enhance readability.
- Fixed spacing in multiple lesson plans.
- Created slides for every day of instruction.
- Removed redundant topics later introduced in lessons 1.2 and 1.3.
- Added background information on AP CS.
- Added introduction and icebreakers sections.
- Added an area for class bookkeeping e.g. syllabus, expectations, etc.
- Added brief history of Java to the lesson plan.
- Added a breakdown of Eclipse to the slides.
- Added string information to the slides.
- Took time away from the error-checking algorithm.
- Used this time to preface the worksheet with an introduction to style, commenting, and identifiers.
- (All new information added to the slide deck)
- Included an additional algorithm for baking cookies and provided examples.
- Included that teachers should cover control flow to the lesson plan.
- Included resources to cover control flow to the slides.
- Added a structured portion on style to the lesson plan.
- Included links to the UW style guide and commenting guide to the slides.
- Rearranged lesson plan time to manage these changes.
- Problem #1 - the picture of the ball will be updated to use fixed pitch font
- Problem #3 - statement that says "the program contains several comments" has been removed
- Problem #3 - The line that ends with comment has been fixed by closing the ending quotes and the font has been reduced to fit on one line
- Add self check mapping for BJP 4th edition.
- Added more teaching depth to string concatenation.
- Made grudgeball an optional class activity.
- Updated grudgeball questions to be more relevant.
- Corrected spelling and grammar errors on lesson plan.
- Cleaned up multiple parameters and sample code.
- Added additional worksheet information.
- Remove need for Law of Cosines.
- Fixed spelling errors.
- Fixed spelling errors.
- "relational operators" is used to match the text.
- Added inequality operators have a higher precedence than equality operators.
- Removed the hook requiring a collection of dice.
- Fix WS 3.18 question 4 to be AP CS A question format
- Changed examples from age to numbers.
- Reorganized lesson, added an area for Scanner-user input.
- Fix question 8 code and answer.
- Enhanced Grudgeball questions.
- Added an additional section on Barron's book.
- Added alternatives to Barron's book for homework.
- Add Eclipse Magpie Archive instructions.
- Fix Unit 4 test part 1 (12-14 and 20-21 refer to)
- Added clarifying instruction to 5.3 for the worksheets.
- Match Picture Lab to Teacher Guide.
- Added an additional portion on Barron's for Homework.
- Add instructions for Eclipse Picture lab Archive.
- Add class to question 8.
- Add UML diagram from PictureLab to question 9.
- Fix code for questions 11, 12.
- Moved TextExcel to 6.XX.
- Slides
- Fix unit 5 test review.
- Fixed spelling.
- Fixed fonts.
- Removed images of Pokemon from necessary materials (never used).
- Added markers and poster paper (or multiple pieces of paper and tape) to the materials.
- Add instructions to outline worksheet 6.2.
- Elaborated on instructions to tell them to create their own superclass.
- Added that TextExcel can be introduced after this lesson in accommodation.
- Change AlcoholDrink to SportsDrink.
- Added examples should TextExcel have been introduced.
- Added additional, transitional example on polymorphism (before worksheet).
- Changed example to animals from HasSuger() drinks.
- Added a portion on Barron's review.
- Added a portion on using TextExcel as homework should it have been introduced.
- Fix Unit 6 test part 1 (remove duplicate questions 13-15 from Unit 5)
- Fix Unit 6 Test Part 2 (duplicate test of Unit 5).
- Change File Save/Open to optional
- Update online version of TextExcel w/.zip version
- Fix File Save/Open as optional
- Removed portion on merge sort and quick sort.
- Added a portion on Barron's.
- Added optional notices to all Barron's work.
- Fix Elevens lab zip file in download
- Removed merge sort from the Unit test.
- Change question 16 to be more like typical AP CS A exam question.
- Fix test question 14 syntax and 17 clarify answer. Remove duplicate of Trio from unit 6 for free response
- Fixed major formatting and overlap errors.
- Moved notebook check from 8.3 to 8.4.
- Added more examples for recursion work at different levels.
- Added a portion on iterative to recursive and vice versa.
- Added a small lesson on using recursion with fractals.
- Added a lesson on mergeSort
- Moved homework originally due for 8.4 to 8.5.
- Previously was 8.4
- Made Barron's book homework optional.
- Previously was 8.5
- Previously was 8.6