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OKC Design

Drupal 7 + Foundation 5 : build responsive sites faster


OKCDesign is a Drupal 7 responsive starter theme for developers, based on zurb foundation 5 framework. Foundation 5 is a powerfull front-end, mobile-first, responsive framework :

By default, OKC Design takes care of displaying all drupal elements inside a solid foundation grid system for page.tpl.php; to let foundation handle the responsive part of your theme.


  • Enjoy all the foundation goodness in Drupal 7 : Grid system, components, responsive design, icons etc...
  • A ready-to-use integration of foundation mobile-friendly topbar to Drupal, working out of the box. (just enable the plugin in theme settings)
  • Zero Drupal css : only css needed for administration purposes have been kept.
  • Theme plugin system : Enable only plugins you need and configure them.
  • Place blocks quickly on the grid with optional okclayout module :


OKC Design focuses on make it easy to use foundation tools with Drupal 7, but it's up to the developper to choose which parts of foundation he wants to use.

If you don't know at all foundation, you should at least visit this two pages :

You should not try to rewrite Drupal html to suit foundation css, instead use foundation mixins and adapt them to your drupal markup.


Visit admin/appearance/settings to enable or disable theme plugins for your subtheme. Technically, foundation itself is provided as a plugin, enabled by default. Thinks plugins as modules for a theme, adding features to the theme.


  • PHP 5.3+ (unless you like the "unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM" error)
  • foundation requirements to work with sass & foundation 5 : :
    • Git
    • Ruby 1.9+
    • NodeJs
  • jquery_update drupal module with jquery >= 1.10
  • drush


To start develop, you MUST create a OKC Design subtheme. Never edit okcdesign files unless you wish to contribute to the project.

  • Get last version of okcdesign, download a release tag (recommended) or clone master (unstable) for the last dev version.

  • Make sure that the downloaded theme is named "okcdesign" and not "okcdesign-1.x.x" if you download it from a release tag !

  • Run following Drush command : it will create a subtheme for you

  drush okc-theme {yourthemename}
  • Now go to admin/appearance and set this subtheme as your default site theme.


To compile your scss with "grunt" (recommended) : You have to install node and grunt-cli to make this work : (i'm using brew package manager on mac here, use your favorite package manager)

  brew install node
  npm install -g grunt-cli

Go to the root of your freshly created subtheme and run this command, ut will install required node modules. You have to run it only the first time :

  npm install

Then, run following command to compile automically your scss files each time they are modified :


It will read informations from Gruntfile.js to compile your project. It uses libsass, which compile scss a lot faster than default sass command.

alternatively, you can still use sass, but you have to include foundation components from okcdesign theme, this way :

  sass --watch scss:css -I ../okcdesign/bower_components/foundation/scss -I ../okcdesign/scss

Scss directory from your subtheme will contain two very important files :

  • app.scss is the main file, including all others scss files. (including _settings.scss file) . You have to import your custom scss files here.
  • _settings.scss file is the file configuring all foundation default values. This is where you can configure grid, default colors, font-size and a lot more.

IMPORTANT : It makes the assumption than your subtheme is at the same directory level than OKC Design base theme. If this is not the case (working in a multisite installation for example), you must edit Grunt js file or change include path of your sass command to specify the path of okcdesign theme.


Using , you'll be able to quickly place blocks on the default OKC Design grid. It add a textarea to register foundation classes for a block, or you may use theme info file to register your blocks layout.

a "small-12 medium-6 large-4 columns" class means that this block will take all the page width on small screens, half-width on medium devices and only 1/3 of page witdh on large screens. See foundation docs on Grid for more fun stuff.




There is on modules based on foundation, they should work with this project :