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302 lines (192 loc) · 8.36 KB

File metadata and controls

302 lines (192 loc) · 8.36 KB

How to develop Picturama

Directory structure

+-- dist/                 Build artifacts of the app (filled by `webpack`)
+-- dist-package/         Build artifacts when creating distributable packages (filled by `electron-builder`)
+-- doc/                  Resources used by documentation
+-- migrations/           DB migration scripts
+-- src/
    +-- app/              Code running in renderer electron process of main UI
    +-- background/       Code running in main electron process
    +-- common/           Shared code
    +-- package/          Resources needed for creating distributable packages (used by `electron-builder`)
    +-- static/           Static files to be copied directly to `dist`
    +-- test-jest/        Unit tests
    +-- test-ui/          Code running in renderer electron process of UI Tester
    +-- typings/          TypeScript type definitions
+-- submodules/           Third-party projects fetched as git submodules
    +-- node-libraw/      Own fork of node-libraw
    +-- test-data/        Data used for testing

Build from sources


  • Install yarn (Mac OS: brew install yarn or just npm install -g yarn)
  • Mac OS: Install Xcode and start it once. You can close Xcode after the "required components" have been installed.

Fetch git submodules:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Fetch dependencies and build and start Picturama:

yarn start

In Windows Terminal, !!! make sure the node version is 16.20.0

Error in bail mode: Error: callback(): The callback was already called.
    at context.callback (H:\myproject\github\picturama\node_modules\loader-runner\lib\LoaderRunner.js:106:10)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) Error: callback(): The callback was already called.
    at context.callback (H:\myproject\github\picturama\node_modules\loader-runner\lib\LoaderRunner.js:106:10)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.

$ MINGW64 /h/myproject/github/picturama (master) $ nvm use 16.20.2 Now using node v16.20.2 (64-bit)



yarn start

If you get an error with node-gyp rebuild then delete ~/.node-gyp and try again:

rm -rf ~/.node-gyp

Development hotkeys:

  • Toggle developer tools: Shift+Ctrl+I (On Mac: Cmd+Shift+I)
  • Toggle UI tester: Shift+Ctrl+T (On Mac: Cmd+Shift+T)
  • Reload UI: Shift+Ctrl+R (On Mac: Cmd+Shift+R)

Developing main process code

If you change code that runs in the main process, you have to restart Picturama each time in order to see your changes. Here's how you can use a watch build in order to reduce turnaround time:

  1. Run watch build (in extra console):

     yarn run watch
  2. Change your code.

  3. Restart Picturama without building (since building is done by the watch):

     yarn run start-no-build

Debug main process

Main process debugging is already pre-configured in .vscode/launch.json.

So debugging is easy:

  1. Open project in VS Code

  2. Start debugging in the Debug View

Unit tests

Run unit tests:

yarn run test

Run unit tests in watch mode:

npm run test:watch

Run a single test in watch mode (example runs test simple import):

npx jest -t 'simple import' --watch

Clean test cache:

yarn run test:clean

UI Tester

  1. Run watch build:

     yarn run watch
  2. Run Picturama (in extra console):

     yarn run start-no-build
  3. Open the UI Tester: Shift+Ctrl+T (On Mac: Alt+Cmd+T)

  4. Change some React code and save

  5. Wait for the watch build to build the changes

  6. Reload UI Tester: Shift+Ctrl+R (On Mac: Cmd+Shift+R)

Add missing attributes to localization files

Add missing attributes to src/common/i18n/text_*.ts:

yarn run i18n

Build distributable package

Build whole project from scratch:

yarn run release

Build distributable package only (use existing dist folder):

yarn run package

Only generate the package directory without really packaging it (This is useful for testing purposes):

yarn run package-dir

Hint: In order check what is packed, add a "asar": false to the build-Object of package.json, then run yarn run package-dir and check the folder dist-package/mac/

Cross-build linux package on macOS or Windows:

  1. Run docker container:

    docker run --rm -ti \
    --env ELECTRON_CACHE="/root/.cache/electron" \
    --env ELECTRON_BUILDER_CACHE="/root/.cache/electron-builder" \
    -v ${PWD}:/project \
    -v ${PWD##*/}-node-modules:/project/node_modules \
    -v ~/.cache/electron:/root/.cache/electron \
    -v ~/.cache/electron-builder:/root/.cache/electron-builder \
  2. Build dist-package/Picturama-xyz.AppImage for Linux (in docker container):

    yarn && yarn run package

Cross-build windows package on macOS or Linux:

  • Log in to AppYeyor
  • Create a project for Picturama:
    • Type: "Git"
    • In Settings -> General set "Custom configuration .yml file name" to
  • Click "New build" on the project details screen.

For more details see:


The following files provide I18N:

  • .github/workflows/codespell.yml - The text_*.ts have to be excluded from codespell checks, since it only checks the English language.
  • package.json - Defines languagues available in mac package (see key electronLanguages)
  • src/common/i18n/i18n.ts - Defines available languages and provides the I18N logic
  • src/common/i18n/text_*.ts - Holds the I18N messages for each language


Used icon libs:

CSS naming conventions

Inspired by: SUIT CSS naming conventions

CSS example:

// Component:
// - CamelCase uppercase
.MyComponent { ... }

// Status:
// - camelCase lowercase with prefix `is` or `has`
// - Always combined with another class
.MyComponent.isExpanded { ... }

// Component children:
// - camelCase lowercase with component name plus a minus as prefix
.MyComponent-header { ... }

less template:

// Component
.MyComponent {

    // Status
    &.isExpanded {

// Component child
.MyComponent-header {

HTML example:

<div class="MyComponent isExpanded">
    <div class="MyComponent-header">...</div>