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164 lines (98 loc) · 6.19 KB

File metadata and controls

164 lines (98 loc) · 6.19 KB

Developer documentation

Project board

All issues are categorized in a column on the project board.

Design principles

  1. Linters should be designed to add value in both of these modes:

    1. a single file at a time, integrated in an editor (single-file for short)
    2. an entire directory, project or classpath

    These modes should work with or without a cache directory.

  2. The cache directory should only be used to enhance linting, not as a reliance. There should be no false positives when the cache directory is missing or isn't fully populated for a project. As people edit their files, the cache gets incrementally more populated and the linting experience improves organically.

  3. Linters should be designed with editor feedback in mind and thus should have the lowest latency possible. Reading from the cache takes time and should be done carefully, only selecting the required information (e.g. only load files for namespaces that were actually used in the file being linted).

  4. Project-wide analysis should be done using the analysis export and probably not as a linter (see 1, 2 and 3).

  5. Configuration should live in one place as much as possible. The .clj-kondo/config.edn is the preferred location for configuration. This has the following reasons:

    1. Configuration should be able to live in a project's source repository, so team members can work out the style which they agree on for this project. Supporting external configuration leads to contradicting styles. By committing to a single project configuration team members also benefit from each other's work.
    2. Configuration spread across multiple files is harder to debug.
    3. Single-file mode should be able to find the configuration it needs in a predicable location. Scattering configuration in metadata across libraries does not work well for this.
  6. Clj-kondo should be unobtrusive. Users of clj-kondo should not have to change their code only to make the linter happy. Team members who do not wish to use clj-kondo should not be confronted with clj-kondo-related annotations in their code.

Adding a new linter

If you wish to add a new linter, do not forget to add the appropriate keyword in clj-kondo.impl.config/default-config, the map that defines the default configuration.

This is necessary because only the linters with a keyword in the default config appear in the report.

If you're adding a new option to an existing linter, please add the option with its default value in clj-kondo.impl.config/default-config. This ensures that the option is not overridden by personal settings when running the test suite locally.


Start with an issue before writing code

Before writing any code, please create an issue first that describes the problem you are trying to solve with alternatives that you have considered. A little bit of prior communication can save a lot of time on coding. Keep the problem as small as possible. If there are two problems, make two issues. We discuss the issue and if we reach an agreement on the approach, it's time to move on to a PR.

Follow up with a pull request

Post a corresponding PR with the smallest change possible to address the issue. Then we discuss the PR, make changes as needed and if we reach an agreement, the PR will be merged.


Each bug fix, change or new feature should be tested well to prevent future regressions.

Linting diff

A GitHub Action will automatically run script/diff on your PR. This reports on the linting differences between clj-kondo master sources and your PR sources.

It can be useful to run script/diff locally especially when implementing a new linter or changing an existing one.


Please do not use git push --force on your PR branch for the following reasons:

  • It makes it more difficult for others to contribute to your branch if needed.
  • It makes it harder to review incremental commits.
  • Links (in e.g. e-mails and notifications) go stale and you're confronted with: this code isn't here anymore, when clicking on them.
  • CircleCI doesn't play well with it: it might try to fetch a commit which doesn't exist anymore.
  • Your PR will be squashed anyway.

Invoking clj-kondo from the command line

$ clojure -M:clj-kondo/dev --lint - <<< "(defn foo [x] (if-let [x 1] x x x))"
<stdin>:1:15: error: if-let body requires one or two forms
linting took 73ms, errors: 1, warnings: 0



To get a REPL that also includes the test source directory, run:

lein with-profiles +test repl


This is how borkdude starts his REPL using CIDER:

clojure -M:test:cider-nrepl

The test alias includes sources in the test directory on the classpath.

Once started, he connect from Emacs using cider-connect. You may prefer to use cider-jack-in instead.

The alias cider-nrepl is defined in his ~/.clojure/deps.edn (update versions as appropriate):

{:extra-deps {nrepl/nrepl {:mvn/version "0.6.0"}
              refactor-nrepl {:mvn/version "2.5.0-SNAPSHOT"}
              cider/cider-nrepl {:mvn/version "0.22.0-beta4"}}
 :main-opts ["-m" "nrepl.cmdline" "--middleware"


To test clj-kondo on the JVM, run:


To test the native binary of clj-kondo, run:

CLJ_KONDO_TEST_ENV=native script/test

To test a single namespace:

clojure -M:test -n clj-kondo.impl.types-test


lein test :only clj-kondo.impl.types-test

To run a single test:

clojure -M:test -v clj-kondo.impl.types-test/x-is-y-implies-y-could-be-x


lein test :only clj-kondo.impl.types-test/x-is-y-implies-y-could-be-x

In case of an exception, you may want to prefix the above lines with CLJ_KONDO_DEV=true to see the entire stacktrace.


Profiling using clj-async-profiler can be done as follows:

$ clojure -M:profiler --lint src test

A flamegraph will be produced in /tmp/clj-async-profiler/results.



lein uberjar


Read here how to build the native binary.