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File metadata and controls

136 lines (115 loc) · 7.06 KB

How to


This program requires Python 3.10. The only external libraries required are gurobipy and psutil, they can be installed with

pip install -r requirements.txt


The following is the output of python -h and it shows the available command line arguments.

NOTE: although the final acronym chosen for the problem is 'SCP-CS', the code has been developed when the chosen acronym was 'SCCS' and it has not been changed due to practical reasons; therefore, in this codebase 'SCCS' must be intended as a synonym of 'SCP-CS'.

usage: [-a [ACTION ...]]
               [-c CPU_COUNT]
               [-k CONFLICT_THRESHOLD]
               [-t TIME_LIMIT]
               [--grasp-iterations-limit ITERATIONS_LIMIT]
               [--grasp-max-candidates MAX_CANDIDATES]
               [--grasp-stage1-time-limit TIME_LIMIT]
               [--grasp-stage2-time-limit TIME_LIMIT]
               [--grasp-presolve P]
               [--grasp-repetitions REPETITIONS]
               [--grasp-stale-iterations-limit STALE_ITERATIONS_LIMIT]

Common arguments:
  arguments that affect all (or most) types of actions

  TARGET                relative path to a data set file or a directory thereof
                        inside the 'datasets/' folder (e.g.: 'beasley/dataset.txt')
  -a [ACTION ...], --actions [ACTION ...]
                        the list of actions to execute for each dataset, chosen
                        among (case insensitive): ANALYSE, SCCS_BIN, SCCS_MIP,
                        SCCS_QO, SCCS_GRASP (default)
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        threshold above which two sets are considered to be in
                        conflict (default: 1)
  -c CPU_COUNT, --cpu-count CPU_COUNT
                        number of available cpu to use (default: the number of
                        logical cores available on this machine, i.e. 8).
                        When CPU_COUNT > 1 the GRASP algorithm will always use
                        at most CPU_COUNT-1 worker processes as one process is
                        reserved to handle inter process communication
  -r, --recursive       if TARGET is a directory, recursively solve all instances
                        in that directory and its subdirectories (default: false)
  -s, --silent          completely turns off output on the standard output and
                        ignores verbosity level (default: false)
  -t TIME_LIMIT, --time-limit TIME_LIMIT
                        amount of time (in seconds) after which the execution
                        is halted (default: None). When this value is not none
                        and the 2-stage GRASP algorithm is executed, each stage
                        has a time limit equal to half the value of this argument
                        (unless '--grasp-stage1-time-limit' or '--grasp-stage2-time-limit')
                        have been specified
  -v, --verbose         set the verbosity of the output on standard output.
                        Available levels: 0 (default), 1 (-v) or 2 (-vv).
                        Higher levels prints more information.

Grasp algorithm arguments:
  Arguments that affect only the SCCS_GRASP actions

  --grasp-iterations-limit ITERATIONS_LIMIT
                        execution is halted after ITERATIONS_LIMIT iterations
                        (default: None)
  --grasp-max-candidates MAX_CANDIDATES
                        number of best candidates among which one is chosen at
                        random in the first phase of the GRASP algorithm
                        (default: ceil(sqrt(N)) where N is the number of
                        available subsets)
  --grasp-stage1-time-limit TIME_LIMIT
                        amount of time (in seconds) after which the execution
                        is halted during the first stage of the GRASP algorithm
                        (default: None).
  --grasp-stage2-time-limit TIME_LIMIT
                        amount of time (in seconds) after which the execution
                        is halted during the second stage of the GRASP algorithm
                        (default: None)
  --grasp-presolve P    subsets available for the construction of a feasible
                        solution during the first phase of the GRASP algorithm
                        are limited to P * N, where N is the number of non-zero
                        variables in the solution of the relaxed LP model and
                        subsets are sorted descendingly according to
                        (var, -|reduced_cost|)
  --grasp-profile       each worker process that executes the algorithm will be
                        profiled and results will be stored in the 'output/logs/'
  --grasp-repetitions REPETITIONS
                        number of times the GRASP algorithm is repeated (default: 1).
                        Since GRASP is not a deterministic algorithm it can be
                        useful to gather information on the outcome of multiple
  --grasp-stale-iterations-limit STALE_ITERATIONS_LIMIT
                        execution is halted if the incumbent solution has not
                        improved since STALE_ITERATIONS_LIMIT iterations (default: 50)

Gurobi arguments:
  Arguments that affect only SCCS_BIN, SCCS_MIP and SCCS_QO actions

  --gurobi-relaxed      the associated LP problem is solved instead of the integer
                        one when performing a SCCS_BIN or SCCS_MIP action
                        (default: false).
  --gurobi-save-model   save the model description in a file with extension '.lp'
                        (default: false). Warning: model files may be huge (>1GB)


  • python beasley/scpa1-3.txt

    Solves the problem described by the data set file located at datasets/beasley/scpa1-3.txt using the GRASP algorithm (the default action) with conflict threshold k=1 (the default value).

  • python beasley/

    Solves all problems described by the data set files inside the datasets/beasley/ folder using the GRASP algorithm (the default action).

  • python beasley/ -a SCCS_GRASP SCCS_BIN

    Each data set file inside the folder datasets/beasley/ is solved using the GRASP algorithm and the BIN model (the result of each action is saved in one or more text files inside logs/beasley/). (NOTE: if -a is the last optional parameter before TARGET, the list of actions must be terminated by --.)

  • python beasley/scpa1-3.txt -a SCCS_MIP -t 3600

    Solves the problem described by the data set file located at datasets/beasley/scpa1-3.txt with conflict threshold equal to 1 (the default value) using the MIP model and stops after 3600 seconds if an optimal solution has not been found before.