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<!-----------------------------------------------------------------------********************************************************************************Copyright Since 2005 ColdBox Framework by Luis Majano and Ortus Solutions, Corpwww.coldbox.org | www.luismajano.com | www.ortussolutions.com********************************************************************************Serialize and deserialize JSON data into native ColdFusion objectshttp://www.epiphantastic.com/cfjson/Authors: Luis Majano & Peter BellModifications: - Original by Peter Bell-----------------------------------------------------------------------><cfcomponent name="BaseConfigObject" output="false" hint="A base configuration object for lightwire"><!----------------------------------------- CONSTRUCTOR -------------------------------------> <cfscript> instance = structnew(); </cfscript> <!--- Init ---> <cffunction name="init" returntype="BaseConfigObject" hint="I initialize default LightWire config properties." output="false"> <cfscript> /* Default DI Lazy Load */ instance.LazyLoad = true; /* Default Bean Lazy Init */ instance.defaultBeanLazyInit = true; /* Setup the NonLazyBeans struct */ instance.nonLazyBeans = structnew(); /* Setup the default Config Struct */ instance.config = structnew(); /* Setup the Alias Struct */ instance.aliasStruct = structnew(); /* Lightwire utility */ instance.oUtil = createObject("component","lightwire.util.Utility"); /* Regex for JSON */ instance.jsonRegex = "^(\{|\[)(.)*(\}|\])$"; /* instance */ return this; </cfscript> </cffunction> <!----------------------------------------- PUBLIC -------------------------------------> <!--- get the config struct ---> <cffunction name="getConfigStruct" returntype="struct" hint="I provide LightWire with the properly configured configuration struct to operate on." output="false"> <cfreturn instance.config> </cffunction> <!--- Set the config Struct ---> <cffunction name="setConfigStruct" access="public" output="false" returntype="void" hint="Set or override the configuration struct.">
<!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfargument name="ConfigStruct" type="struct" required="true"/>
<!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfset instance.config = arguments.ConfigStruct/>
</cffunction> <!--- Set the lazy Load ---> <cffunction name="setLazyLoad" returntype="void" hint="I set whether Singletons should or shouldn't be laxy loaded." output="false"> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfargument name="LazyLoad" required="true" type="boolean" hint="Whether or not to use lazy loading of Singletons."> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfset instance.LazyLoad = arguments.LazyLoad> </cffunction> <!--- Get the Lazy Load ---> <cffunction name="getLazyLoad" returntype="boolean" hint="I return whether Singletons should or shouldn't be lazy loaded." output="false"> <cfreturn instance.LazyLoad> </cffunction> <!--- Get The Alias Struct ---> <cffunction name="getAliasStruct" access="public" output="false" returntype="struct" hint="Get the AliasStruct">
<cfreturn instance.AliasStruct/>
</cffunction> <!--- Get the non lazy beans ---> <cffunction name="getNonLazyBeans" access="public" output="false" returntype="struct" hint="Get the non Lazy Beans">
<cfreturn instance.nonLazyBeans/>
</cffunction> <!--- Add a Singleton ---> <cffunction name="addSingleton" returntype="void" hint="I add the configuration properties for a Singleton." output="false"> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfargument name="FullClassPath" required="true" type="string" hint="The full class path to the bean including its name. E.g. for com.UserService.cfc it would be com.UserService."> <cfargument name="BeanName" required="false" type="string" default="" hint="An optional name to be able to use to refer to this bean. If you don't provide this, the name of the bean will be used as a default. E.g. for com.UserService, it'll be named UserService unless you put something else here. If you put UserS, it'd be available as UserS, but NOT as UserService."> <cfargument name="InitMethod" required="false" type="string" default="" hint="A default custom initialization method for LightWire to call on the bean after constructing it fully (including setter and mixin injection) but before returning it."> <cfargument name="Lazy" required="false" type="boolean" default="#instance.defaultBeanLazyInit#" hint="Whether to construct at startup or not."> <cfargument name="BeanType" required="false" type="string" default="" hint="The bean type: cfc, java, webservice"> <cfargument name="Aliases" required="false" type="string" default="" hint="A comma-delimmitted list of aliases for this bean"> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfscript> arguments.Singleton = 1; addBean(argumentCollection=arguments); </cfscript> </cffunction> <!--- Add a Transient Object ---> <cffunction name="addTransient" returntype="void" hint="I add the configuration properties for a Transient." output="false"> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfargument name="FullClassPath" required="true" type="string" hint="The full class path to the bean including its name. E.g. for com.User.cfc it would be com.User."> <cfargument name="BeanName" required="false" type="string" default="" hint="An optional name to be able to use to refer to this bean. If you don't provide this, the name of the bean will be used as a default. E.g. for com.User, it'll be named User unless you put something else here. If you put UserBean, it'd be available as UserBean, but NOT as User."> <cfargument name="InitMethod" required="false" type="string" default="" hint="A default custom initialization method for LightWire to call on the bean after constructing it fully (including setter and mixin injection) but before returning it."> <cfargument name="BeanType" required="false" type="string" default="" hint="The bean type: cfc, java, webservice"> <cfargument name="Aliases" required="false" type="string" default="" hint="A comma-delimmitted list of aliases for this bean"> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfscript> arguments.singleton = 0; arguments.lazy = true; addBean(argumentCollection=arguments); </cfscript> </cffunction> <!--- Add a Bean ---> <cffunction name="addBean" returntype="void" hint="I add the configuration properties for a Singleton or Transient." output="false"> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfargument name="FullClassPath" required="true" type="string" hint="The full class path to the bean including its name. E.g. for com.UserService.cfc it would be com.UserService."> <cfargument name="BeanName" required="false" type="string" default="" hint="An optional name to be able to use to refer to this bean. If you don't provide this, the name of the bean will be used as a default. E.g. for com.UserService, it'll be named UserService unless you put something else here. If you put UserS, it'd be available as UserS, but NOT as UserService."> <cfargument name="Singleton" required="true" type="boolean" hint="Whether the bean is a Singleton (1) or Transient(0)."> <cfargument name="InitMethod" required="false" type="string" default="" hint="A default custom initialization method for LightWire to call on the bean after constructing it fully (including setter and mixin injection) but before returning it."> <cfargument name="Lazy" required="false" type="boolean" default="#instance.defaultBeanLazyInit#" hint="Whether to construct at startup or not."> <cfargument name="BeanType" required="false" type="string" default="" hint="The bean type: cfc, java, webservice"> <cfargument name="Aliases" required="false" type="string" default="" hint="A comma-delimmitted list of aliases for this bean"> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfscript> var beanDefintion = getBeanDefinition(); var x = 1; // Default the name to the name of the bean if no name list is provided. If (Len(trim(arguments.BeanName)) LT 1){ arguments.BeanName = ListLast(arguments.FullClassPath,"."); } /* Setup Arguments */ beanDefintion.Singleton = arguments.Singleton; beanDefintion.Path = arguments.FullClassPath; beanDefintion.InitMethod = arguments.InitMethod; beanDefintion.Lazy = arguments.Lazy; /* Verify beanType */ beanDefintion.Type = validateBeanType(arguments.beanType); /* Add to non lazy beans? */ if( not arguments.Lazy ){ addToNonLazyBeans(arguments.BeanName); } /* Aliases Check & Addition */ for(x=1; x lte listLen(Aliases); x=x+1){ instance.aliasStruct[listgetAt(Aliases,x)] = arguments.beanName; } /* Save in Config */ instance.config[arguments.BeanName] = beanDefintion; </cfscript> </cffunction> <!--- Add a Singleton From a Factory ---> <cffunction name="addSingletonFromFactory" returntype="void" hint="Adds the definition for a given Singleton that is created by a factory to the config file." output="false"> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfargument name="FactoryBean" required="true" type="string" hint="The name of the factory to use to create this bean (the factory must also have been defined as a Singleton in the LightWire config file)."> <cfargument name="FactoryMethod" required="true" type="string" hint="The name of the method to call on the factory bean to create this bean."> <cfargument name="BeanName" required="true" type="string" hint="The required name to use to refer to this bean."> <cfargument name="Lazy" required="false" type="boolean" default="#instance.defaultBeanLazyInit#" hint="Whether to construct at startup or not."> <cfargument name="BeanType" required="false" type="string" default="" hint="The bean type: cfc, java, webservice"> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfscript> arguments.singleton = 1; addBeanFromFactory(argumentCollection=arguments); </cfscript> </cffunction> <!--- Add a transient from a factory ---> <cffunction name="addTransientFromFactory" returntype="void" hint="Adds the definition for a given Transient that is created by a factory to the config file." output="false"> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfargument name="FactoryBean" required="true" type="string" hint="The name of the factory to use to create this bean (the factory must also have been defined as a Singleton in the LightWire config file)."> <cfargument name="FactoryMethod" required="true" type="string" hint="The name of the method to call on the factory bean to create this bean."> <cfargument name="BeanName" required="true" type="string" hint="The required name to use to refer to this bean."> <cfargument name="BeanType" required="false" type="string" default="" hint="The bean type: cfc, java, webservice"> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfscript> arguments.singleton = 0; arguments.lazy = true; addBeanFromFactory(argumentCollection=arguments); </cfscript> </cffunction> <!--- Add From Factory ---> <cffunction name="addBeanFromFactory" returntype="void" hint="I add the configuration properties for a Singleton or Transient that is created by a factory to the config file." output="false"> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfargument name="FactoryBean" required="true" type="string" hint="The name of the factory to use to create this bean (the factory must also have been defined as a Singleton in the LightWire config file)."> <cfargument name="FactoryMethod" required="true" type="string" hint="The name of the method to call on the factory bean to create this bean."> <cfargument name="BeanName" required="true" type="string" hint="The required name to use to refer to this bean."> <cfargument name="Singleton" required="true" hint="Whether the bean is a Singleton (1) or Transient(0)."> <cfargument name="Lazy" required="false" type="boolean" default="#instance.defaultBeanLazyInit#" hint="Whether to construct at startup or not."> <cfargument name="BeanType" required="false" type="string" default="" hint="The bean type: cfc, java, webservice"> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfscript> var beanDefintion = getBeanDefinition(); /* Setup Arguments. */ beanDefintion.Singleton = arguments.Singleton; beanDefintion.FactoryBean = arguments.FactoryBean; beanDefintion.FactoryMethod = arguments.FactoryMethod; beanDefintion.isFactoryBean = true; beanDefintion.Lazy = arguments.Lazy; beanDefintion.Type = validateBeanType(arguments.beanType); /* Add to non lazy beans? */ if( not arguments.Lazy ){ addToNonLazyBeans(arguments.BeanName); } /* Save in Config */ instance.config[arguments.BeanName] = beanDefintion; </cfscript> </cffunction> <!--- Add a constructor Dependency ---> <cffunction name="addConstructorDependency" returntype="void" hint="I add a constructor object dependency for a bean." output="false"> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfargument name="BeanName" required="true" type="string" hint="The name of the bean to set the constructor dependencies for."> <cfargument name="InjectedBeanName" required="true" type="string" default="" hint="The name of the bean to inject."> <cfargument name="PropertyName" required="false" type="string" default="" hint="The optional property name to pass the bean into. Defaults to the bean name if not provided."> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfscript> /* Name Resolution */ arguments.InjectedBeanName = nameResolution(arguments.InjectedBeanName); // Add the constructor dependencies If (len(PropertyName) LT 1){ arguments.PropertyName = arguments.InjectedBeanName; } instance.config[arguments.BeanName].ConstructorDependencyStruct[arguments.InjectedBeanName] = arguments.PropertyName; </cfscript> </cffunction> <!--- Add a constructor property ---> <cffunction name="addConstructorProperty" returntype="void" hint="I add a constructor property of any type to a bean." output="false"> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfargument name="BeanName" required="true" type="string" hint="The name of the bean to add the property to."> <cfargument name="PropertyName" required="true" type="string" hint="The name of the property to set."> <cfargument name="PropertyValue" required="true" type="any" hint="The value of the property to set."> <cfargument name="CastTo" required="false" type="string" default="" hint="Used for java objects. Cast this property using javacast(): boolean,int,long,float,double,string,null"> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfscript> var prop = structnew(); prop.value = arguments.PropertyValue; prop.cast = arguments.CastTo; // Add the constructor property instance.config[arguments.BeanName].ConstructorProperties[arguments.PropertyName] = prop; </cfscript> </cffunction> <!--- Add a Setter Dependency ---> <cffunction name="addSetterDependency" returntype="void" hint="I add a setter dependency for a bean." output="false"> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfargument name="BeanName" required="true" type="string" hint="The name of the bean to set the setter dependencies for."> <cfargument name="InjectedBeanName" required="true" type="string" default="" hint="The name of the bean to inject."> <cfargument name="PropertyName" required="false" type="string" default="" hint="The optional property name to pass the bean into. Defaults to the bean name if not provided."> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfscript> /* Name Resolution */ arguments.InjectedBeanName = nameResolution(arguments.InjectedBeanName); // Add the setter dependencies If (len(arguments.PropertyName) LT 1){ arguments.PropertyName = arguments.InjectedBeanName; } instance.config[arguments.BeanName].SetterDependencyStruct[arguments.InjectedBeanName] = arguments.PropertyName; </cfscript> </cffunction> <!--- Add a setter property ---> <cffunction name="addSetterProperty" returntype="void" hint="I add a setter property of any type to a bean." output="false"> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfargument name="BeanName" required="true" type="string" hint="The name of the bean to add the property to."> <cfargument name="PropertyName" required="true" type="string" hint="The name of the property to set."> <cfargument name="PropertyValue" required="true" type="any" hint="The value of the property to set."> <cfargument name="CastTo" required="false" type="string" default="" hint="Used for java objects. Cast this property using javacast(): boolean,int,long,float,double,string,null"> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfscript> var prop = structnew(); prop.value = arguments.PropertyValue; prop.cast = arguments.CastTo; // Add the setter property instance.config[arguments.BeanName].SetterProperties[arguments.PropertyName] = prop; </cfscript> </cffunction> <!--- Add a mixin dependency ---> <cffunction name="addMixinDependency" returntype="void" hint="I add a mixin dependency for a bean." output="false"> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfargument name="BeanName" required="true" type="string" hint="The name of the bean to set the mixin dependencies for."> <cfargument name="InjectedBeanName" required="true" type="string" default="" hint="The name of the bean to inject."> <cfargument name="PropertyName" required="false" type="string" default="" hint="The optional property name to pass the bean into. Defaults to the bean name if not provided."> <cfargument name="Scope" required="false" type="string" default="variables" hint="The scope this dependency will be injected into. The default is variables scope"> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfscript> var prop = structnew(); /* Name Resolution */ arguments.InjectedBeanName = nameResolution(arguments.injectedBeanName); // Add the mixin dependencies If (len(PropertyName) LT 1){ arguments.PropertyName = arguments.InjectedBeanName; } /* Setup struct */ prop.propertyname = arguments.PropertyName; prop.scope = arguments.Scope; /* Save it */ instance.config[arguments.BeanName].MixinDependencyStruct[arguments.InjectedBeanName] = prop; </cfscript> </cffunction> <!--- Add a mixin property ---> <cffunction name="addMixinProperty" returntype="void" hint="I add a mixin property of any type to a bean." output="false"> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfargument name="BeanName" required="true" type="string" hint="The name of the bean to add the property to."> <cfargument name="PropertyName" required="true" type="string" hint="The name of the property to set."> <cfargument name="PropertyValue" required="true" type="any" hint="The value of the property to set."> <cfargument name="Scope" required="false" type="string" default="variables" hint="The scope this property will be injected into. The default is variables scope"> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfscript> var prop = structnew(); prop.value = arguments.PropertyValue; prop.scope = arguments.Scope; // Add the mixin property instance.config[arguments.BeanName].MixinProperties[arguments.PropertyName] = prop; </cfscript> </cffunction> <!--- Parse a Coldspring XML ---> <cffunction name="parseXMLConfigFile" returntype="void" hint="I take the path to a ColdSpring XML config file and use it to set all of the necessary LightWire config properties." output="false"> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfargument name="XMLFilePath" required="true" type="string" hint="The path to the XML config file."> <cfargument name="properties" required="false" type="struct" default="#structNew()#" hint="A struct of default properties to be used in place of ${key} in XML config file."> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfscript> /* Parse bean definitions*/ parseXMLRaw(getUtil().readFile(arguments.XMLFilePath),arguments.properties); </cfscript> </cffunction> <!--- Parse XML Raw ---> <cffunction name="parseXMLRaw" access="public" returntype="void" hint="Parse an xml raw string" output="false" > <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfargument name="rawXML" required="true" type="string" hint="A raw string of xml bean definitions"> <cfargument name="properties" required="false" type="struct" default="#structNew()#" hint="A struct of default properties to be used in place of ${key} in XML config file."> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfscript> /* Raw Replacement */ arguments.rawXML = getUtil().placeHolderReplacer(arguments.rawXML,properties); /* Parse bean definitions*/ parseXMLObj(XMLParse(arguments.rawXML,false),arguments.properties); </cfscript>
</cffunction> <!--- Parse XML Object ---> <cffunction name="parseXMLObj" access="public" returntype="void" hint="Parse an xml object definition, replacement of placeholders are done in the Raw or ConfiFile Methods Only" output="false" > <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfargument name="XMLObj" required="true" type="xml" hint="The XML Object to parse."> <cfargument name="properties" required="false" type="struct" default="#structNew()#" hint="A struct of default properties to be used in place of ${key} in XML config file."> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfscript> var i = 0; var x = 0; // parse coldspring xml bean config var xml = arguments.XMLObj; // use XMLSearch to create array of all bean defs var beans = XMLSearch(xml,'/beans/bean'); var aliases = XMLSearch(xml,'/beans/alias'); var aliasesLen = arrayLen(aliases); var aliasListLen = 0; /* default-lazy-init? */ if( structKeyExists(xml.beans.XMLAttributes,"default-lazy-init") AND isBoolean(trim(xml.beans.XMLAttributes["default-lazy-init"])) ){ /* Set the lazy load argument. */ setLazyLoad(trim(xml.beans.XMLAttributes["default-lazy-init"])); } // loop over beans to create definitions from XML for (i = 1; i lte ArrayLen(beans); i = i + 1){ /* Translate Bean Definition */ translateBean(beans[i],arguments.properties); } /* Loop Over Aliases */ for(x=1; x lte aliasesLen; x=x+1){ /* Attribute Checks */ if( NOT structKeyExists(aliases[x].xmlAttributes,"alias") OR NOT structKeyExists(aliases[x].xmlAttributes,"name") ){ getUtil().throwit('Wrong attributes for alias element',"Both an alias an a name are needed for an alias","LightWire.AliasAttributeException"); } /* Loop Over Alias Value List */ aliasListLen = listLen(trim(aliases[x].XMLAttributes.alias)); for(i=1; i lte aliasListLen;i=i+1){ instance.aliasStruct[trim(listgetAt(aliases[x].XMLAttributes.alias,i))] = trim(aliases[x].XMLAttributes.name); } } </cfscript>
</cffunction> <!--- Translate a bean definition ---> <cffunction name="translateBean" access="private" output="false" returntype="void" hint="I translate ColdSpring XML bean definitiions to LightWire config."> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfargument name="bean" type="any" required="true" hint="The xml bean definition. This is an XML object"> <cfargument name="properties" type="struct" required="true" hint="The properties structure"> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfscript> var beanStruct = StructNew(); var key = ""; var beanAttributeValue = 0; var errormsg = ''; // loop over bean tag attributes and create beanStruct keys For (key in bean.XmlAttributes){ /* Get Attribute Value */ beanAttributeValue = trim(bean.XMLAttributes[key]); /* Set Values */ if (key eq "factory-bean"){ beanStruct.FactoryBean = beanAttributeValue; } if (key eq "factory-method"){ beanStruct.FactoryMethod = beanAttributeValue; } if (key eq "singleton"){ beanStruct.Singleton = beanAttributeValue; } if (key eq "class"){ beanStruct.FullClassPath = beanAttributeValue; } if (key eq "type"){ beanStruct.BeanType = beanAttributeValue; } if (key eq "id"){ beanStruct.BeanName = beanAttributeValue; } if (key eq "init-method"){ beanStruct.InitMethod = beanAttributeValue; } if (key eq "lazy-init"){ beanStruct.Lazy = beanAttributeValue; } else{ beanStruct.Lazy = instance.defaultBeanLazyInit; } }//end loop over xml attributes /* Check for a the presence of bean name */ if(not structKeyExists(beanStruct,"BeanName")){ errormsg = 'Missing bean name or id in xml declaration'; if(structKeyExists(beanStruct,"FullClassPath")){ errormsg = errormsg & ' for object of class #beanStruct.FullClassPath#'; }else if(structKeyExists(beanStruct,"FactoryBean") and structKeyExists(beanStruct,"FactoryMethod")){ errormsg = errormsg & ' for object referencing factory bean #beanStruct.FactoryBean# and method #beanStruct.FactoryMethod#'; } getUtil().throwIt(errormsg,'Check config file for id or beanname key on object definition.'); } /* Add to non lazy beans? */ if( not beanStruct.Lazy ){ addToNonLazyBeans(beanStruct.beanName); } /* Check if Singleton defined, if not, set to default of true */ if( not structKeyExists(beanStruct,"Singleton") ){ beanStruct.Singleton = true; } // If not a singleton if ( not beanStruct.Singleton ){ // if beanStruct contains key FactoryBean, then create transient from factory if (structKeyExists(beanStruct,"FactoryBean")){ addTransientFromFactory(argumentCollection=beanStruct); } else{ addTransient(argumentCollection=beanStruct); } } else{ // if beanStruct contains key FactoryBean, then create singleton from factory if (structKeyExists(beanStruct,"FactoryBean")){ addSingletonFromFactory(argumentCollection=beanStruct); } else{ addSingleton(argumentCollection=beanStruct); } } // add constructor dependecies and properties translateBeanChildren(arguments.bean,'constructor-arg',arguments.properties); // add setter dependecies and properties translateBeanChildren(arguments.bean,'property',arguments.properties); // add mixin dependecies and properties translateBeanChildren(arguments.bean,'mixin',arguments.properties); </cfscript> </cffunction> <!--- Translate bean children ---> <cffunction name="translateBeanChildren" access="private" output="false" returntype="void"> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfargument name="bean" type="any" required="true" hint="The xml bean definition object"> <cfargument name="childTagName" type="string" required="true" hint="The child tag name to parse"> <cfargument name="properties" type="struct" required="true" hint="The properties structure"> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfscript> var children = ""; var childrenLen = 0; var thisCast = ""; var entries = ""; var hashMap = ""; var prop = ""; var key = ""; var i = 1; var j = 1; /* find all constructor properties and dependencies */ if( structKeyExists(server,"railo") ){ children = xmlSearch(xmlParse(toString(arguments.bean)),"/bean/" & childTagName); } else{ children = XMLSearch(arguments.bean,arguments.childTagName); } childrenLen = ArrayLen(children); /* Loop Over Children */ for (i = 1; i lte childrenLen; i = i + 1){ /* child element "value" */ if (structKeyExists(children[i],"value")){ /* prop Replacement */ prop = trim(children[i].value.XmlText); /* Cast? */ if( structKeyExists(children[i].XMLAttributes,"castTo") ){ thisCast = children[i].xmlAttributes.castTo; } else{ thisCast = ""; } /* Type of Tag Element */ switch (arguments.childTagName){ case 'constructor-arg' :{ addConstructorProperty(beanName=bean.XmlAttributes["id"],PropertyName=children[i].XmlAttributes["name"],PropertyValue=prop,CastTo=thisCast); }; break; case 'property' :{ addSetterProperty(beanName=bean.XmlAttributes["id"],PropertyName=children[i].XmlAttributes["name"],PropertyValue=prop,castTo=thisCast); }; break; case 'mixin' :{ addMixinProperty(beanName=bean.XmlAttributes["id"],propertyName=children[i].XmlAttributes["name"],propertyValue=prop); }; break; };//end of child Tag Name };// end if tag "value" // child element "map" if (structKeyExists(children[i],"map")){ entries = XMLSearch(xmlParse(toString(children[i])),'//map/entry'); hashMap = structNew(); for (j = 1; j lte ArrayLen(entries); j = j + 1){ if (structKeyExists(entries[j],"value")){ hashMap[entries[j].XmlAttributes["key"]] = entries[j].value.XmlText; } else if (structKeyExists(entries[j],"ref")){ hashMap[entries[j].XmlAttributes["key"]] = entries[j].ref.XmlAttributes["bean"]; } } switch (arguments.childTagName) { case 'constructor-arg' : { addConstructorProperty(bean.XmlAttributes["id"],children[i].XmlAttributes["name"],hashMap); }; break; case 'property' : { addSetterProperty(bean.XmlAttributes["id"],children[i].XmlAttributes["name"],hashMap); }; break; case 'mixin' : { addMixinProperty(bean.XmlAttributes["id"],children[i].XmlAttributes["name"],hashMap); }; break; }; }; //end of tag "map" // child element "ref" if (structKeyExists(children[i],"ref")){ switch (arguments.childTagName){ case 'constructor-arg' :{ addConstructorDependency(bean.XmlAttributes["id"],children[i].ref.XmlAttributes["bean"],children[i].XmlAttributes["name"]); }; break; case 'property' :{ addSetterDependency(bean.XmlAttributes["id"],children[i].ref.XmlAttributes["bean"],children[i].XmlAttributes["name"]); }; break; case 'mixin' :{ addMixinDependency(bean.XmlAttributes["id"],children[i].ref.XmlAttributes["bean"],children[i].XmlAttributes["name"]); }; break; }; }; //child element "bean" if (structKeyExists(children[i],"bean")){ /* Verify ID exists, else create a unique ID for this nested bean definition */ if( not structKeyExists(children[i].bean.xmlAttributes,"id") ){ children[i].bean.xmlAttributes.id = listlast(children[i].bean.xmlAttributes.class,".") & "-" & createUUID(); } // use recursion to translate Bean translateBean(children[i].bean,arguments.properties); /* Do Childs now */ switch (arguments.childTagName) { case 'constructor-arg' : { addConstructorDependency(bean.XmlAttributes["id"],children[i].bean.XmlAttributes["id"],children[i].XmlAttributes["name"]); }; break; case 'property' : { addSetterDependency(bean.XmlAttributes["id"],children[i].bean.XmlAttributes["id"],children[i].XmlAttributes["name"]); }; break; case 'mixin' : { addMixinDependency(bean.XmlAttributes["id"],children[i].bean.XmlAttributes["id"],children[i].XmlAttributes["name"]); }; break; }; }; }; </cfscript> </cffunction><!----------------------------------------- PRIVATE -------------------------------------> <!--- Get Bean Definition ---> <cffunction name="getBeanDefinition" access="private" returntype="struct" hint="Get a structure with a bean's definitions by default." output="false" >
<cfscript> var definition = structnew(); /* Initialize Main Bean Properties */ definition.Singleton = true; definition.Path = ""; definition.InitMethod = ""; definition.Lazy = instance.defaultBeanLazyInit; definition.Type = "cfc"; /* Factory Bean Defaults */ definition.FactoryBean = ""; definition.FactoryMethod = ""; definition.isFactoryBean = false; /* Initialize the dependency structs */ definition.ConstructorDependencyStruct = StructNew(); definition.SetterDependencyStruct = StructNew(); definition.MixinDependencyStruct = StructNew(); /* Init Properties */ definition.MixinProperties = structnew(); definition.SetterProperties = structnew(); definition.ConstructorProperties = structnew(); return definition; </cfscript> </cffunction> <!--- Validate Bean Type ---> <cffunction name="validateBeanType" access="private" returntype="string" hint="Validate an incoming bean type" output="false" > <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfargument name="BeanType" required="true" type="string" hint="The bean type: cfc, java, webservice"> <!---************************************************************************************************ ---> <cfscript> /* Check if we have something */ if( len(trim(arguments.BeanType)) ){ if( not reFindnocase("^(cfc|java|webservice)$",arguments.BeanType) ){ getUtil().throwit("Invalid BeanType: #arguments.BeanType#","The only valid beanTypes are cfc,java and webservice","baseConfigObject.invalidBeanType"); } else{ /* Setup the Type */ return arguments.BeanType; } } /* Return Default */ return "cfc"; </cfscript> </cffunction> <!--- Add beans to the non lazy struct ---> <cffunction name="addToNonLazyBeans" access="private" returntype="void" hint="Add to non lazy beans struct" output="false" > <cfargument name="beanName" required="true" type="any" hint="The bean name to add to the non lazy beans"> <cfset instance.nonLazyBeans[arguments.beanName] = arguments.beanName> </cffunction> <!--- Get Bean Name ---> <cffunction name="nameResolution" access="private" returntype="any" hint="Get a bean name via alias or bean name" output="false" > <!--- ************************************************************* ---> <cfargument name="name" required="true" type="any" hint="Bean name or alias to resolve."> <!--- ************************************************************* ---> <cfscript> /* Check if name is in an alias struct. */ if( structKeyExists(instance.aliasStruct,arguments.name) ){ return instance.aliasStruct[arguments.name]; } /* Else return bean name */ return arguments.name; </cfscript> </cffunction> <!--- getUtil --->
<cffunction name="getUtil" output="false" access="private" returntype="any" hint="Get the LightWire utility object">
<cfreturn instance.oUtil>