Bot providing multiple commands to query common sites used during development or helping people on Discord.
via GitHub API
via packagist API
via unofficial API
via parsing Mozilla Developer Network,
via unofficial caniuse API
and @mdn/browser-combat-data,
via unofficial bundlephobia API
as explanation on why not to use jquery,
via parsing official PHP Docs.
# tag it in discord to receive general help
@bot --help
# provides an example each
!mdn --help
!caniuse --help
!composer --help
!npm --help
!github --help
!bundlephobia --help
# queries MDN with <term>
!mdn <term>
# queries caniuse with <term>
!caniuse <term>
# queries packagist with <package>
!composer <package>
# queries npm with <package>
!npm <package>
# queries github with <term>
!github <term>
# queries bundlephobia with <term>
!bundlephobia <term>
- single-result queries will directly show the result
- reacting with a number will filter the result
- reacting with the red or black
will remove the request
By default, shows the first ten results of any given query, unless only one result was found.
Reacting with a number corresponding to the list entry will filter the list and edit the original message, providing more specific information.
...accessing this link.
git clone
cd webdev-support-bot
cp .env.example .env # and enter a token
yarn install # or npm install
code .
yarn dev # or npm dev
# or be fancy with a one-liner
git clone && cd webdev-support-bot && cp .env.example .env && yarn install && code . && yarn dev
In development, you generally want to take the .env.example
and rename it to .env
. You also shouldn't commit your .env
file. If you make any changes to the environment variables, you should update .env.example
. accordingly.
$ npm test
Please head over to GitHub.