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File metadata and controls

225 lines (210 loc) · 12.9 KB

install dependencies

sudo apt update sudo apt install -y mesa-opencl-icd ocl-icd-opencl-dev gcc git bzr jq pkg-config curl sudo apt upgrade -y

set environment variables


append these export commands to ~/.bashrc to set them when starting a new shell session

setup a 256GB swap file to avoid out-of-memory issues while mining if you only have 128GB RAM

sudo fallocate -l 256G /swapfile sudo chmod 600 /swapfile sudo mkswap /swapfile sudo swapon /swapfile

show current swap spaces and take note of the current highest priority

swapon --show

append the following line to /etc/fstab (ensure pri is set larger than the current highest level priority) and then reboot

/swapfile swap swap pri=50 0 0

sudo reboot

check a 256GB swap file exists and it has the highest priority

swapon --show

install or reinstall lotus

sudo rm -rf ~/lotus ~/.lotus ~/.lotusminer /usr/local/bin/lotus*

(optional) remove proof parameters (these files are very large and will take a long time to redownload)

sudo rm -rf /var/tmp/filecoin-proof-parameters

clone lotus from GitHub and checkout ntwk-calibration

cd ~ && git clone && cd lotus git reset --hard && git fetch --all && git checkout ntwk-calibration

set environment variables to build from source (without these lotus will still run but sealing will take considerably longer)

export RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native -g" export RUST_LOG=info export FFI_BUILD_FROM_SOURCE=1

make and install it

make all && sudo make install

if command 'go' is not found, try adding /usr/local/go/bin to secure_path in /etc/sudoers

you should see lots of rust related downloads, if not you're probably not building it from source

start lotus daemon and connect to the lotus network

see for graphs, maps, and the current status of the network and miners

check the open file limit and ensure it is set to at least 10000000

consider adding ulimit -n 10000000 to ~/.bashrc to set it at the start of each bash session

ulimit -n ulimit -n 10000000

start lotus daemon in the background

lotus daemon > ~/lotus.log 2>&1 &

wait for the chain to sync (this can take minutes, hours or even days depending on the height of the chain)

lotus sync wait

check that the number of connected peers is at least 1

lotus net peers | wc -l

update Libp2p ListenAddresses and Libp2p AnnounceAddresses in ~/.lotus/config.toml to the following:

ListenAddresses = ["/ip4/"]

AnnounceAddresses = ["/ip4/<YOUR_PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS>/tcp/24001"]

assign a static IP address to your machine on your local network

log in to your home router and forward port 24001 to the previously assigned static IP address

restart the daemon in the background so it continues running after closing the terminal

lotus daemon stop nohup lotus daemon > ~/lotus.log 2>&1 &

create a new bls wallet and miner

T3_ADDRESS=$(lotus wallet new bls) && echo $T3_ADDRESS

assign funds to the t3 address using

initialize the miner (this will download and verify the ~108GB v28 proof parameters to /var/tmp/filecoin-proof-parameters)

lotus-miner init --no-local-storage --owner=$T3_ADDRESS --sector-size=32GiB

update Libp2p ListenAddresses and Libp2p AnnounceAddresses in ~/.lotusminer/config.toml to the following:

ListenAddresses = ["/ip4/"]

AnnounceAddresses = ["/ip4/<YOUR_PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS>/tcp/24002"]

log in to your home router and forward port 24002 in the same way as was done for the lotus daemon

start lotus-miner in the background, wait until it is ready (this can take a few minutes), and print the wallet balance

nohup lotus-miner run > ~/lotus-miner.log 2>&1 & watch -n 5 lotus-miner info lotus wallet balance $T3_ADDRESS

check you are publically dialable

PUBLIC_IP=$(curl && echo $PUBLIC_IP ping $PUBLIC_IP telnet $PUBLIC_IP 24001 telnet $PUBLIC_IP 24002 lotus net reachability

use to check ports 24001 and 24002 are open

configure your miner

check the listening address of your miner and set the on-chain record of it

LISTEN_ADDRESS=$(lotus-miner net listen) && echo $LISTEN_ADDRESS lotus-miner actor set-addrs $LISTEN_ADDRESS

set MaxSealingSectors in ~/.lotusminer/config.toml to the number of concurrent seal workers you want to run

set storage locations for sealing storage (e.g., a fast SSD) and long term storage (e.g., a slow HDD)

for seal I use ~/.lotusminer and store I use /media//<HDD_DEVICE_NAME>/filecoin

lotus-miner storage attach --init --seal <PATH_FOR_SEALING_STORAGE> lotus-miner storage attach --init --store <PATH_FOR_LONG_TERM_STORAGE> lotus-miner storage list

check that the funds for sending the set-addrs message have been deducted from your wallet (this may take about 30 seconds)

watch -n 5 lotus wallet balance $T3_ADDRESS

start sealing a sector

pledge storage by packing random data to demonstrate capability of storing data without having to wait for deals

lotus-miner sectors pledge

check the sealing job has started

lotus-miner sealing jobs

check that a 32GiB (34.4GB) file has been created in <PATH_FOR_SEALING_STORAGE>/unsealed

check sealing workers show 1 core in use

lotus-miner sealing workers

wait for the sector to be created and show "0: PreCommit1 sSet: NO active: NO tktH: 0 seedH: 0 deals: [0]" (this will take a few minutes)

watch -n 5 lotus-miner sectors list

check the sector file has been copied to <PATH_FOR_SEALING_STORAGE>/sealed

wait for the sector to be sealed and show "0: Proving sSet: YES active: YES tktH: xxxx seedH: yyyy deals: [0]" (this will take several hours)

view to log to determine how long the sealing process took on your machine

lotus-miner sectors status --log 0

set ExpectedSealDuration accordingly (see configuring deal criteria below)

after sealing is complete, mark the pledged sector for upgrade so it can start accepting deals (including those from the bot)

lotus-miner sectors mark-for-upgrade 0

within 24 hours, active should change from YES to NO and will be visible on the dashboard

there is a known bug where mark-for-upgrade sometimes gets ignored

if more than 24 hours has passed consider calling mark-for-upgrade again, doing so will have no adverse effects

check the sector file has been copied to <PATH_FOR_LONG_TERM_STORAGE>/sealed

monitor sectors as they progress through each stage

install and run htop to monitor CPU and memory usage

sudo apt install htop htop

in a separate terminal watch the lotusminer log for entries of the form "INFO storage_proofs_porep::stacked::vanilla::proof > generating layer"

watch tail -n 24 ~/lotus-miner.log

TODO how many layers to expect?

in a third terminal watch the status of the sector

watch -n 5 lotus-miner sectors status --log --on-chain-info 0

the following log entries are what I observed my machine (Ryzen 9 3900X @ 3.8GHz, RTX 2080 Super, 128GB DDR4 RAM @ 3000MHz)

ignore log entries 2 and 3, I restarted my machine due to an error unrelated to lotus

PreCommit1 started at 01:49:28 so took 4h50 and used 1 CPU @ 100%

TODO: perance when running 2 PC1 in parallel ? set MaxSealingSectors = 2

the total sealing duration was 8h20


Event Log:

0. 2020-08-20 22:40:47 +0000 UTC: [event;sealing.SectorStartCC] {"User":{"ID":0,"SectorType":3,"Pieces":[{"Piece":{"Size":34359738368,"PieceCID":{"/":"ba..."}},"DealInfo":null}]}}

1. 2020-08-20 22:40:47 +0000 UTC: [event;sealing.SectorPacked] {"User":{"FillerPieces":null}}

2. 2020-08-21 01:32:25 +0000 UTC: [event;sealing.SectorRestart] {"User":{}}

3. 2020-08-21 01:49:28 +0000 UTC: [event;sealing.SectorRestart] {"User":{}}

4. 2020-08-21 06:31:48 +0000 UTC: [event;sealing.SectorPreCommit1] {"User":{"PreCommit1Out":"ey...","TicketValue":"H3...","TicketEpoch":2234}}

5. 2020-08-21 07:04:18 +0000 UTC: [event;sealing.SectorPreCommit2] {"User":{"Sealed":{"/":"ba..."},"Unsealed":{"/":"ba..."}}}

6. 2020-08-21 07:04:18 +0000 UTC: [event;sealing.SectorPreCommitted] {"User":{"Message":{"/":"ba..."},"PreCommitDeposit":"1761729940027002722","PreCommitInfo":{"SealProof":3,"SectorNumber":0,"SealedCID":{"/":"ba..."},"SealRandEpoch":2234,"DealIDs":[],"Expiration":1557523,"ReplaceCapacity":false,"ReplaceSectorDeadline":0,"ReplaceSectorPartition":0,"ReplaceSectorNumber":0}}}

7. 2020-08-21 07:07:30 +0000 UTC: [event;sealing.SectorPreCommitLanded] {"User":{"TipSet":"AX..."}}

8. 2020-08-21 08:22:30 +0000 UTC: [event;sealing.SectorSeedReady] {"User":{"SeedValue":"di...","SeedEpoch":3915}}

9. 2020-08-21 10:06:56 +0000 UTC: [event;sealing.SectorCommitted] {"User":{"Message":{"/":"ba..."},"Proof":"md..."}}

10. 2020-08-21 10:10:30 +0000 UTC: [event;sealing.SectorProving] {"User":{}}

11. 2020-08-21 10:11:48 +0000 UTC: [event;sealing.SectorFinalized] {"User":{}}

check proving

a snark proof needs to be computed every 30 minutes and requires a high-end GPU or CPU

use the following to monitor proof status and faults

lotus-miner proving info lotus-miner proving deadlines lotus-miner proving faults

test your miner by making a storage and retrieval deal

there are effectively two modes of retrieval (although at first only mode #1 will be used)

1. hot storage: store two copies of the data with one sealed copy being used for generating storage proofs and the other original copy for fast retrieval

2. cold storage: only store the sealed copy and require it to be unsealed first (a computational and time intensive task)

T0_ADDRESS=$(lotus-miner info | head -n 1 | cut -c 8-) && echo $T0_ADDRESS lotus state miner-info $T0_ADDRESS

create a new t1 address, add funds to it from the t3 address, and wait for the transaction to complete (this will take about a minute)

T1_ADDRESS=$(lotus wallet new) && echo $T1_ADDRESS lotus send $T1_ADDRESS 20 watch -n 5 lotus wallet balance $T1_ADDRESS

add a local file and copy the data CID

echo -e "Filecoin is a decentralized storage market - think of it like Airbnb for cloud storage - where anybody with extra hard drive space can sell it on the network.\n- Juan Benet" > ~/test_file_original.txt lotus client import ~/test_file_original.txt DATA_CID=

attempt to find the file it on the network (this should say LOCAL)

lotus client find $DATA_CID

query your miner and make a deal at the default price and minimum duration

lotus client query-ask $T0_ADDRESS DEAL_CID=$(lotus client deal $DATA_CID $T0_ADDRESS 0.0000000005 518400) && echo $DEAL_CID lotus client list-deals lotus client get-deal $DEAL_CID

wait for the sector to be created

watch -n 5 lotus-miner sectors list

check that a 32GiB (34.4GB) file has been created in <PATH_FOR_SEALING_STORAGE>/unsealed

(optional) manually start sealing the sector to avoid waiting for the default seal delay

lotus-miner sectors seal <SECTOR_ID>

start retrieving data from the storage miner

lotus client retrieve $DATA_CID ~/test_file_retrieved.txt

view the status of the retrieval deal and wait for it to complete

watch -n 5 lotus-miner retrieval-deals list

cat ~/test_file_retrieved.txt

check miner info and move storage payments made to <T0_ADDRESS> into <T3_ADDRESS>

lotus-miner info lotus-miner actor withdraw

configuring deal criteria

deals are automatically managed by the lotus-miner

to configure the criteria for accepting deals edit the file ~/.lotusminer/config.toml

ExpectedSealDuration (defaults to 12h0m0s) should be set according to how quickly you can seal a sector

only deals starting after this delay will be accepted, at which point you must start providing proofs

MaxPreCommitGasFee, MaxCommitGasFee, and MaxWindowPoStGasFee are set under [Fees]

WaitDealsDelay (defaults to 1h0m0s) is the delay between accepting the first deal and starting the sealing process

this allows multiple deals to be sealed in the same sector

Filter is a shell command that decides which deals to accept (on returning exit code 0) or reject (any other exit code)

here are some example Filter commands

reject all deals:

Filter = false

accept all deals (the default):

Filter = true

accept/reject deals randomly:

Filter = (($RANDOM < 10000))

only accept deals from specific addresses (during Space Race, consider setting these to the addresses of the bots to avoid malicious actors sending spam deals):

Filter = "jq -e '.Proposal.Client == "t1..." or .Proposal.Client == "t1..." '"

check logs

tail -f ~/lotus.log watch tail -n 24 ~/lotus-miner.log grep -n error ~/lotus-miner.log

import/export keys

lotus wallet import ~/<TX_ADDRESS>.keyinfo lotus wallet export <TX_ADDRESS> > ~/<TX_ADDRESS>.keyinfo

import/export chain

lotus daemon --import-chain --halt-after-import ~/ lotus chain export ~/