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File metadata and controls

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Getting started

Provides all information needed to start the development for frontend and backend.

Setup the project

Global dependencies

  • yarn - package manager for all backend and frontend dependencies.


  • Enter frontend directory with the cli
  • Run yarn install to install all frontend dependencies
  • Run cp ./config/.env.sample ./config/.env add the required attributes in the created file


  • Enter backend directory with the cli
  • Run yarn install to install all frontend dependencies
  • Create a postgres database manually (not yet part of the projekt)
  • Run cp ./config/.env.sample ./config/.env add the required attributes in the created file
  • Run yarn migrate to run all migrations and create the database tables.
  • Run yarn seed. This will, amongst other things, create an initial user with the credentials:
  • When you want some example database content, run yarn createMocks. This will create example data for all entities.
  username: Admin
  password: admin

Run the project (local)


  • Enter the frontend directory with your cli
  • For development run yarn start to start the webpack dev server. And open: http://localhost:8080


  • Enter the backend directory with the cli
  • For development run yarn start to start the node backend. Thanks nodemon, the node instance will automatically restart on changes.

Creating seeds

Sometimes it makes sense to insert some seed data, e.g. to have an initial user. Like mentioned in the setup part, you can insert all existing seeds with yarn seed. To create a new seed run yarn sequelize seed:generate --name seed-name

Creating migrations

Like mentioned in the setup part, you can run all migrations with yarn migrate. To create a new migration run yarn sequelize migration:generate --name migration-name To revert the last migration run yarn migrateDown Sequelize is also able to create the database, based on the model definitions. You can run this with yarn createDatabse. It can't replace the the migrations, but sometimes it is nice to see how the database would look like, when it's based on the model definitions.


Currently there is no automated deployment. But there are some yarn scripts, that will help you deploying changes.


  • First connect to the server and open the frontend directory.
  • Make sure you've installed all dependecies by running yarn install
  • For production run yarn build to create an optimized version of the app in the productionBuild directory.
  • Make sure to restart the webserver.

Troubleshooting When you are receiving a memory related error, while building, like "JavaScript heap out of memory", you can try to temporarily increas the node memory limit: NODE_OPTIONS="--max_old_space_size=8096"


  • First connect to the server and open the backend directory.
  • Stop the process manager pm2 with yarn stopProd
  • Make sure you've installed all dependecies by running yarn install
  • Make sure you've run all new migrations with yarn migrate
  • Make sure you've run all new seeds with yarn seed
  • Start the backend with yarn startProd

Troubleshooting When the backend is not starting / behaving correctly, you can have a look at the pm2 logs with yarn logProd