This workflow process PacBio subreads.bam files, clean barcode primers, refine, and cluster to get high quality transcripts, and finally putout report numbers for each step like below.
Sample | 1__SEL34534_m432423_7575423_34236 | 2__SEL34534_m432423_345435_345576
ZMWs input (A) | 668324 | 652591
ZMWs generating CCS (B) | 494610 (74.01%) | 461709 (70.75%)
ZMWs primer filtered (B) | 436522 (88%) | 408402 (88%)
Refine num_reads_flnc | 430633 | 403479
num_reads_flnc_polya | 430414 | 403291
Cluster total | 833705
clustered.hq.fasta.gz | 54105
clustered.lq.fasta.gz | 89
TotalLength | 78596733
NumRecords | 54194
Refer to the detailed description at
Required PacBio packages: ccs, lima, isoseq3
With GNU-parallel one can easily transform workflows to run steps in parallel. Jobs run in parallel, and it's easy to change commands, options and number of parallel jobs, no more for loops.
# skip if already installed
conda install -c conda-forge parallel
conda create -n pbccs pbccs
conda create -n isoseq3 isoseq3
# check primer
cat primers.fasta
# >Clontech_5p
# >NEB_Clontech_3p
# list for parallel
ls *subreads.bam | sed 's/.subreads.bam//' > list.txt
# CLR to CCS
conda activate pbccs
cat list.txt | parallel -j1 "ccs {}.subreads.bam {}.ccs.bam --min-rq 0.9 --report-file ccs_report{#}.txt >& log.css.s{#}.txt"
# Adaptor trimming
cat list.txt | parallel "lima {}.ccs.bam primers.fasta {}.fl.bam --isoseq --peek-guess >& log.lima.s{#}.txt"
conda deactivate
# Refine
conda activate isoseq3
# Note: change the "Clontech_5p--NEB_Clontech_3p" if your primer sequences have different names.
cat list.txt | parallel "isoseq3 refine --require-polya {}.fl.Clontech_5p--NEB_Clontech_3p.bam primers.fasta {}.flnc.bam >& log.refine.s{#}.txt"
# Merge SMRT cells
ls *.flnc.bam > flnc.fofn
# Clustering
isoseq3 cluster flnc.fofn clustered.bam --verbose --use-qvs >& log.cluster.txt &
sed -i 's/.*\r//' log.cluster.txt
zcat clustered.hq.fasta.gz | sed 's|>transcript/|>hq_trans_|; s/ / high_quality /' > clustered.HQ.trans.fasta
zcat clustered.lq.fasta.gz | sed 's|>transcript/|>lq_trans_|; s/ / low_quality /' > clustered.LQ.trans.fasta
# Report
cat list.txt | parallel "echo 'Sample:{#}__{}' > tmp{#}.txt
head -2 ccs_report{#}.txt >> tmp{#}.txt
head -2 {}.fl.lima.summary >> tmp{#}.txt
sed 's/,/\n/g' {}.flnc.filter_summary.json | sed 's/}/\n/; s/[{\"]//g' >> tmp{#}.txt
sed 's/.*://; s/^ //' tmp{#}.txt > num{#}.txt"
cat tmp1.txt | sed 's/:.*//; s/ $//' > rowheader.txt
paste rowheader.txt num*.txt > tmp_report.txt
cat tmp_report.txt | grep -v 'ZMWs input (A)' | \
grep -v -P 'num_reads_fl\t' | sed 's/num_reads_flnc\t/Refine num_reads_flnc\t/' | \
sed 's/ZMWs above all thresholds (B)/ZMWs primer filtered (B)/' \
> isoseq_report.txt
head -1 log.cluster.txt | sed 's/Read BAM.* : /-----------\nCluster total\t/; s/(//; s/).*//' >> isoseq_report.txt
zgrep -c '>' clustered.*gz | sed 's/:/\t/' >> isoseq_report.txt
grep -e NumRecords -e TotalLength clustered.transcriptset.xml | sed 's|</.*||; s/.*://; s/>/\t/' >> isoseq_report.txt
cat isoseq_report.txt | column -s $'\t' -t -o $'\t|\t'
A very convenient package managment system for all OS. Install conda and add bioconda channels.
To install GNU-parallel in conda base environment
conda install -c conda-forge parallel
package includes ccs
and lima
package. Here we put the two package into two separate conda environments, in case use them separately in the future.
conda create -n pbccs pbccs
conda create -n isoseq3 isoseq3
cat primers.fasta
ls *subreads.bam | sed 's/.subreads.bam//' > list.txt
Load pbccs in conda environment
conda activate pbccs
CCS process utilitize all CPUs detected on the device, it's a CPU heavy step, so run only 1 sample -j 1
at a time.
cat list.txt | parallel -j1 "ccs {}.subreads.bam {}.ccs.bam --min-rq 0.9 --report-file ccs_report{#}.txt >& log.css.s{#}.txt"
Trimming can be done in parallel, note the drop of -j 1
. Usually 2 SMRT cells, but if too slow, run with -j N
where N
is number of parallel jobs to run.
cat list.txt | parallel "lima {}.ccs.bam primers.fasta {}.fl.bam --isoseq --peek-guess >& log.lima.s{#}.txt"
Deactivate pbccs
environment, to keep conda envrionment clean.
conda deactivate
conda activate isoseq3
cat list.txt | parallel "isoseq3 refine --require-polya {}.fl.Clontech_5p--NEB_Clontech_3p.bam primers.fasta {}.flnc.bam >& log.refine.s{#}.txt"
Note: change the Clontech_5p--NEB_Clontech_3p
if your primer sequences have different names.
ls *.flnc.bam > flnc.fofn
isoseq3 cluster flnc.fofn clustered.bam --verbose --use-qvs >& log.cluster.txt &
sed -i 's/.*\r//' log.cluster.txt # tidy up log file for info extraction.
zcat clustered.hq.fasta.gz | sed 's|>transcript/|>hq_trans_|; s/ / high_quality /' > clustered.HQ.trans.fasta
zcat clustered.lq.fasta.gz | sed 's|>transcript/|>lq_trans_|; s/ / low_quality /' > clustered.LQ.trans.fasta
Deactivate isoseq3
environment, to keep conda envrionment clean.
conda deactivate
cat list.txt | parallel "echo 'Sample:{#}__{}' > tmp{#}.txt
head -2 ccs_report{#}.txt >> tmp{#}.txt
head -2 {}.fl.lima.summary >> tmp{#}.txt
sed 's/,/\n/g' {}.flnc.filter_summary.json | sed 's/}/\n/; s/[{\"]//g' >> tmp{#}.txt
sed 's/.*://; s/^ //' tmp{#}.txt > num{#}.txt"
cat tmp1.txt | sed 's/:.*//; s/ $//' > rowheader.txt
paste rowheader.txt num*.txt > tmp_report.txt
cat tmp_report.txt | grep -v 'ZMWs input (A)' | \
grep -v -P 'num_reads_fl\t' | sed 's/num_reads_flnc\t/Refine num_reads_flnc\t/' | \
sed 's/ZMWs above all thresholds (B)/ZMWs primer filtered (B)/' \
> isoseq_report.txt
head -1 log.cluster.txt | sed 's/Read BAM.* : /-----------\nCluster total\t/; s/(//; s/).*//' >> isoseq_report.txt
zgrep -c '>' clustered.*gz | sed 's/:/\t/' >> isoseq_report.txt
grep -e NumRecords -e TotalLength clustered.transcriptset.xml | sed 's|</.*||; s/.*://; s/>/\t/' >> isoseq_report.txt
cat isoseq_report.txt | column -s $'\t' -t -o $'\t|\t'
Report looks like
Sample | 1__SEL34534_m432423_7575423_34236 | 2__SEL34534_m432423_345435_345576
ZMWs input (A) | 668324 | 652591
ZMWs generating CCS (B) | 494610 (74.01%) | 461709 (70.75%)
ZMWs primer filtered (B) | 436522 (88%) | 408402 (88%)
Refine num_reads_flnc | 430633 | 403479
num_reads_flnc_polya | 430414 | 403291
Cluster total | 833705
clustered.hq.fasta.gz | 54105
clustered.lq.fasta.gz | 89
TotalLength | 78596733
NumRecords | 54194