// Mill
ivy"com.lihaoyi::geny::1.1.1" // Scala.js / Native
// SBT
"com.lihaoyi" %% "geny" % "1.1.1"
"com.lihaoyi" %%% "geny" % "1.1.1" // Scala.js / Native
Geny is a small library that provides push-based versions of common standard library interfaces:
, a push-based version ofscala.Iterator[T]
, a push-based version ofjava.io.InputStream
, a pull-based subclass ofWritable
More background behind the Writable
and Readable
interface can be found in
this blog post:
is basically the inverse of a scala.Iterator
: instead of the core
functionality being the pull-based hasNext
and next: T
methods, the core is
based around the push-based generate
method, which is similar to foreach
with some tweaks.
Unlike a scala.Iterator
, subclasses of Generator
can guarantee any clean
up logic is performed by placing it after the generate
call is made. This is
useful for using Generator
s to model streaming data from files or other
sources that require cleanup: the most common alternative, scala.Iterator
has no way of guaranteeing that the file gets properly closed after reading.
Even so called "self-closing iterators" that close the file after the iterator
is exhausted fail to close the files if the developer uses .head
or .take
to access the first few elements of the iterator, and never exhausts it.
Although geny.Generator
is not part of the normal collections hierarchy, the
API is intentionally modelled after that of scala.Iterator
and should be
mostly drop-in, with conversion functions provided where you need to interact
with APIs using the standard Scala collections.
Geny is intentionally a tiny library with one file and zero dependencies, so you can depend on it (or even copy-paste it into your project) without fear of taking on unknown heavyweight dependencies.
The two simplest ways to construct a Generator
are via the Generator(...)
and Generator.from
import geny.Generator
scala> Generator(0, 1, 2)
res1: geny.Generator[Int] = Generator(WrappedArray(0, 1, 2))
scala> Generator.from(Seq(1, 2, 3)) // pass in any iterable or iterator
res2: geny.Generator[Int] = Generator(List(1, 2, 3))
If you need a Generator
for a source that needs cleanup (closing
file-handles, database connections, etc.) you can use the
scala> class DummyCloseableSource {
| val iterator = Iterator(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
| var closed = false
| def close() = {
| closed = true
| }
| }
defined class DummyCloseableSource
scala> val g = Generator.selfClosing {
| val closeable = new DummyCloseableSource()
| (closeable.iterator, () => closeable.close())
| }
g: geny.Generator[Int] = Gen.SelfClosing(...)
This constructor takes a block that will be called to generate a tuple of an
and a cleanup function of type () => Unit
. Each time the
is evaluated:
A new pair of
(Iterator[T], () => Unit)
is created using this block -
The iterator is used to generate however many elements are necessary
the cleanup function is called.
Transformations on a Generator
are lazy: calling methods like filter
or map
do not evaluate the entire Generator, but instead construct a new
Generator that delegates to the original. The only methods that evaluate
the Generator
are the "terminal operation" methods like
, or the "Conversion" methods like toArray
similar. In this way, Generator
behaves similarly to Iterator
, whose
methods are also lazy until terminal oepration is called.
Terminal operations include the following:
scala> Generator(0, 1, 2).toSeq
res3: Seq[Int] = ArrayBuffer(0, 1, 2)
scala> Generator(0, 1, 2).reduceLeft(_ + _)
res4: Int = 3
scala> Generator(0, 1, 2).foldLeft(0)(_ + _)
res5: Int = 3
scala> Generator(0, 1, 2).exists(_ == 3)
res6: Boolean = false
scala> Generator(0, 1, 2).count(_ > 0)
res7: Int = 2
scala> Generator(0, 1, 2).forall(_ >= 0)
res8: Boolean = true
Overall, they behave mostly the same as on the standard Scala collections.
Not every method is supported, but even those that aren’t provided can easily
be re-implemented using foreach
and the other methods available.
Transformations on a Generator
are lazy: they do not immediately return a
result, and only build up a computation:
scala> Generator(0, 1, 2).map(_ + 1)
res9: geny.Generator[Int] = Generator(WrappedArray(0, 1, 2)).map(<function1>)
scala> Generator(0, 1, 2).map { x => println(x); x + 1 }
res10: geny.Generator[Int] = Generator(WrappedArray(0, 1, 2)).map(<function1>)
This computation will be evaluated when one of the Terminal Operations described above is called:
scala> res10.toSeq
res11: Seq[Int] = ArrayBuffer(1, 2, 3)
Most of the common operations on the Scala collections are supported:
scala> (Generator(0, 1, 2).filter(_ % 2 == 0).map(_ * 2).drop(2) ++
Generator(5, 6, 7).map(_.toString.toSeq).flatMap(x => x))
res12: geny.Generator[AnyVal] = Generator(WrappedArray(0, 1, 2)).filter(<function1>).map(<function1>).slice(2, 2147483647) ++ Generator(WrappedArray(5, 6, 7)).map(<function1>).map(<function1>)
scala> res12.toSeq
res13: Seq[AnyVal] = ArrayBuffer(5, 6, 7)
scala> Generator(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).flatMap(i => i.toString.toSeq).takeWhile(_ != '6').zipWithIndex.filter(_._1 != '2')
res14: geny.Generator[(Char, Int)] = Generator(WrappedArray(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)).map(<function1>).takeWhile(<function1>).zipWithIndex.filter(<function1>)
scala> res14.toVector
res15: Vector[(Char, Int)] = Vector((0,0), (1,1), (3,3), (4,4), (5,5))
As you can see, you can flatMap
, filter
, map
, drop
, takeWhile
, ++
and call other methods on the Generator
, and it simply builds up the
computation without running it. Only when a terminal operation like
or toVector
is called is it finally evaluated into a result.
Note that a geny.Generator
is immutable, and is thus never exhausted.
However, it also does not perform any memoization or caching, and so calling
a terminal operation like .toSeq
on a Generator
multiple times will
evaluate any preceding transformations multiple times. If you do not want this
to be the case, call .toSeq
to turn it into a concrete sequence and work with
One major use case of geny.Generator
is to ensure resources involved in
streaming results from some external source get properly cleaned up. For
example, using scala.io.Source
, we can get a scala.Iterator
over the
lines of a file. For example, you may define a helper function like this:
def getFileLines(path: String): Iterator[String] = {
val s = scala.io.Source.fromFile(path)(charSet)
However, this is incorrect: you never close the source s
, and thus if you
call this lots of times, you end up leaving tons of open file handles! If you
are lucky this will crash your program; if you are unlucky it will hang your
kernel and force you to reboot your computer.
One solution to this would be to simply not write helper functions: everyone
who wants to read from a file must instantiate the scala.io.Source
themselves, and manually cleanup themselves. This is a possible solution, but
is tedious and annoying. Another possible solution is to have the Iterator
close the io.Source
itself when exhausted, but this still leaves open the
possibility that the caller will use .head
or .take
on the iterator: a
perfectly reasonable thing to do if you don’t need all the output, but one
that would leave a "self-closing" iterator open and still leaking file handles.
Using geny.Generator
s, the helper function can instead return a
def getFileLines(path: String): geny.Generator[String] = Generator.selfClosing {
val s = scala.io.Source.fromFile(path)(charSet)
(s.getLines(), () => s.close())
The caller can then use normal collection operations on the returned
: map
it, filter
it, take
, toSeq
, etc. and it will
always be properly opened when a terminal operation is called, the required
operations performed, and properly closed when everything is done.
is a minimal interface that can be implemented by any data type
that writes binary output to a java.io.OutputStream
trait Writable {
def writeBytesTo(out: OutputStream): Unit
allows for zero-friction zero-overhead streaming data exchange
between these libraries, e.g. allowing you pass Scalatags Frag
s directly
@ import $ivy.`com.lihaoyi::scalatags:0.12.0`, scalatags.Text.all._
import $ivy.$ , scalatags.Text.all._
@ os.write(os.pwd / "hello.html", html(body(h1("Hello"), p("World!"))))
@ os.read(os.pwd / "hello.html")
res1: String = "<html><body><h1>Hello</h1><p>World!</p></body></html>"
Sending ujson.Value
s directly to requests.post
@ requests.post("https://httpbin.org/post", data = ujson.Obj("hello" -> 1))
@ res2.text
res3: String = """{
"args": {},
"data": "{\"hello\":1}",
"files": {},
"form": {},
Serialize Scala data types directly to disk:
@ os.write(os.pwd / "two.json", upickle.default.stream(Map((1, 2) -> (3, 4), (5, 6) -> (7, 8))))
@ os.read(os.pwd / "two.json")
res5: String = "[[[1,2],[3,4]],[[5,6],[7,8]]]"
Or streaming file uploads over HTTP:
@ requests.post("https://httpbin.org/post", data = os.read.stream(os.pwd / "two.json")).text
res6: String = """{
"args": {},
"data": "[[[1,2],[3,4]],[[5,6],[7,8]]]",
"files": {},
"form": {},
All this data exchange happens efficiently in a streaming fashion, without unnecessarily buffering data in-memory.
also allows an implementation to ensure cleanup code runs after
all data has been written (e.g. closing file handles, free-ing managed
resources) and is much easier to implement than java.io.InputStream
Writable has implicit constructors from the following types:
And implemented by the following libraries:
uPickle: implemented by
, and can be constructed from JSON-serializable data structures viaupickle.default.stream
Scalatags: implemented by
methods return aReadable
subtype ofWritable
returns aReadable
subtype ofWritable
And is accepted by the following libraries:
Any data type that writes bytes out to a java.io.OutputStream
, or StringBuilder
can be trivially made to implement
, which allows it to output data in a streaming fashion without
needing to buffer it in memory. You can also implement Writable
s in your own
datatypes or accept it in your own method, if you want to inter-operate with
this existing ecosystem of libraries.
trait Readable extends Writable {
def readBytesThrough[T](f: InputStream => T): T
def writeBytesTo(out: OutputStream): Unit = readBytesThrough(Internal.transfer(_, out))
is a subtype of Writable
that provides an additional
guarantee: not only can it be written to an java.io.OutputStream
, it can also
be read from by providing a java.io.InputStream
. Note that the InputStream
is scoped and only available within the readBytesThrough
callback: after that
the InputStream
will be closed and associated resources (HTTP connections,
file handles, etc.) will be released.
is supported by the following built in types:
Implemented by the following libraries
And is accepted by the following libraries:
can be used to allow handling of streaming input, e.g. parsing JSON
directly from a file or HTTP request, without needing to buffer the whole file
in memory:
@ val data = ujson.read(requests.get.stream("https://api.github.com/events"))
data: ujson.Value.Value = Arr(
"id" -> Str("11169088214"),
"type" -> Str("PushEvent"),
"actor" -> Obj(
You can also implement Readable
in your own data types, to allow them to be
seamlessly passed into uPickle or FastParse to be parsed in a streaming fashion.
Note that in exchange for the reduced memory usage, parsing streaming data via
in uPickle or FastParse typically comes with a 20-40% CPU performance
penalty over parsing data already in memory, due to the additional book-keeping
necessary with streaming data. Whether it is worthwhile or not depends on your
particular usage pattern.
Support for Scala-Native 0.5.0
Minimum version of Scala 3 increased from 3.1.3 to 3.3.1
Minimum version of Scala 2 increased from 2.11.x to 2.12.x
Improved Build and CI setup
Added MiMa checks
Added geny.Writable interface
Allow calling
without a predicate to count the total number of items in the generator
, make it also takeIterator