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Colm edited this page Jan 22, 2018 · 15 revisions

Welcome to the librespot wiki!

Build Status


librespot is an open source client library for Spotify. It enables applications to use Spotify's service, without using the official but closed-source libspotify. Additionally, it will provide extra features which are not available in the official library.

Note: librespot only works with Spotify Premium


As the origin is no longer maintained I wanted to have a place for a version of librespot with other peoples forks and features merged.

Audio Backends

librespot supports various audio backends. Multiple backends can be enabled at compile time by enabling the corresponding cargo feature. By default, only PortAudio is enabled.

A specific backend can selected at runtime using the --backend switch.

cargo build --features portaudio-backend
target/release/librespot [...] --backend portaudio

The following backends are currently available :

  • ALSA
  • PortAudio
  • PulseAudio


A cross compilation environment is provided as a docker image. Build the image from the root of the project with the following command :

$ docker build -t librespot-cross -f contrib/Dockerfile .

The resulting image can be used to build librespot for linux x86_64, armhf (compatible e. g. with Raspberry Pi 2 or 3, but not with Raspberry Pi 1 or Zero) and armel. The compiled binaries will be located in /tmp/librespot-build

docker run -v /tmp/librespot-build:/build librespot-cross

If only one architecture is desired, cargo can be invoked directly with the appropriate options :

docker run -v /tmp/librespot-build:/build librespot-cross cargo build --release --no-default-features --features alsa-backend
docker run -v /tmp/librespot-build:/build librespot-cross cargo build --release --target arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf --no-default-features --features alsa-backend
docker run -v /tmp/librespot-build:/build librespot-cross cargo build --release --target arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi --no-default-features --features alsa-backend

Don't forget to set the with-tremor feature flag if your target device does not have floating-point capabilities.


Using this code to connect to Spotify's API is probably forbidden by them. Use at your own risk.


Come and hang out on gitter if you need help or want to offer some.


Everything in this repository is licensed under the MIT license.

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