Track metadata when using pandas via JSON, utilising custom DataFrame hooks.
This both extends the pandas DataFrame
with a MetaDataFrame
class and
can decorate commonly used pandas methods for retrieving/storing data to
include metadata by default.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import metapandas as mpd
>>> data = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3)
>>> mdf = mpd.MetaDataFrame(data, columns=list('abc'), metadata={})
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(mdf.metadata)
{'constructor': {'args': (array([[0, 1, 2],
[3, 4, 5],
[6, 7, 8]]),),
'class': <class 'metapandas.metadataframe.MetaDataFrame'>,
'kwargs': {'columns': ['a', 'b', 'c']}}}
# metadata is preserved when copied
>>> mdf.metadata['test'] = True
>>> mdf.copy().metadata.get('test')
# metadata is stored in a JSON when saving the dataframe to disk
>>> mdf.to_csv('test.csv', index=False)
>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> list(map(str, Path('.').glob('test.csv*')))
['test.csv', 'test.csv.meta.json']
# metadata is automatically loaded when pandas hooks are installed
# this is useful if you have existing pandas code that you want to augment with metadta
>>> from metapandas.hooks.pandas import PandasMetaDataHooks
>>> from contextlib import redirect_stdout, redirect_stderr
>>> from io import StringIO
>>> str_io = StringIO()
>>> with redirect_stderr(str_io), redirect_stdout(str_io):
... PandasMetaDataHooks.install_metadata_hooks()
>>> print('\n'.join(str_io.getvalue().strip().split('\n')[-1:]))
Installed PandasMetaDataHooks hooks
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> new_mdf = pd.read_csv('test.csv')
>>> metadata = new_mdf.metadata
>>> pprint(metadata['storage'])
{'args': [],
'data_filepath': 'test.csv',
'metadata_filepath': 'test.csv.meta.json',
'method': <function NDFrame.to_csv at ...>,
'varargs': 'args'}
# remove pandas decorators when no longer needed
>>> PandasMetaDataHooks.uninstall_metadata_hooks()
Uninstalled PandasMetaDataHooks hooks
# alternatively just use metapandas.read_* functions without installing hooks
>>> pprint(mpd.read_csv('test.csv').metadata['storage'])
{'args': [],
'data_filepath': 'test.csv',
'metadata_filepath': 'test.csv.meta.json',
'method': <function NDFrame.to_csv at ...>,
'varargs': 'args'}
Pandas modification can be performed by importing the auto
module as follows:
>>> import
Applied hook for metapandas.metadataframe.MetaDataFrame.to_csv
Applied hook for metapandas.metadataframe.MetaDataFrame.to_excel
Applied hook for metapandas.metadataframe.MetaDataFrame.to_feather
Applied hook for metapandas.metadataframe.MetaDataFrame.to_hdf
Applied hook for metapandas.metadataframe.MetaDataFrame.to_json
Applied hook for metapandas.metadataframe.MetaDataFrame.to_parquet
Applied hook for metapandas.metadataframe.MetaDataFrame.to_pickle
Applied hook for pandas.read_csv
Applied hook for pandas.read_excel
Applied hook for pandas.read_feather
Applied hook for pandas.read_hdf
Applied hook for pandas.read_json
Applied hook for pandas.read_parquet
Applied hook for pandas.read_pickle
Applied hook for pandas.read_sql
Applied hook for pandas.read_sql_table
Applied hook for pandas.read_sql_query
Applied hook for pandas.core.frame.DataFrame.to_csv
Applied hook for pandas.core.frame.DataFrame.to_excel
Applied hook for pandas.core.frame.DataFrame.to_feather
Applied hook for pandas.core.frame.DataFrame.to_hdf
Applied hook for pandas.core.frame.DataFrame.to_json
Applied hook for pandas.core.frame.DataFrame.to_parquet
Applied hook for pandas.core.frame.DataFrame.to_pickle
Installed PandasMetaDataHooks hooks
MetaPandas itself is a pure python package, but depends on pandas and the SciPy
stack. Note: It optionally uses geopandas as well, which is often difficult
to install without conda
To install, simply try:
pip install metapandas
To set up a development environment, first create either a new virtual or conda environment before activating it and then run the following:
git clone
cd metapandas
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt requirements-test.txt -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
This will install the package in development mode. Note that is you have forked the repo then change the URL as appropriate.
Documentation can be found within the docs/
directory. This project
uses sphinx to autogenerate API documentation by scraping python docstrings.
To generate the HTML documentation, simply do the following:
cd docs
make html
PDF documentation is currently only supported on Ubuntu systems, but needs additional packages to run. These can be installed by:
cd docs
chmod +x
PDFs can then be created with make pdf
from within the docs/
Contributions are extremely welcome and highly encouraged. To help with consistency please can the following areas be considered before submitting a PR for review:
- Use
autopep8 -a -a -i -r .
to run over any modified files to ensure basic pep8 conformance, allowing the code to be read in a style expected for most python projects. - New or changed functionality should be tested, running
should - Try to document any new or changed functionality. Note: this project uses numpydoc for it's docstring documentation style.
Released under the MIT license.
This package is mostly a proof of concept and as such there are a number of areas to add to, fix and improve. Of these, the following are considered to be of highest importance:
- Track pandas operations such as merge, groupby, etc. within metadata (BIG TASK)
- Add user friendly documentation
- Automated semantic versioning
- Automated master branch update release to PyPI
- More extensive testing
- Improve code coverage to > 90% (stretch: > 95%)