diff --git a/dockers/docker-lldp-sv2/lldpd.conf.j2 b/dockers/docker-lldp-sv2/lldpd.conf.j2
index 94a04596699f..fd8a4d4c5458 100644
--- a/dockers/docker-lldp-sv2/lldpd.conf.j2
+++ b/dockers/docker-lldp-sv2/lldpd.conf.j2
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
-configure ports eth0 lldp portidsubtype local {{ MGMT_INTERFACE.keys()[0][0] }}
+{# If MGMT port alias is available, use it for port ID subtype, otherwise use port name #}
+{% set mgmt_port_name = MGMT_INTERFACE.keys()[0][0] %}
+{% if MGMT_PORT and MGMT_PORT[mgmt_port_name] and MGMT_PORT[mgmt_port_name].alias %}
+configure ports eth0 lldp portidsubtype local {{ MGMT_PORT[mgmt_port_name].alias }}
+{% else %}
+configure ports eth0 lldp portidsubtype local {{ mgmt_port_name }}
+{% endif %}
 {% endif %}