This source plugin for Gatsby fetches personal statistics from and optionally enhances them with metadata from TMDB. This can be used to display a list of watched movies and series with their respective posters.
gatsby-source-trakt-tmdb is compatible with gatsby-image so you can easily optimize posters and backdrop images during build time.
query {
limit: 6
sort: { fields: last_watched_at, order: DESC }
) {
edges {
node {
movie {
ids {
tmdb_metadata {
poster {
localFile {
childImageSharp {
fluid(maxWidth: 300, maxHeight: 450, quality: 90) {
If a movie or show doesn't have a TMDb id yet, which could be the case
when a show or movie is new, tmdb_metadata
will be null
, so make sure to
check it before using it.
To use this plugin, you have to obtain API keys for and TMDB:
resolve: `gatsby-source-trakt-tmdb`,
options: {
traktApiKey: "TRAKT_API_KEY",
tmdbApiKey: "TMDB_API_KEY", // optional, to fetch metadata
language: "en-US" // optional, language for metadata (e.g. titles)
limit: 10 // optional, number of items to fetch per category
Try to keep the limit below or at 10 items per category (40 items in total) to avoid rate-limits by TMDb. Limit can also be an object providing individual limits for each Trakt category:
limit: {
watchedMovies: 6,
watchedShows: 6,
watchlistMovies: 6,
watchlistShows: 6,
As this is my first source plugin for Gatsby, I think it has room for improvement. If you're interested in contributing, please feel free to open a pull request.