- changing ghp.sh to account for Alpha releases
- Upgrade to d3 4.4.x.
- Scale and axis changes:
- Changed time scale to UTC by default.
- Added timeLocal option for local time
- Greatly improved and simplified how chart extents are calculated:
- chartExtents are now only dev set
- max and mins from the seriesConfig and range pickers go to dataExtents
- scale will use chartExtents directly and fallback on dataExtents if not present. If neither, then looks through data.
- defaultSeriesConfig no longer has default min and maxes
- Threshold changes:
- Added new threshold configuration similar to events
- Changed threshold data property from chartData to thresholdData
- Added improved resize methods to chart behavior
- Added mechanism for redrawing an SVG series on top of others
- Layers
- Added layer generation to chart behavior
- Added ability to generate layers for any svg element dynamically
- modified interaction space so it doesnt clone svg
- modified thresholds so it doesnt clone svg
- Added an additional svg element below the canvas element on svg-canvas
- Fix placement of zoom button
- Changed px-vis-line to px-vis-line-svg for consistency
- Line now spans data undefined gaps by default
- Line will always gap "null" data
- Added showGaps to force it to show gaps for undefined data
- Demo Updates:
- updated demos with v1 changes
- all subcomponents have an API Documentation page
- Added navigatorConfig and ability to configure chart navigator with it
- most px-vis components now only loads basic colors as opposed to basic colors + dataVis colors
- Register Changes:
- Added margin to register height calculation
- Tooltip Changes:
- Added auto-calculated groupings to tooltip based on number of series. Can be overwritten by devs
- Added checks to gridline to ensure it gets the svg height and number-izes margins
- completeSeriesConfig function will now complete and create an empty completeSeriesConfig if an empty seriesConfig is passed in. Allows the deletion of all series from the chart.
- Ensure tooltip calculation are done based on pixel coordinates rather than values for non-time based charts
- Added px-vis-dynamic-menu in register, allowing developers to pass in custom features/function available in a menu in the register through dynamicMenuConfig
- Added actionConfig to px-vis-interaction-space, allowing to define custom interaction on chart hover or click for example
- Added panning capability to px-vis-interaction-space
- Added px-vis-toolbar
- Toolbar items are configurable and each item can have:
- a tooltip label
- a title
- an event name (fired on click)
- a function run on click
- an actionConfig used by px-vis-interaction space, allowing interactions on chart hover and click for example
- an icon
- a set of sub items which will be displayed in the "secondary" toolbar below when the item is clicked
- Default actions of "zoom", "pan" and "tooltip" can be passed directly in the config
- Custom defined functions can also be used in the actionConfig
- Toolbar items are configurable and each item can have:
- Removed px-vis-zoom and provide the PxVisBehaviorChart.zooming behavior for charts instead
- Added 'zoom in' and 'zoom out' buttons in zoom controls
- Bump color design
- Ensure pie doesn't fail on racing condition
- Cleaned up colors across the board
- updated tests
- Update missed design depndencies
- Updated dependencies
- Theming!
- protect running zoom too early
- fix zoom resize on timeseries
- fix behavior declaration order
- ensure current zoom is preserved when resizing a chart
- re-position the "reset zoom" button on resizing
- ensure scale manages cases where all the data is 0
- Fixed register scroll for FF and IE
- ensure timeseries rendering to canvas with multiple lines are not cut off
- added PxVisBehaviorChart.chartCommonMethods
- made includeAllSeries loop over all data
- added clip path to cursor
- added cursor config to chart behavior
- modified how cursor lines are calculated
- Added scrollbars and styling to registers when there are too many series to fit
- Added ability to specify multiple columns to register
- Added ability to use multi column register in tooltip
- Added ability to draw a legend in the image exporter
- added preserveDataOrder for px-vis-pie
- fixed issues with px-vis-pie updates/addition/deletion
- adding check that canvasContext exists in line detach
- updating slider dependency
- changing all devDeps to ^
- Update dependency versions
- Update px-theme to 2.0.1 and update test fixtures
- added xlink namespace to svg
- updated link inside px-vis to correct link (was missing path)
- changed radial scale to use infinity instead of max and min number
- added if statement for line canvas to check if chartData and axes are present
- updated px-vis html with all components
- fixed bug in IE when starting an svg line with mutedSeries
- fixed axis tickFormat check so it looks for function, not object
- fixed for event icons and clip path; changed how redrawing event icons works
- added check to ensure that dates from currentDomain is valid for brush
- fixed isObjEmpty check so it also checks for null
- fixed axis ticks setting when it is only an object
- added ability for axis tickFormat to be an object
- removing px-theme style call
- changing Gruntfile.js to gulpfile.js
- added additional check to brush zoomBrush
- fixed attrs in tooltip being passed down to register
- created chart behaviors for axisConfigs and registerConfigs
- doc fixes
- added more checks to event and axis mutedSeries bars
- fix to scale extents where chart data ys do not share an x
- added more math.max checks for sizing
- fix to navigator brush so it cannot disappear when fully collapsed
- added more checks on zoomBrush for onload
- added check on axis bar draw to see if it is in mutedSeries
- check mutedSeries observer in axis to only run if titles exist.
- added check to make sure the register elem clicked on has a name, otherwise transverses path to find it
- Added check for currentDomainX & currentDomainY for event draw
- Enable event deletion
- Fix in interaction space to ensure removal of mousemove event
- Fix to allow axes to delete from radar chart
- bower updating px-demo-snippet
- Fix intermittent bug in IE when drawing an image on a canvas withing an image load
- Added timeData to px-vis-interaction-space so that non time based charts can use forceDateTimeDisplay on their register/tooltip
- IE min-height + flex bug fix for register / tooltip
- increased register height for scrollbars
- fix for large number of series in register
- fix series bars on chart navigator axis
- fix bug where deleting a series does not update mutedSeries and register
- added check that actionArea box has a selection
- fixed empty seriesKeys with backwards compatibility
- set chartExtents on range change to fix resize
- included radial definition in axis brush
- removed extra {
- fixed merge conflict
- added check for chartData being undefined in chartCommon
- fixed completeSeriesConfig generation for mins and maxes
- added checks for d3 selection existance
- changed clip path declaration
- better fixed linePath/lineGroup not being defined on detach
- Added PxVisBehaviorChart.registerPositioning behavior to avoid code duplication
- Allow interaction space action box to be drawn with mouse outside of interaction space
- prevent errors when releasing mouse button on interaction space when the click had started outside of it
- Call notifyResize when preventResize becomes false
- fixed chartExtents running prematurely
- fixed linePath not being defined on detach
- fixed bug with range moment conversion
- added check to scale for x and y before selectedDomain
- moved polyfills into its own file
- fixed on-hover when chart all data is removed
- set extents to range when available to avoid race condition on selectedDomain and chartExtents
- pass seriesKeys to interaction space to remove registers on all data removed
- added 0 check to width and height in interaction space
- changed data converter to return empty dataset if originalData is empty
- make sure progressive rendering doesn't "break" the line between batches
- ensure datasets with 5 or less points still render when progressive rendering is on
- included includes polyfill for IE11
- bug fix for radial scale
- fixed useDegrees for line
- misc other bug fixes
- fixed register with 0 value
- changes to README
- bug fixes for brush to prevent negative values
- added various truthy tests for 0 values throughout
- fix for register with value = 0
- fix registers for pie
- moved forcedatetimedisplay to behavior
- general bug fixes for register
- added delaying chart draw until attached
- added additional check to radial scale
- changes for demo
- make sure scatter removes on detached
- ensure forceDateTimeDisplay works with new registers
- fix typo that would break the navigator series drawing
- make sure addition/removal of series to seriesConfig are correctly processed
- Added datetime imports to tooltip and passed down to register
- Made tooltip detach px-tooltip
- Updated docs across all components
- ensure brushing works when resizing
- added rect clip path for canvas
- update docs
- ensure brush initializes
- ensure multi axis passes the font size down
- exposed number formatting in register and tooltip
- changed opacity on hover in scatter-radial
- fixed axis series bar opacity on drawing
- fixed muting a series with a '.' in the id when clicking register
- fixed d3 console errors
- refactored navigator initialization
- exclude 'null' data point from line and scatter
- added clip path to canvas
- fixed bugs with the new register
- fixed area clip path to work with iron resize
- Merged reigster refactor
- Fixed vis demo
- all demos and demo snippets are up to date and working
- added codepen links
- draw max value in radial gridlines
- redraw axis on tick change
- make sure we observe seriesId for dynamic properties
- added ability to set domain with radial scale
- added limit radius to radial line
- fixed brushing with raidal axes
- added behavior for dynamically watching properties tied to completeSeriesConfig
- fixed how we expose some properties in completeSeriesConfig
- bug fixing
- scale now notifies on x axis creation
- move polarData behavior to common
- fix demo
- Adding offset in series clippath
- Fix padding on axis series bar title
- Fix axis title not redrawn on resize
- Fix register mutedSeries when ID has a '.'
- Changed series config in chart behavior so it doesnt require x and y
- Fix for reordering axes on radial with 3 axes
- exposed mutedOpacity in seriesConfig and ensure muting wors in all scenarios (canvas, svg, progressive rendering...)
- fixed ordinal data parsing
- Fixed navigator line
- Added support for radial charts (polar chart and radar chart)
- Separated line into svg and canvas lines
- Various bug fixes
- Various new features
- Improved demos
- fixed vulcanized spelling mistake in ghp
- removed extra demo link in the ghp script
- adding polygit imports for codepen
- adding check for Px.d3
- fixing px-d3 issue
- added check to parse JSON for configuration objects
- Converted to Gulp
- fixed errors when muting all axes
- add check for data in line
- added notify true to mouseRect in interaction space
- added deleteAllBrushes method to axis brush
- added check in axis brush for chartData
- added units to data converter series config
- fixed tests
- tooltip design fixes
- fixed brushes with muting and unmuting
- changed default date format to 24hour clock
- fixed axis label format so it can accept linear or time
- added am/pm to default time format
- update axis tests
- fixed margin in multi axis
- fixing NaN on axis issue
- fixed data converter with empty datasets
- changed tooltip targets in multi axis
- tooltip now uses px-tooltip
- associated changes to support that
- modified grid so it can remove itself on detach
- added to data converter so it outputs a set of empty datasets
- fixed maintaining axis brushes on data change
- fixed title rotation when id has a .
- added axis brush update on domainchange
- fixed tests for safari 8
- fixed tests
- Large refactor to deal with many timing issues and other bug fixes
- Fix 'contains' issue on IE for label tooltip
- multiaxis mouse listeners
- update tests
- clears an axis brush if that axis is removed
- mute / unmute issues
- changed the axis id
- enabled redraw of chart through removing data
- events fire on progressive rendering
- added px-tooltip on axis label
- enabled min size to axis brush
- fixed font issues
- fixed axis brush color
- fixed bug with axes brush and new axes
- fixed grid alignment issues
- enabled axis name in series config
- documentation updates
- Fixing multi scale issue on adding axes through chart data
- Many changes associated with enabling mute / unmute on parallel coords
- Added support for units in axis labels
- Fixed bug in axis brush where the array declaration is wrong
- Adding truncation to axis labels
- Make sure progressive rendering is cancelled on new drawing request
- Added preventResize option for chart auto resize.
- Added option to prevent progressive rendering for canvas (preventCanvasProgressiveRendering)
- Make export to png dynamically choose between native and canvg (hence fixing it on edge)
- Fix bug in empty navigator
- Fixing color issue in pie
- Adding support to export chart components to images
- Fix missing type in px-vis-pie _arcs
- Allow chart navigator to be used without data and/or driven by a "range" attribute
- Fix racing conditions with rangepicker
- Make sure rangepicker can be used in combination with time based charts
- Fix brush and axis-brush for dynamic sizing
- auto resize on chart navigator
- bug fixes, progressive rendering for canvas
- bug fix
- Improving tests and bug fixes
- Make auto resize work for multi axis/scale/brush
- Added demo link to README
- Improve data handling by pie slices, allow empty data as well
- Added vulcanize index and demo
- fixed navSeriesLimit in navigator
- improve pie transitioning
- Fixed line seriesID bug
- Upgraded navigator to add precipitationPattern behavior
- Added canvas support: canvas element and ability to render lines to canvas.
- Added ability to gives lines a gradient opacity.
- Fix tooltip positioning
- fix positioning for pies
- behavior documentation fixes
- Fixed tooltip demo
- Initial release