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250 lines (207 loc) · 10.6 KB


Cleanup the rules for implicit drops by adding an argument for #[may_dangle] on type parameters: #[may_dangle(droppable)] and #[may_dangle(must_not_use)]. Change PhantomData to get completely ignored by dropck as its current behavior is confusing and inconsistent.


PhantomData is Copy but still adds outlives requirements when dropped as a part of a larger value. This behavior is inconsistent and results in "spooky-dropck-at-a-distance" even without #[may_dangle]:

use std::marker::PhantomData;
struct PrintOnDrop<'a>(&'a str); // requires `'a` to be live on drop.
impl Drop for PrintOnDrop<'_> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        println!("{}", self.0)

fn assign<T>(_: T) -> PhantomData<T> {

// The type of `_x` is `AdtNoDrop<'not_live>` which doesn't have drop glue, OK
struct AdtNoDrop<'a>(PhantomData<PrintOnDrop<'a>>, u32);
fn phantom_data_adt_no_drop() {
    let _x;
        let temp = String::from("temporary");
        _x = AdtNoDrop(assign(PrintOnDrop(&temp)), 0);

// The type of `_x` is `AdtNoDrop<'not_live>` which has drop glue, ERROR
struct AdtNeedsDrop<'a>(PhantomData<PrintOnDrop<'a>>, String);
fn phantom_data_adt_needs_drop() {
    let _x;
        let temp = String::from("temporary");
        _x = AdtNeedsDrop(assign(PrintOnDrop(&temp)), String::new());


#[may_dangle] is currently difficult to use correctly. It has resulted in unsoundness multiple times. #[may_dangle] restricts the impl of fn Drop::drop. Whether this method is allowed to drop T depends on the fields of the ADT. While changing #[may_dangle] to explicitly state its intended behavior is necessary due to the change to PhantomData, this also simplify its usage.

Guide-level explanation

When a value goes out of scope the compiler adds drop glue for that value, recursively dropping it and all its fields. Dropping a type containing a lifetime which is no longer live is accepted if that lifetime is never accessed:

struct MyType<'s> {
    reference: &'s str,
    needs_drop: String,
fn can_drop_dead_reference() {
    let _x;
        let temp = String::from("I am only temporary");
        _x = MyType {
            reference: &temp,
            needs_drop: String::from("I have to get dropped"),
    // We drop `_x` here even though `reference` is no longer live.
    // This is fine as dropping a reference is a noop and does not
    // acess the pointee.

The above example will however fail if we add a manual Drop impl as the compiler conservatively assumes that all generic parameters of the Drop impl are used: playground.

In case a manual Drop impl does not access a generic parameter, you can add #[may_dangle] to that parameter. This unsafely asserts that the parameter is either completely unused when dropping your type or only recursively dropped. For type parameters, you have to declare whether you recursively drop instances of T. If so, you should use #[may_dangle(droppable)]. If not, you may use #[may_dangle(must_not_use)].

struct MyType<T> {
    generic: T,
    needs_drop: String,
// The impl has to be `unsafe` as the compiler may not check
// that `T` is actually unused.
unsafe impl<#[may_dangle(droppable)] T> Drop for MyType<T> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        // println!("{}", self.generic); // this would be unsound
        println!("{}", self.needs_drop);
fn can_drop_dead_reference() {
    let _x;
        let temp = String::from("I am only temporary");
        _x = MyType {
            generic: &temp,
            needs_drop: String::from("I have to get dropped"),
    // We drop `_x` here even though `reference` is no longer live.
    // This is accepted as `T` is marked as `#[may_dangle(droppable)]` in the
    // `Drop` impl of `MyType`.

Drop impls for collections tend to require #[may_dangle(droppable)]:

pub struct BTreeMap<K, V> {
    root: Option<Root<K, V>>,
    length: usize,

unsafe impl<#[may_dangle(droppable)] K, <#[may_dangle(droppable)] V> Drop for BTreeMap<K, V> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        // Recursively drops the key-value pairs but doesn't otherwise
        // inspect them, so we can use `#[only_dropped]` here.
        drop(unsafe {ptr::read(self) }.into_iter())

A type where #[may_dangle(must_not_use)] would be useful is a Weak pointer for a variant of Rc where the value is dropped when the last Rc goes out of scope. Dropping a Weak pointer would never access T in this case.

Reference-level explanation

Whenever we use a value of a given type this type has to be well-formed, requiring that all lifetimes in this type are live. An exception to this is the implicit drop when a variable goes out of scope. While borrowck ensures that dropping the variable is safe, this does not necessarily require all lifetimes to be live.

When implicitly dropping a variable of type T, liveness requirements are computed as follows:

  • If T does not have any drop glue, do not add any requirements.
  • If T is a trait object, T has to be live.
  • If T has an explicit Drop impl, require all generic argument to be live, unless
    • they are marked with #[may_dangle]:
      • arguments for lifetime parameters marked #[may_dangle] and type parameters marked #[may_dangle(must_not_use)] are ignored,
      • we recurse into arguments for type parameters marked #[may_dangle(droppable)].
  • Regardless of whether T implements Drop, recurse into all types owned by T:
    • references, raw pointers, function pointers, function items and scalars do not own anything. They can be trivially dropped.
    • tuples and arrays consider their element types to be owned.
    • all fields (of all variants) of ADTs are considered owned. We consider all variants for enums. The only exception here is ManuallyDrop<U> which is not considered to own U. PhantomData<U> does not have any fields and therefore also does not consider U to be owned.
    • closures and generators own their captured upvars.

Checking drop impls may error for generic parameters which are known to be incorrectly marked:

  • #[may_dangle(must_not_use)] parameters which are recursively owned
  • #[may_dangle(droppable)] parameters which are required to be live by a recursively owned type

This cannot catch all misuses, as the parameters can be incorrectly used by the Drop impl itself. We therefore require the impl to be marked as unsafe.

How this differs from the status quo

Right now there is only the #[may_dangle] attribute which skips the generic parameter. This is equivalent to the behavior of #[may_dangle(must_not_use)] and relies on the recursion into types owned by T to figure out the correct constraints. This is now explicitly annotated using #[may_dangle(droppable)].

PhantomData<U> currently considers U to be owned while not having drop glue itself. This means that (PhantomData<PrintOnDrop<'s>>, String) requires 's to be live while (PhantomData<PrintOnDrop<'s>>, u32) does not. This is required for get the behavior of #[may_dangle(droppable)] for parameters otherwise not owned by adding PhantomData as a field. One can easily forget this, which caused the unsound issues mentioned above.


This adds a small amount of implementation complexity to the compiler while not not being fully checked and therefore requiring unsafe.

This RFC does not explicitly exclude stabilizing these two attributes, as they are clearer and far less dangerous to use when compared with #[may_dangle]. Stabilizing these attributes will make it harder to stabilize a more general solution like type state.

Rationale and alternatives

The status quo of #[may_dangle] and "spooky-dropck-at-a-distance" is far from ideal and has already resulted in unsound issues. Documenting the current behavior makes is more difficult to change later while not officially documenting it is bound to lead to more issues and confusion going forward. It is therefore quite important to improve the status quo.

A more general extension to deal with partially invalid types is far from trivial. We currently assume types to always be well-formed and any approach which generalizes #[may_dangle] will have major consequences for how well-formedness is handled. This impacts many - often implicit - interactions and assumptions. It is highly unlikely that we will have the capacity for any such change in the near future. The benefits from such are change are also likely to be fairly limited while adding significant complexity.

Prior art

#[may_dangle] is already a refinement of the previous #[unsafe_destructor_blind_to_params] attribute (RFC 1327).

There is also RFC 3390 which attempts to define a more general extension to replace #[may_dangle]. As mentioned in the rationale, such an approach is not feasable right now.

Unresolved questions

Should these attributes remain purely unstable for use in the standard library or do we want to provide them to stable users?

Future possibilities

Part of the motivation for this RFC is that reasoning about #[may_dangle] through field ownership is subtle and easy to get wrong. This applies equally to other properties of types: variance and auto traits. We may want to look into reducing our reliance on this kind of reasoning, at least in the presence of unsafe code.

Extending or generalizing the dropck eyepatch... something something type state.
