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How can we link topics with samples? #34

elmonten opened this issue Dec 6, 2024 · 4 comments

How can we link topics with samples? #34

elmonten opened this issue Dec 6, 2024 · 4 comments


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elmonten commented Dec 6, 2024


How can we map back which topics are present in which samples?

Best wishes,

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I have written a set of functions that do this, based on the plot_beta() structure, but using the gammas instead of the betas. They are in draft form right now, but I'll copy them below. @lasy, please let me know if you would be interested in a pull request for these. Also, please let me know if I did this correctly. I'm reasonably confident in it, but would welcome any feedback/corrections you have.

plot_gamma = function(x, models = 'all', x_axis = 'label', gamma_aes = 'size',
                      color_by = 'path'){
    gamma_aes <- match.arg(gamma_aes, choices = c('size', 'alpha'))
    color_by <- match.arg(color_by, choices = c('topic', 'path', 
                                                'refinement', 'coherence'))
    x_axis <- match.arg(x_axis, choices = c('label', 'index'))
    gamma <- (x
              %>% plot_gamma_layout(models, color_by)
              %>% format_gamma(x_axis = x_axis))
    g <- ggplot(gamma, aes(x = x, y = s)) + guides(size = 'none')
    if (gamma_aes == 'size'){
        g <- g + geom_point(aes(size = g, col = topic_col)) +
            scale_size(range = c(0,5), limits = c(0,1))
    } else {
        g <- g + geom_tile(aes(alpha = g, fill = topic_col)) +
            scale_alpha(range = c(0, 1), limits = c(0, 1))
    if (color_by %in% c('topic', 'path')){
        g <- g + scale_color_discrete(color_by) +
    } else {
        max_score <- ifelse(color_by == 'refinement', n_models(x), 1)
        g <- g + scale_color_gradient(color_by, low = 'brown1',
                                      high = 'cornflowerblue',
                                      limits = c(0, max_score)) +
            scale_fill_gradient(color_by, low = 'brown1',
                                high = 'cornflowerblue',
                                limits = c(0, max_score))
    g <- g + facet_grid(.~m, scales = 'free', space = 'free') +
        labs(x = '', y = '') +
        theme(panel.border = element_rect(color = 'black', fill = NA),
              panel.spacing.x = unit(0, 'pt'),
              strip.background = element_rect(color = 'black'))

plot_gamma_layout = function(x, subset = 'all', color_by = 'path'){
    model_params <- models(x)
    if (length(subset) == 1 && subset == 'last'){
        model_params <- model_params[n_models(x)]
    } else if (length(subset) == 1 && subset == 'all'){
        model_params <- model_params
    } else {
        model_params <- model_params[subset]
    gammas <- (model_params
               %>% map_dfr($gamma)), .id = 'm')
               %>% mutate(m = factor(m, levels = rev(names(model_params)))))
    topic_weights <- (topics(x)
                      %>% filter(m %in% gammas$m)
                      %>% mutate(topic = factor(k))
                      %>% rename(topic_col = !!color_by))
    lst = list(gammas = gammas, weights = topic_weights)

format_gamma = function(p, x_axis = 'label'){
    gamma <- (p$gammas
              %>% group_by(m)
              %>% mutate(k = row_number())
              %>% ungroup()
              %>% left_join(p$weights
                            %>% select(m, k, k_label, topic_col),
                            by = c('m','k'))
              %>% pivot_longer(-c(m, k, k_label, topic_col),
                               names_to = 's', values_to = 'g'))
    if (x_axis == 'label'){
        gamma$x <- gamma$k_label
    } else {
        gamma$x <- gamma$k %>% factor()
    s_order <- (gamma
                %>% slice_min(m)
                %>% arrange(s, -g)
                %>% group_by(s)
                %>% slice_head(n = 1)
                %>% ungroup()
                %>% arrange(x))
    gamma <- (gamma
              %>% mutate(s = factor(s, levels = (s_order$s
                                                 %>% rev())),
                         m = factor(m, levels = rev(levels(m)))))

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One thing to keep in mind is that this plot is communicating a slightly different thing than theplot_beta() one. With plot_beta(), it's showing each feature's contribution to a topic, so the sum of the sizes of each column (topic) will be 1. With plot_gamma(), it's showing each topic's contribution to a sample. This means that the columns don't have to sum to 1, but within each facet the rows do.

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Thank you @elmonten for the question and @JCSzamosi for the great functions. For completeness, here's how you can look up samples with large values in specific topics. This code runs an alignment,

params <- map(set_names(1:10), ~ list(k = .))
models <- run_lda_models(vm_data$counts, params)
result <- align_topics(models)

The topics slot in the alignment output summarizes all the topics across the models. m refers to a column in the alignment plot and k to the topic within that model.

r$> result@topics
# A tibble: 55 × 8
   m         k k_label  mass  prop path  coherence
   <fct> <int> <fct>   <dbl> <dbl> <fct>     <dbl>
 1 1         1 1       2179  1     1         0.349
 2 2         1 1       1190. 0.546 1         0.522
 3 2         2 2        989. 0.454 10        0.547
 4 3         1 1        952. 0.437 1         0.562
 5 3         2 3        628. 0.288 4         0.451
 6 3         3 2        599. 0.275 10        0.826
 7 4         1 4        685. 0.315 1         0.619
 8 4         2 1        303. 0.139 7         0.313
 9 4         3 3        601. 0.276 4         0.463
10 4         4 2        589. 0.270 10        0.834
# ℹ 45 more rows
# ℹ 1 more variable: refinement <dbl>
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

If we realize we are interested in a specific topic, then we can go back to the original LDA output to find the samples that have high weights on that topic. E.g., for topic 3 in model 8, we could use

sort_order <- order(models[[8]]$gamma[, 3], decreasing = TRUE)
head(models[[8]]$gamma[sort_order, ], 10) |>

which shows that sample 1063701288 is nearly a pure representative from that topic.

r$> head(models[[8]]$gamma[sort_order, ], 10) |>
           [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]
1063701288 0.00    0 0.99 0.00 0.01 0.00    0 0.00
1060901118 0.00    0 0.99 0.00 0.00 0.00    0 0.01
1060901268 0.00    0 0.98 0.00 0.00 0.00    0 0.02
1063701208 0.00    0 0.97 0.00 0.02 0.00    0 0.00
1060901188 0.00    0 0.95 0.00 0.00 0.00    0 0.05
4009201318 0.12    0 0.87 0.00 0.00 0.01    0 0.00
1063701338 0.00    0 0.87 0.03 0.10 0.00    0 0.00
1063701198 0.00    0 0.85 0.01 0.14 0.00    0 0.00
1060901168 0.00    0 0.84 0.00 0.00 0.10    0 0.06
1063701318 0.00    0 0.84 0.08 0.08 0.00    0 0.00

To go from the alignment diagram to a specific path ID, you might want to show the path IDs in the legend. For this, we have to manually override the default plotting function (not elegant, but it works).

p <- plot(result)
p$guides <- guides(fill = guide_legend())


I'll let @lasy decide whether we should make a pull request. I've been able to use the function to see labels in the gamma plot for our demo data. She might also have other ideas for inspecting samples.

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Perfect, thank you all very much!

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