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6be6384 · May 30, 2014


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File metadata and controls

276 lines (245 loc) · 9.35 KB

Looking at time

If search is the most popular activity in Elasticsearch, building date histograms must be the second most popular. Why would you want to use a date histogram?

Imagine your data has a timestamp. It doesn’t matter what the data is — Apache log events, stock buy/sell transaction dates, baseball game times — anything with a timestamp can benefit from the date histogram. When you have a timestamp, you often want to build metrics which are expressed over time.

  • How many cars sold each month this year?

  • What was the price of this stock for the last 12 hours?

  • What was the average latency of our website every hour in the last week?

While regular histograms are often represented as bar charts, date histograms tend to be converted into line graphs representing time series. Many companies use Elasticsearch solely for analytics over time- series data. The date_histogram bucket is their bread and butter.

The date_histogram bucket works very similar to the regular histogram. Rather than building buckets based on a numeric field representing numeric ranges, it builds buckets based on a time ranges. Each bucket is therefore defined as a certain calendar size (e.g. 1 month or 2.5 days, etc).

Can a regular histogram work with dates?

Technically, yes. A regular histogram bucket will work with dates. However, it is not calendar-aware. With the date_histogram, you can specify intervals such as 1 month, which knows that February is shorter than December. The date_histogram also has the advantage of being able to work with timezones, which allows you to customize graphs to the timezone of the user, not the server.

The regular histogram will interpret dates as numbers, which means you must specify intervals in terms of milliseconds. And the aggregation doesn’t know about calendar intervals, which makes it largely useless for dates.

Our first example will build a simple line chart to answer the question: how many cars were sold each month?

GET /cars/transactions/_search?search_type=count
   "aggs": {
      "sales": {
         "date_histogram": {
            "field": "sold",
            "interval": "month", (1)
            "format": "yyyy-MM-dd" (2)
  1. The interval is requested in calendar terminology (e.g. one month per bucket)

  2. We provide a date format so that bucket keys are pretty

Our query has a single aggregation, which builds a bucket per month. This will give us the number of cars sold in each month. An additional "format" parameter is provided so that the buckets have "pretty" keys. Internally, dates are simply represented as a numeric value. This tends to make UI designers grumpy, however, so a prettier format can be specified using common date formatting.

The response is both expected and a little surprising (see if you can spot the "surprise"):

   "aggregations": {
      "sales": {
         "buckets": [
               "key_as_string": "2014-01-01",
               "key": 1388534400000,
               "doc_count": 1
               "key_as_string": "2014-02-01",
               "key": 1391212800000,
               "doc_count": 1
               "key_as_string": "2014-05-01",
               "key": 1398902400000,
               "doc_count": 1
               "key_as_string": "2014-07-01",
               "key": 1404172800000,
               "doc_count": 1
               "key_as_string": "2014-08-01",
               "key": 1406851200000,
               "doc_count": 1
               "key_as_string": "2014-10-01",
               "key": 1412121600000,
               "doc_count": 1
               "key_as_string": "2014-11-01",
               "key": 1414800000000,
               "doc_count": 2

The aggregation is represented in full. As you can see, we have buckets which represent months, a count of docs in each month, and our pretty "key_as_string".

Returning empty buckets

Notice something odd about that last response?

Yep, that’s right. We are missing a few months! By default, the date_histogram (and histogram too) only returns buckets which have a non-zero document count.

This means your histogram will be a minimal response. Often, this is not the behavior you actually want. For many applications, you would like to dump the response directly into a graphing library without doing any post-processing.

Essentially, we want buckets even if they have a count of zero. There are two additional parameters we can set which will provide this behavior:

GET /cars/transactions/_search?search_type=count
   "aggs": {
      "sales": {
         "date_histogram": {
            "field": "sold",
            "interval": "month",
            "format": "yyyy-MM-dd",
            "min_doc_count" : 0, (1)
            "extended_bounds" : { (2)
                "min" : "2014-01-01",
                "max" : "2014-12-31"
  1. This parameter forces empty buckets to be returned

  2. This parameter forces the entire year to be returned

The two additional parameters will force the response to return all months in the year, regardless of their doc count. The min_doc_count is very understandable: it forces buckets to be returned even if they are empty.

The extended_bounds parameter requires a little explanation. The min_doc_count parameter forces empty buckets to be returned, but by default Elasticsearch will only return buckets that are between the minimum and maximum value in your data.

So if your data falls between April and July, you’ll only have buckets representing those months (empty or otherwise). To get the full year, we need to tell Elasticsearch that we want buckets even if they fall before the minimum value or after the maximum value.

The extended_bounds parameter does just that. Once you add those two settings, you’ll get a response that is easy to plug straight into your graphing libraries.

Extended Example

Just like we’ve seen a dozen times already, buckets can be nested in buckets for more sophisticated behavior. For illustration, we’ll build an aggregation which shows the average price of the top-selling car each month.

GET /cars/transactions/_search?search_type=count
   "aggs": {
      "sales": {
         "date_histogram": {
            "field": "sold",
            "interval": "month",
            "format": "yyyy-MM-dd",
            "min_doc_count" : 0,
            "extended_bounds" : {
                "min" : "2014-01-01",
                "max" : "2014-12-31"
         "aggs": {
            "top_selling": {
               "terms": {
                  "field": "make",
                  "size": 1
               "aggs": {
                  "avg_price": {
                     "avg": { "field": "price" }

Which returns a (heavily truncated) response:

   "aggregations": {
      "sales": {
         "buckets": [
               "key_as_string": "2014-01-01",
               "key": 1388534400000,
               "doc_count": 1,
               "top_selling": {
                  "buckets": [
                        "key": "bmw",
                        "doc_count": 1,
                        "avg_price": {
                           "value": 80000
               "key_as_string": "2014-02-01",
               "key": 1391212800000,
               "doc_count": 1,
               "top_selling": {
                  "buckets": [
                        "key": "ford",
                        "doc_count": 1,
                        "avg_price": {
                           "value": 25000
               "key_as_string": "2014-03-01",
               "key": 1393632000000,
               "doc_count": 0,
               "top_selling": {
                  "buckets": [](1)
  1. Empty bucket because no cars were sold in March

As you would expect, we see a list of buckets corresponding to each month, including months that had no car sales (e.g. March). Each month then has bucket corresponding to the top selling make, and that bucket contains a metric which calculates the average price for that month.