GitHub is a collection of millions of repositories that offers services to facilitate collaboration on and development of a project. GitHub offers version control, which records who made each change to a repository and when. GitHub is the largest host of source code in the world. README files provide a description of a project.
Go to the Github website and enter a username, email address, and password.
SSH provides a secure channel in an unsecure network using encryption. On GitHub, the user creates a pair of public and private keys which allows remote access to a repo using the command line on Terminal. To create a SSH key for GitHub, go to Terminal. Type ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "<your_email_for_GitHub>"
. Press enter to save. Do not enter a passphrase. Then, go to GitHub settings. "SSH and GPG keys" is listed under "Personal settings" on the left side of the screen. Click "New SSH key" in the upper right corner. Copy the public version of the SSH key into the window on GitHub. More instructions
- Github pages site
- Create a new repository and name it, for a personal site could be
- Open Terminal and type in the location of where you want to file your repository
- For example, to put the repository in Desktop, type
cd Desktop
on the command line
- For example, to put the repository in Desktop, type
- Type in
git clone
and then the SSH version of the link, which can be found under "clone or download" on the repository page - Type
cd <repo_name>
which will navigate into the local GitHub repository on the computer - Type:
git add <repo_name>
git commit -m "initial commit"
git push -u origin master
Adding updated files from a computer to GitHub requires these three steps every time.
Github's instructions are fairly straightforward -- first click "Clone or Download" on the main page of a repo and copy the SSH key version. Then go to Terminal and type git clone <SSH_key>
, which will clone the contents of the git repo to your computer. To navigate into this repo, type cd <repo_name>
Create a program in a new file. Travis, CodeCov, SonarQube, etc. will all test this file (or files). To pull the file from GitHub to your local computer, type cd <repo_name>
, which will navigate into the repo and git pull
which will pull the updated files on the repo from GitHub to the computer.